MoonDust, Chapter 15

Maybe gwen had some sedative teas hidden away that would stop the dreams? she barely made it into the mess hall before alexei popped up beside her. "have you heard?" he demanded, his whiskers twitching.

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In the Negative: Chapter 15

She demanded, "if your son goes under sedation now, he's got maybe a ten percent chance of waking up again, and that's with generous rounding. you cannot do this. it's beyond unethical, and i refuse under threat of my resignation to take part in this."

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Memories (Chapter 3, book8)

Tamamo's vessel could not handle the overwhelming flood of the powerful sedative. her eyes fluttered shut and she relaxed. x x _july 30, 2049, afternoon... paris, france_ ...

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A New Life New Body: Everyone Goes to Hell

Dude, give me a sedative." seeing another hand reach over with a syringe i screamed "no!" and felt the anger rise up.

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Episode 9: Paradigm Shift

He has been sedated. he malfunctioned but he is alive and resting, i assure you." "repair him and bring him here," the computer said. "we can't.

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Artem the Feral Wolf Chap 2

Rikki wasted no time and muzzled the cub and than gave him a sedative. rikki was about to send ryan for a handsaw when he noticed that he was already at the front of the log ready to lift. "ready dad?"

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Danger Money

Letting myself into the bodyguard's room i put a strong sedative in his toothpaste. i had noticed that he brushed his teeth while watching the security cam.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 7

"you'll be sedated and unconscious and fed intravenously. i'll check in on you daily so just lie back and relax." as take care spoke the chamber inserted the ivs into both of her arms then she closed the lid.

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Enemy, Chapter 9

There were some nights i would wake in a cold panic, not knowing where i was for a few minutes, gasping for breath so hard my chest would ache and wendy or another nurse on duty would rush in, sedative in paw.

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH5)

He sedated me. nothing had changed over night though. i still had the burning desire to make puppies, to mate with a big strong male until i couldn't hold myself up anymore. i need something to put out this heat that is swelling up inside my womb.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

God of wine and celebration, he is the perfect party boy, whether you want to stage a sedate wine tasting, a drunken orgy or a drug-fueled rock concert in the back of beyond. invite him, and a party will usually show up in his wake.

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Framed part 3

He pressed the needle into my neck and i felt the burn of some kind of sedative being injected straight into the vein. whatever the stuff was it worked fast. i came to my senses a short while later and found myself somewhere very cramped and dark.

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