Drawing on the Past

Birds called from distant branches, and a soft breeze carried the pleasant smells of earth and plants.

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DIDO Shadowrun 'Project Eden'

Power restored, they went to the flight deck to retrieve the explosives and plant them. at the elevator, with the bombs planted, jack had to wire the detonators to fire off in sequence so they would all detonate and sink the ship.


ALT - The Power of Life - Chapter 2

The plants themselves were entwined together by vines that wrapped around themselves and the plant stems and flowers. the flowers varied from shades of pink to white to a deep crimson red, and bloomed in various spots.

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Its Quieter Here

It was filled with flowers and plants with exotic colors that coated strange shapes.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 17 - The Drums of War

The plant was a half dozen stalks sticking out of a jagged bulb. the leaves were long, thin, and coloured a sickly yellow.

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Anthro Majorum Chapter 1

I'm sure we will find some edible vegetation there. the sooner we make it to those trees, the sooner we eat." "let's go!"


Chapter Six

She looked up through the scant cover of the foliage to judge the hour.

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Leaving Home

For the last two weeks, windy had put on a brave face, making an excuse for his pains as "just working at the plant, not used to it yet". his neighbors and coworkers had assured him that one didn't just "get used" to the chicken plant.

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Cherubi's Story - Chapter One

I could always find new berries to plant here, and help take care of them while i grew back my own cherry.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 31

Still don't have much experience with things besides plants." "aye, they dinnae stop ye," she replied with a smirk. "forby healing, ah ne'er tried much else wi' people or beasties masell. whit else? ye ken how tae make plants move aroond?"

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As a kid dusty learned how to control his powers with the help of his father who had the ability to control the earth around him with his mother having the power over plants and vegetation with dusty getting both powers.
