A Reading From the Gospel According to the Wolf
Gleaming white, so pale they seemed luminous, all long graceful arcades and collonaded palaces. he was certain those hadn't been there a moment ago either. and then there was the sky.
Hotel sunbloom 2/2
Diamond with her paws, began slowly lifting the cover of the tray and saw inside a few luminous eyes. suddenly a huge claw, grabbed to diamond and introduced her inside of the tray and the poor eevee starts to scream.
Episode 1B: Shakedown
Ahead of them was a light so luminous that it made the bridge awash with its brilliance.
Luna and Thief Ch: 11
A luminous aura was emitting from it - even the air around it felt poisoned. "yes, their energy has been disturbed... but this." "like from the train right?" luna could sense it too "... exactly that."
Diago's Adventures in Australia
He blushed again, dropping his eyes so he didn't stare at the almost luminous pink costume which just barely covered him, but accepted the glass eagerly. he sipped on the drink cautiously, before making that odd canine purr.
Black Meridian: White Lies
He had nothing in his paws but a length of rope, his white fur almost luminous in the moonlight. "outta bullets. noose for the wicked." she bit her lip, how the fuck was he up and moving again? "you gonna take that chance, beau?" she asked.
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 24
Once she reached the bottom, she looked down the wide spooky dimly lit corridor, which it revealed another door with a more luminous light shining through the cracks. "so is this the underground?" he shook off the spider before he walked ahead of her.
La Curandera - Chapters 1, 2 and 3
The room was still lit only by kenyon's flashlight forming a luminous patch at their feet and filling the space with a faint white glow. odella smiled and shuffled her feet, fiddling with one of the pouches on her belt.
Chicken Soup for the God's Soul
Someone, long ago, had painted the whole room in a bright, luminous yellow. it did a good job of lightening the space, but that didn't change the troubles of those who sat here.
Chapter 1: Pentagram
I sat back on my bed, and lay down, looking at that luminous light above me briefly, then closing them to have a feel of its warmth radiate through me. "how do you know so much about me?" i asked while lying there in that comfortable light.
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 27+28
Lyndis opened an eye, catching a tiny glimpse of the castle that tormented them beyond the forest's canopy, luminated by the passing moons. "do you think he's still alive? lyyreth, i mean.
Operation: Flying Fox (A L.O.K. Fanfic)
What he could see was nothing but stone bricks, the only lumination coming from green, glowing crystals embedded into the walls. corridor after corridor was nothing but this, that is, until they reached an iron door with a barred window near the top.