An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 10-Birthday Surprises
Shelby looked at me,"so you going to open my present seth?" "course"i replied. i peeled back the paper and the opened the box.
Gone Fishing
No one would have the audacity to visit the mayor this early, and whilehe remains in his present form, unless that person was his wife.
Anatomy of a Being
I, being monkey born, would have had lips despite, but this gift is most remarkable in those who could never so much as sneer.
Do Dogs Have Souls?
It brings with it all of the person we gifted it to, and the soul they gifted to us is returned to them, where ever that might be, bearing with it all that we have shared, and become, to enrich them.
Chapter 3 Ylva dreams
"they will know that though i gave their mother the gift of life and their mother and father gave them the gift of life. you gave your life as a gift that they might live". she feels him shudder with pain and struggle to fight for the next breath.
A Darkness In Your Heart (Teaser)
This was supposed to be a gift for a friend that never went anywhere. this is supposed to be a gift for zenakarma. xd anyway, hope you enjoy this little mega-short story. btw, i am still writing my other series.
So it is Rewritten Episode 9
It's not a given that someone will give you a gift just because you start dancing," protested pinkie pie. "good point, pinkie," remarked twinkle twirl.
Crystal's Christmas Wish
What do these gifts they recieve even mean to them? what makes getting the gifts this season any different then getting them any other day? does it have something to do with the semi-fictional saint who brings gifts to all the good children?
The mightiest of all creatures
As she saw the gifts that the four bestowed upon the world and the wolves, she desired to bestow her gift upon the wolves as well. and so, she did.
Merry belated Christmas!
"i wanted to give you this as a gift for when you were supposed to come back a few months ago... i guess it's now your christmas gift." "well, now this is something i didn't expect." jason smiled as he accepted raiki's gift and opened it.
A Mother's Goodbye
It was something i understood all too well, and i remember the night i had to finally explain my gift to you.
Including morrigan in thanks for the gift they had given him." i think on that, "a gift? aside from having a child what was the gift?" cheshire turns his head to look back at me, "the gift to redeem the wrongs he was party too.