A Darkness In Your Heart (Teaser)
Well, I just found this in my folder of writing that has been just sitting, collecting dust. If I get enough interest in it, I will continue it, even though I should anyway. This was supposed to be a gift for a friend that never went anywhere. This is supposed to be a gift for Zenakarma. xD Anyway, hope you enjoy this little mega-short story.
Btw, I am still writing my other series. I am actually writing it as i'm posting this. Hopefully it will be up soon.
A calm breeze blows through her fur. The arctic fox stands, waiting silently. The trees provide her with cover from any unwanted eyes. She grips the knife in her paw tighter, ready to strike at any moment. She knows he will be here soon, and she wants to be ready. Suddenly, she hears a twig snap, and her ears dart to the right. Slowly, she turns her head, and sees where the noise came from. She sees a German shepherd walk by, completely oblivious to her presence. She smiles and licks here lips. The hunt was on. The silent assassin stalks her prey diligently. She hides behind trees and shrubs, following the German shepherd as he walked through these woods. He glanced behind him, as if he knew someone was following him. He quickens his pace, and she quickens hers, laughing inwardly as she approached him. She runs up behind him, and raises the knife, ready to strike. He trips, sprawling out onto the ground. She stops, standing over him, knife ready to strike. He looks at her, and their eyes meet, a look of pure fear in his eyes. "Sydney, please!" His words don't faze her, and she strikes him with the knife. She stuck with lightning fast speed and her anger towards him increases. He didn't even have time to scream as she strikes, showing absolutely no mercy. She stabs him about 10 times, before he finally collapses, blood pouring out of his open wounds. A glossy look comes over his eyes, his muzzle open in a never ending scream. A puddle of the crimson fluid forms around his body, and she steps back, admiring her handy work. She slinks back into the shadows, leaving the body to be found another day. She starts to run, not in fear, but in pure enjoyment. She laughs as she throws the knife into a lake, never to be found again. She returns home and crawls into bed, a smile on her face. She enjoyed this and hoped to do it again. "Soon...." She whispered to no one in particular, drifting off into sleep. She had just killed the person that caused her the most pain in her life, her boyfriend.
Sydney awoke with a start, her hands shaking, and her heart pounding. "That dream is just so insane." She mumbled to herself. "I almost wish it were true." She slowly got up, making her way to the bathroom. She stripped down and grabbed her brush, slowly brushing through her fur. She winced as she hit bruises, old and new. When she got to her tail, she almost gave up because of all the cuts that were present. She sighed when she was finally finished, glad that the pain was over, for now. She got dressed and stood there, looking at herself in the mirror. She was a fairly attractive Arctic fox, with a hint of silver in her white fur. In the sun, her fur almost glistened because of the silver in her otherwise white fur. She walked out of the bathroom, and reluctantly made her way to the kitchen, where she knew He would be waiting. She dreaded meeting up with him for many reasons, but one held a particular spot in her mind. She knew that he would beat her again, because whenever he comes home drunk, it always happens. The German Shepherd was a great guy, but he had a drinking problem. Whenever he was drunk, he released all his pent up rage on the only person he really cared about, his girlfriend. She had put up with it at first, and when he was sober, he always apologized and bought her something afterwards or treated her to a spa day, but lately the beatings have gotten worse. Some days she woke up, unable to move, dried blood in her fur. She was nearly to the breaking point, but she held on, just for the sake of him. He loved her, that was clear, but his problem had gotten worse. He came home drunk more and more often, and his beatings seemed to be getting more violent, and she found it harder and harder to walk in the morning. It was as if there was a darkness in his heart, and it was growing more unstoppable every moment.