Adaptation. Chapter 1
He's the one who only wears a loincloth while the other has some other clothing pieces with them. i point to him and he jumps in surprise.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 36: Zero hour! The destruction of Fur Dreams City begins!
He walked around everywhere in his favorite loincloth and small pouch for his small items and that was it. he wore his bow in his quiver; which was strapped to his back. samiake also had unusual red eyes and a tattoo on his forehead.
Virtually Unreal
His lower body is covered only by a simple chainmail skirt covering a loose loincloth made from the hide of some unknown beast. his long horns are decorated with golden rings that fit tightly.
The Sincerest Form
Boko had showed him shelves, masks, candlesticks, capes, wrenches, robes, hourglasses, togas, beakers, uniforms, lamps, djellabas, bottles, loincloths, instruments, paintings, shoes, vases, canes, statues, boots, rugs, shoes, statues, and books about his favorite
Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi
He draped his clothes carefully against a chair, and then took a long linen strip out of a cupboard, which he efficiently tied into a loincloth.
Around her flaring hips, terrel could see that she wore a tightly fitting loincloth. her legs were crossed in front of her, long, shapely and powerful, covered with the same deep brown fur that protected her whole body.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 3: An Orc's Ambition
He wore only a simple loincloth, and xellik could see a bulging haversack on his back that suggested he normally wore more. the scent of wet dog assailed xellik's flared nostrils, and he cringed away from the gnoll.
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 1: Prophecy
He wore only a loincloth for clothing, exposing a slender, lightly muscled body. around his neck he wore a necklace made of gold plates held together by a chain of the same material.
My loincloth!" he cried out as the only clothing that he was using was rip off his body by a root, leaving him in bare fur. but spyro could not stop, not when there was a big ownbear running after them.
Clan Foxhound: Chapter 2 (SFW)
She wore a simple loincloth to cover her body parts, "i, sparks! sparks take bushy tail's shiny." vixie covered her jaw and snickered, while i grabbed the handle of my wrench, "give that back!"
Knight Under a Crescent Moon
Like some of the other raiders, he wore nothing more than a large loincloth from his waist down. he grimaced as he said nothing, whether he was refusing to speak or couldn't speak at all.
The Return of the Unlucky Gun
Around his middle was a loincloth with a few buttoned pouches. his paws were massive, humanoid fingers with talon-like claws stretching an inch or two from the tips of his digits.