You Ruined Me

Suddenly the five of them were slammed into from behind by some large mass.

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A modern cold war, for a modern world

Faster telecommunication technologies gave the masses the impression the days were shorter and the distances too.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 28

Anna had the thought that with all that extra mass behind him he'd likely topple over if he tried to sit. losing the ability to speak coherently was a minor thing compared to that.

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Aurora Cross character sheet

Right from the start of their time in ministry the eec-talos began receiving prison transports, every six months like clockwork a new prison transport dropped out of mass drive into ministry space to deliver another cargo of "test subjects" for

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Krystal and Chase: Evacuation P3

Dark snapped, "we've still got that sub orbital mass driver to take down." "that's not our only trouble." another pilot replied, "transports will be entering rift in t-minus thirty seconds.

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Birthday Standoff! Thunder VS Random

With a new monster's presence, the forest around them grew restless and more vines and roots shot against thunder's monsters, increasing their mass more and more.

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Revised Psionics Write-up

Psionic majesty is much like a mass mind control, and the ultimate tool of the demagogue.

Last Flight of the Kithrasain

With a ship this big, the effect would be a critical mass point, which it reached some three minutes after the foldspace wake reached it.

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Chapter 12- On Shaky Ground

He was yelling and cursing and clawing at the black mass holding him to the pterodactyl's arm.

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Collar 15 -- Answers

I'm sure some folk must think that sunday is the best day of the week because of the joys of celebrating mass; don't think me a heretic, but i'd be lying if i said that the red panda's dinners didn't nudge out the mass by a whisker or two.

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The Dark Forest

General caius could just barely be made out amongst the mass of troops on the flank. his head shook undetectably as he stared on; there was something wrong about all of this.

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The Codex Chapter 4: Codex

"it will kill those incapable of recoiling, mass murder" darvo spoke with light unease. even though humanity had been rough on their kind, it wasn't right to encourage mass murder.

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