Adaptation. Chapter 1
This is my first time trying to upload something. I would love some feedback and I'll try to upload more.
The year was 2140, the Earth had been ravaged by nuclear warfare and pollution.
Billions died in weeks and the world government got desperate.
In a last ditch effort to save humanity, a team of researchers was tasked to a bunker.
A bunker holding the DNA of all life on Earth before this catastrophe, of every species on Earth and everything they need to repopulate the World when all the damage disperses through time.
I am A. I was the one leading this team. That day everything was set in motion.
We will create a new and better world when the time comes but now we have to wait in hibernation.
And wait for the atmospheric scanner to notify us that it is safe again.
There was 5 of us, five prestige researcher task to save the last of humanity
And so we sleep...
"Carbon dioxide on the planet stabilizes. Initiate waking up researcher."
The sounds of the hibernation pod opens up as I feel the warm air rush into the pods.
My eyes open with the grogginess I'm too used to.
I sit up and rub my arms to create more warmth.
"Good morning everyone!"
I smile and look around to the other pods but...something is wrong.
The other hibernation pods aren't releasing cold fog like mine.
It's also awfully silent.
"Computer! Report!"
A monitor screen appears from the ceiling.
"The Earth's atmosphere has stabilized and is hospitable."
This thing isn't dumb yet it's not answering me what I want it to say.
"Where are the others ?!"
The computer stays silent for a bit as if analyzing the situation.
"It seems the other pods have encountered a malfunction."
A malfunction?!
We proof check everything. How is that even possible?
"Explain why and where the others are now."
It lights up a video feed.
"You, researcher A, have been in the pod for 6000 years without any malfunction."
The video shows footage which was taken...1500 years ago.
"It seems one of the pods wasn't containing a researcher."
I freeze up. What?!
"Pod number 3 containing Rachel Powder. She broke out of her pod one thousand five hundred years ago."
How?! Everyone should be who they are ?! Rachel ?
"She broke 3 more pods with the intention of getting help."
She drags 3 more down with her...oh no Leon.
"Pod 2 occupant. Incapacitate her before she could reach you."
What happened to them ?! Where's the intended researcher then ?
"Where are the others ?"
It didn't respond...
I start shouting, balling my fist.
"I said, 'Where are the goddamn other researcher?!'"
"They did not wake up when the Earth's atmosphere was habitable. So in order to survive..."
It looks toward the hall leading to the DNA chamber.
"Some researchers start splicing and spinning DNA sequences to make new species to survive."
They WHAT ?!
No, that's not safe. You could create a monster out of this.
"The cloning bay and the hydroponic bay were closed up and the key code was yours."'s my fault.
"W-where are they now !?"
It didn't answer me and the video feed cut to static.
Did they break the camera so I couldn't find out ? Dammit fuck...
Why...if they had just broken me free too, everyone one of them would survive.
"I am sorry for not being of use to the Creator."
What? I didn't program it to be like this.
"How...I didn't put an emotion emulator in you."
The thing lights up with the face of...oh god. Leon, Sophie and Haru...
They look sick, the atmosphere from outside must have spread.
"They seem to care a lot about you. They wish to keep you safe."
I look at the machine. They knew they wouldn't survive so they combined the DNA of other species to make it easier to adapt.
I'm always against changing pre-existing humans. It's always painful. do that also means they're not human anymore.
I stand up from my pod. No use feeling down, I have to push through...
But without them cloning humans will be hard.
Cloning humans with only 1 DNA sequence makes a perfect clone of that DNA.
Which isn't what I'm after.
I want to create a new Human which requires multiple DNA sequences.
"What shall you do now,Creator?" doesn't feel right. You have emotion, they put emotion inside of you so I wouldn't be lonely?
"Are the seed banks safe ?"
The screen lights up with green.
"I need to sort out the food situation."
I started taking my step but I realized I'm only in my underwear.
I quickly went to my room on the ship.
"The master code: 081176"
Which is also my code room, a code that opens all doors in the bunker.
I quickly put on my work clothes and head to the hydroponic room.
I open the door.
Everything is fine thank god. Adamantite takes too long to degrade and the dirt is fertile.
"Computer! Plant 3 rows of potato and 3 rows of corn."
It quickly confirms the command and seeds each row accordingly. It's gonna take awhile til they actually grow though.
I walk to the storage supply...which also locks me.
I really didn't account for this situation.
I open the door to see the dehydrated food is still intact. Every single one of them...
They didn't even try to break the door open.
"Leon, the British researcher, said to not break the structure because it risks a full breach."
He's right. A full breach might contaminate the DNA sample and seed banks.
He is always right.
I ordered the AI to rehydrate some of the food while I went into the DNA lab.
I checked everything...which did they use ? How much did they use ?
Hopefully not too many and not the really dangerous species.
