
Well i know i haven't been online in months and i have my computer monitored but i handled it.

Lonely Oak Chapter 11

The second crosswalk was monitored by none other than mr. pretty, the school principal.

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The Cost of True Peace 1

No, it was growing too fast, it was too late; so they watched, they watched sin fall into the doors and try to hold on, they prayed and feared and yelled, as he slipped between the doors, falling towards the black hole, his image jumping from monitor to monitor

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Raiyev Part 11

It lay there on the floor, the monitor cracked and smoking, and the minitower's guts being spilled out of the casing. "oh, fuck!"

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The Auditor - Act 3: There is no Act 3

Johan stabbed at the ghost just as every monitor on the command floor flickered and died.

Invane: Backrund

Only a bed sat adjacent to the monitor which i was surprise that these creature folks have one during the medieval times anyway. as i walked towards the monitor looking a bit surprise and curious at it, i saw that the device was pure white.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)

Corbin said studying the copilot monitor. "yeah that is very different. normally in these situations we encounter hostiles that are either trying to possess or kill us." i said as my little brother's face was glued to the monitor. "i found something!"

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Thirteen Tales 2020: First Tale

He looked up at the giant computer monitor hoping for some kind of explanation. the monitor was black, with the power saving indicator blinking in the bottom right hand corner.

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LOS: "Turning Into You."

Another flash of light poured out of the cylinder containing ehja', and the monitors went mad.

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Colonyship - Chapter 5 - Surveillance State

Asking curiously as i look at the monitor on the console. but the display seems to look like it's on the fritz to me displaying the same image twice but in different locations and colors like someone was using a half broken monitor.

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Vision: Chapter 2

He then heard the heart monitor slow down. "amanda?!" he screamed. the heart monitor was even slower.

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One Dot Below the I (#2)

I have my memories, my film, my images, my monitor but where did home, warmth and my lungs go, mother?

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