"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part B
Winterbough discusses with prince roland the findings of his initial investigation into the assault on one of the monks tied to the albric tor cathedral.
Sages of the Hidden Lights: Chapters 4-6
To my left stood bahrú, and sitting at the wooden table in front of us sat the prince to one side and my father to the other. prince pazifal was an exuberant man, to say the least.
"we know the prince is rearming, and pursuing the gravitic weapon used on paghuk-hån, and its successor, esoth-hån paghuk, that we destroyed along with the alliance. hanish's pack has fallen out of favor for challenging the prince's excesses.
Clown Mare 2-3
" * * * rane twirled around three times to the right while the prince used his left hoof and stepped back with his back-left hoof. his right eyebrow went up and down while looking at her.
Dearest Sorrow
With the emperor now dead, he had to work on his three children, in which the chosen prince to succeed him is xing. he decided he would assassinate the prince at his wedding.
 "i wonder if there's a prince out there, chasing her through the heavens trying to rescue her."â â i sighed and looked at him seriously.
Midway pt. 9 Fathers Unknown
Par- i am par prince of the kingdom of fae , and i command you to open this door stranger - you have no power here prince, only a king or queen may enter par- then i'm here to speak to king teco stranger- the king of catalina has given
The Crown: Chapter Twelve
Behind the cougar appeared prince xeneth, handsomely clothed in the garb of the yunka-shu, his arms out for yang-wo. the younger prince wasted no time entering his love's embrace, sharing a small kiss. "must we discuss the wedding _now_, father?"
The Hyena’s Concubine CH18
_i think i remember prince scar saying his estate was this way, _kion thought as he trudged onwards into the forest in spite of the pain.
The Useful and the Good
I tried to indulge the prince. "i am not as versed in these matters as you." "the captain said she can sail at seven and a half knots at full steam," prince enthar interjected. prince cædor was more interested in other things.
Into the Blue
I want the people of ha'lar to hear their prince beg for mercy before he dies."
chapter 16
"is it true ifrit is a crown prince? you also mention winsel. are they the princes of hell?"