Each row...carefully organized but some are missing.
And some more livestock species but other than those the one that are missing are truly unusual.
"The atmosphere one thousand five hundreds years ago wasn't habitable for human life..."
But through combining other species they adapt ?
That is plausible but without the cloning bay, they wouldn't be able to grow in numbers...
"Unless it's not possible for them to reproduce with each other."
As if it can read my mind, the computer announces something.
"The Japanese researcher, Haru Miyazaki, brought in a spare Cloning device."
"What ?"
When the governor said to bring something from the past world to remember by...she brought that in ?
Was she accounting for a malfunction like now ?
I'm so useless compared to everyone...why did they appoint me as leader.
I continue my efforts on trying to understand what they do.
"They took all the data with them ?! No they wouldn't...why would they ?!"
Wait...where is Rachel?
"Computer, Where is the intruder after they leave ?!"
After scanning the bunker, it finally answers.
"Rachel Sanchez, The Indian Researcher whose twins snuck on disguising as her, has also fled with one of the vile strands."
It processes the information a little while longer before continuing.
"It was one of the vile strands that the 3 research team left behind. I do not know which one, I'm afraid."
That...scum, I would kill you but considering it's been 1500 years. Everyone is probably dead now.
I sigh.
This is...I really can't handle this alone.
The machine screen came close to me.
"What is it?
"They left you a message after programming this...emotion for me."
It starts playing a voice message. There's Leon...Sophie...and Haru.
"Ayin...if you get this message, we will probably be dead by then."
He coughed...I can hear the others breathing heavily. The atmosphere...or is it exhaustion.
The conversion of pre-existing genes is...painful.
"Just know that...We are proud to have you as leader."
The other chimes in with compliments and cheers. Tears start flowing down.
"I know you and I didn't get along but you were the best co-worker I have ever had the pleasure to work with."
"You-Nngh- always helped me when I was struggling. You were strict but-Ah...but I know you care for all of us."
Her voice is weakening...their breathing is weakening. The oxygen by then must have been very low.
"You two should save your strength for the journey. Ayin...I love you."
The recording cut out and I just sat there. Holding my knees.
"Leon you...dumbass you should have told me sooner!"
I scream out in agony.
"I should have talked to you more Haru... I'm sorry."
I rub my eyes as I scream out.
" always told me to open up more. You were like a big sister to me."
I cry in the loss of my friends. I don't know for how long.
With no one comforting me but a machine...
The first day of my awakening was rough...but if Leon saw me now, he would laugh at me.
I must push on even without...god I hate being alone.
A couple weeks passed without much happening.
I set up some memorial shrines in remembrance of them. One for each of them. Located inside of their room.
Each day I will make sure to pay them a visit. And make their favorite meal for them.
It is March 3rd when I finally get my shit together to do some actual work.
"The atmosphere is habitable. Oron scans the surrounding area outside for any sign of animal life."
I decided to name the Computer, Oron. Calling it a computer all the time is a little weird.
It has emotion and learns emotion due to the emulator.
It takes a while to must have flourished more than I expected.
In truth I haven't left the cave hiding this Bunker, I have only seen the entrance to the Cave through the front camera of the Bunker.
"There are some livestock around the meadow to the west. The jungle you are located in also contains many wild animals."
Wild animals...if i explore my surroundings, I need to have some weapons.
Luckily the bunker does have an armory.
I pay my respects to my friends before walking to the armory.
I shouldn't need anything too extreme. Just a pistol and a knife should be enough...
I make my way to the entrance of the bunker taking in the interior design all of us have put effort in.
Oron has done its job of preserving it. It was designed with high tech technology of course.
Some species of animal did survive the catastrophe we caused...hopefully they didn't mutate into monsters.
I finally arrive at the entrance and enter the door code.
"Take some samples of the fauna and flora outside, examine them when I get back."
The gate door spins and steam releases to cool down the movement.
I step outside the bunker feeling the air is much less stuffy than it is inside.
Nothing beats fresh natural air.
I walk out of the massive door frame.
The soft dirt ground supports my weight as I walk near the Cave entrance.
Light starts to shine up more brightly as I walk closer until I can see an opening.
I can see a dense jungle in my way but something else particularly catches my eyes.
It was a small...placement of rock to form small structures.
There's what I can only assume as fruit and meat.
"A shrine ? That means..."
No, I can't come to a conclusion just yet. The shrine is crudely made, feather ornaments and skulls decorating the front.
Quite primitive.
"Tribal age in 1500 years..."
That's awfully fast. Those three really don't need me at all.
But...if there are tribes of them. Where would they be ?
And maybe they aren't in the tribal age and this is just an abandoned shrine.
Too many possibilities...
I walk past the shrine and finally venture outside the cave.
Taking in the flora surrounding me, a lush jungle.
I start collecting every single leaf and insect I can.
