"hurry sam! the other teams are here!" vince says. "almost!" sam says. he finishes his last few ounces and walks with vince inside. "cruise directors, you've come in 10th." toner announces. "awesome." sam says. he puts both paws on his stomach.
A Chance of Showers - Part Three
sam seemed perfectly at ease with the situation, as if saving strangers was something he did every day. "how's he doing, sam?"
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 26
#28 of stories from elton high i'm not sure who's more surprised at this point, sam or me. he stares a... i'm not sure who's more surprised at this point, sam or me. he stares at me for a while longer before starting class.
Day 7
Names sam by the way, sam knight." he held out a blood soaked paw, i returned the gesture.
And where's sam?"
The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 2
This is sam, he'll be you're new roommate." i waved nervously, "hi. i'm sam." she smiled, "pleased to meet you. if you'll follow me, i'll show you to the room."
Furry and Proud: Chapter 1
sam said. "although, they did say they needed a little more help." sam looked at me. "oh no girl, you know i don't like that kind of stuff." i said. "say what? i'm pretty sure it was you who helped my father fix his old car." said sam.
Flip the Script
I'll go easy on ya, sam."
The Great Prophet Of Zao chapter 1: eyes in the darkness
sam just sits there looking down at her soup, neither eating it nor walking away. we'd sit there for a couple minutes in awkward silence. mom and dad keep staring at sam with worried looks.
four children
Babies got back in time for the door to open and sam to ask did they like the play room the four babies element protected them from sam okay i'll take that as no there mom said calm down or i'll have to use restriction on all four of you.
A New Job - Part 3
"oh jeez," he blushed as sam laughed and nudged her hips against his with a smile on her face.
Vietnam Goldfish Hunt
Him and sam manage to run faster than the twins. "what in the world?" kit asks. vince & sam make it to the rug. "congrats, cruise dudes," toner says, "you're in first." "yes!" sam says. he quickly hugs, then kisses vince and they step off.