Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 39

It lay facedown on the embankment, its long legs still in the river.

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Journey Begins - (Kreet 99)

"so, fot - that river..." "i've been thinking about that, of course," he said quietly, only inches from her. "if we tie ropes together, we probably have enough to reach across it.

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The Great Prophet Of Zao chapter 2: Safe Behind The Walls

I start heading back to the alley and ask "so do you think will be over to the other side of the river before they be able to break through the front gate"? "depends on how fast they can get the ships cross the river.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 30

He could feel every grain of sand scrape against his belly, could feel every drop of water striking him from the clouds above and from the river below.

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In the Absence of light...

She kicked a stone into the river in pure anger. "well what have you to say now? "master" huh? nothing!" she turned and began to head back to the river.

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The river from the forest cut its way into thousands of smaller rivers as it fell from the waterfall, and the rabbit spirits split it further so that it supported a huge sculpture of grasslands.

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Reunification: Part 1

The river wrapped around her legs as she waded into the cold river. her muscles relaxed as the water gently willed her downstream. grime and sweat loosened from her scales and washed away with the flow of the current.

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Far From Home: Chapter One: A Stranger Appears

The sun was barely a glow behind the row of trees beside the river. in the early hours of this dawn, crickets were still chirping as birds here and there began to wake up, singing their songs.

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The Price of Revenge

Bronn noticed the plates began to shake along with the river until he turned around eyes filled with terror as he pulled his wife and baby to safety. "rock slide!!"

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The Raccoon in the Moon

Raccoon found a bottle, wrote fox a note, corked up the bottle, and set it afloat upon the wet river, note dry inside.

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"no, i think i'll go to the river and get a drink. besides, you made an old warthog mad last time you did that, remember?" zuri turned away and began to trot east, where a couple hundred yards away ran the mara river. "hey, wait up!"

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