Most of which I recognize but it doesn't hurt to examine if anything has changed.
There are some new insects though. They look like giant flies. They're the size of my fist.
I kill one of them with the knife and put it in my container.
A four-eye lizard...creepy.
As I collected my sample, the day passed on until it was noon.
My quantum container is full.
"This should keep me busy for a while."
I turn around to follow the mark I left on each tree back to the entrance of the cave.
As it came into my sight, I spotted something black kneeling down in front of the shrine.
A predator?!
I hide behind the bush and tree.
It's... Bipedal?!
Black fur, a long tail. This must be one of the three creations.
Or...the intruder.
He's wearing nothing but a loin cloth with a bow strapping around him.
He has a quiver they are in the tribal stage right now.
He's putting something onto the shrine. Fruits it seems.
So they worship this place. At least this tribe does.
Why would they though?
It's just a cave, nothing special about it.
He's moving again. I have to stay low, whether they're peaceful or violent.
But...something like this is so fascinating. It's not the first time we combine our DNA with other species.
Usually for the purpose of War. It's considered a crime though.
Even so, most of them just get the bare minimum traits like speed and strength...never have I seen something so akin to humans with animalistic features.
It's so tempting to...have it as a live specimen.
...I should probably try to survive first before I even think about that.
I look back to see where it is now.
He's gone.
I sigh relief and start walking out toward the shrine and foot prints.
"It looks like our feet but has paw beans of an animal too."
I check the shrine.
"The old fruits are replaced and the meat also."
I kneel down picking up one of the fruits. Smelling it.
It smells acidic but also sweet. The skin is easily peeled off.
Oranges? They're blue though and aren't round like before.
I stand but my ears catch some rustling behind me.
I turn around to see the same beast charging at me this time on all four.
"Too fast!"
I couldn't even grab my gun or knife before it pinned me to the ground.
Its paw holding my arms tightly but no claws ?
It's growling at me, baring its teeth visibly angry.
I struggle against the amount of grip it's putting out.
Something far more unusual happened though.
"What are you?! How dare you steal our offering ?!"
My language chip is picking up something and translatinting it to me.
This is...Polish ?!
What should I do ?! I doubt Oron can send out a drone quickly enough.
"Are you deaf ?! Speak at once, hairless monkey!"
It's unreasonably close to my face now.
Wait... I can still move my legs. And this thing is male.
Hopefully the one universal weakness is still universal.
I kick as hard as I can right in the middle. And the beast toppled over holding the damaged part.
Thank god. The genitalia is still the biggest weakness of all species.
I quickly stand up to look over the panther who's writhing in pain.
It's cursing at me.
Good to know they can curse.
I quickly grab my bag and run into the cave.
The light faded and my night vision triggered. I can probably call Oron for protection if it decides to come in here.
"Finally, home sweet home."
Hopefully I didn't hurt it too badly. I just want to be free right now.
I'll try to communicate with them some other times.
As I wait for the door to open, I can hear the thing scream out in Polish.
"Get back here you monkey ! You'll pay for that."
Polish...Leon was from Poland so maybe this is his descendants.
But why panthers ?
He's more of a dog person than a big cat. How did he manage to teach them Polish even?
The door finally opens as I turn around to see the beast struggling in the dark.
"Looks like they didn't inherit the night vision genes."
"The fuck you said to me ?!"
He didn't understand Korean at all... so no language chip in him.
Not that I expect any.
I walk inside the door and it quickly closes behind me. I sigh, exhausted.
I check the part of my arm where he grips. It's bruised.
I can hear the thing screaming behind the door but not out of anger.
"You...enter the cold wall. You must be..."
Fear...this must be part of their religion. Whoever enters the bunker is a god to them.
Did the guys also teach them this religion? So I'm god in their eyes.
This can't be pleasant for me. If movies have taught me anything, being god when you're not actually god can only end with death.
"I can't stay here forever either and if these are the closest thing to humans we have..."
It's gonna be hard separating genes that have been around for over millennia.
I can hear the machine moving.
"Welcome back, A. Did you have a great trip ?"
I look at the screen...did it become more human now ?
No, it's just emulating what a human would do and respond.
That's what an emotions emulator does. The ones that actually make machines human are banned.
Due to the requirements of Human consciousness and deem inhumane.
"Oron, did you know that the..."
Ah...what should I call them?
They have a conscience so calling them a beast is wrong.
But they're not human. I have never seen anything intelligent like a human that isn't human.
"Those other researchers' creations, I assume you meet one of them today. They seem to worship you as their god."
"It seems so. How many are there ?"
It processes the information for a bit.
"There are around twenty tribes but four are bigger than others."
There must be conflict. God dammit. I'm happy with this work but this is gonna result in a lot of political warfare.
"Everyday since the day the researcher left, there have been offerings of many kinds in front of the cave."
"So you know about them ? Why didn't you tell me earlier ?"
It stays silent for a moment. Then lower the screen as if to signal its guilt.
"I did not account for your safety at the time. I apologize for my mistakes."
"You are becoming more like a human with that emulator. "
I shake my head and start walking back to the lab.
Before I do that though. I change my clothes and put the weapon back in the armory.
While changing I notice the bruise mark he left behind.
Jesus what the hell?!
"Oron apply some ointment onto these bruise marks for me."
It follows the order and comes back with a metal arm.
Spraying some ointment onto the mark.
It stings dammit.
I grit my teeth at the pain for a while but eventually it numbs out.
"Oron tells me. Which species are the four big tribes ?"
It analyzes the information it scans again.
"The current jungle is where the Panther tribe is located. The sea to the North is the Otter tribe."
It pauses a little...not surprisingly. It's doing a large area scan. It would take a long time for it to respond.
"Toward the East is the desert inhabited by the Fox tribe. The meadow at the West is where the Weasel tribe lives."
So spread out... I guess they move to a more habitable place for the respective species to live in.
I walk to the biological lab, making sure to place each sample of plant neatly.
These biomass are quite valuable to me. Analyzing these should keep me busy for a while.
For the past week, I regret to say I haven't been doing anything but checking on each system of the facility and emotional eating.
Wasting my food supply isn't good...but I still have plenty because all of it was meant for all of us.
The potatoes have grown well so food won't be an issue ever.
"Eating so much is gonna make me fat. That's not good for exploring."
I grumble to myself as I stray away from the delicious dehydrated and radiate food.
"Now analyzing these samples... especially the fly."
This shouldn't take long. I didn't graduate from the best institution for no reason.
12 hours later...
"WHAT ?!"
I look around away from the microscope and biomass analyzer.
I see...Oron.
"Creator, it is 5 am now. You should go to sleep."
"What ? It's not that late, it's only been an hour..."
I look at my's really 5 am.
But I just finished the second leaf sample.
"You need some sleep, Creator."
"No! I need to do this research. These samples are so valuable. I just discovered Tea again."
The AI processes the information for a few seconds before responding with a familiar voice.
"No...I'm not tired Leon. Shut up..."
The voice echoes in my head, chastising me for staying up late.
That's so like him. He always cares.
I put all the samples in the cryo chamber and started walking out of the lab.
Slowly my step moves forward until I finally reach my room.
The bed is soft and nice. Oron always kept this place clean and maintained.
I should...reward him. Him ? It's a robot, isn't it ?
"WHAT ?!"
I jump up in surprise, being awakened suddenly in my slumber is not pleasant.
I look around and see the screen of Oron in front of me.
I check my watch to see....7 am. I slept for 2 hours?!
"Why did you wake me up ? I need more sleep."
I rub my eyes already knowing that he won't let me sleep more.
"Normally I would let you sleep more but...we have an emergency."
I tilt my head while yawning loudly.
"There's a group of tribal beastmen in front of the cave."
My eyes shot wide open which actually hurt a lot since I'm still quite tired.
"Ow...send a drone out and keep them busy but don't talk to them."
I rub my eyes to ease the grogginess. I walk to the bathroom and quickly make myself ready.
After I'm done, I run to the main control room where it was meant for observing the outside safely.
This is where Oron spends most of his time.
I look the screen and see a crowd of...beastmen I guess.
I guess I'll called them that. Much easier than finding out a scientific name for them.
I see the drone just sitting there showing them some tricks.
Flipping over, spinning or hovering.
They all seem amazed at the primitive.
"They seem to have a hierarchy of sorts. The two panthers standing next to each observing carefully are the King and Queen."
He zooms in at what he is talking about. They're wearing more than others and are much more fashionable.
There's a necklace and gems along with a feathery crown.
Some war paint is on the King along with a toothy smile.
The god shows us one of his servers. An impenetrable bug. And he's entertaining us ?"
He laughs this time. The Queen shakes her head.
At the corner, I see the same panther from yesterday.
He looks nervous. Poor guy must have had a rough time yesterday.
"Oron, send it back inside, I'll go contact them myself."
The AI complies and the drone slowly moves back in as I walk to the bunker's exit.
It didn't take long for me to get outside but I did bring along a hooded robe with me.
As I slowly walk out of the cave, gasping ensues.
Discussion begins as I walk into the light but not far away from the cave entrance.
"You must be the one our infantry talk about."
He must be talking about the guy from yesterday. I look around...I can't find him ?
He was clearly visible from the drone camera.
"Dear lord, the legend is true. Someone does live in that cave."
I look at her and she flinches.
"Don't worry honey, the first tribe to witness this will be granted a blessing. So we, Felan, will have more power over the other tribe now." they think I will grant their tribe a blessing...
Sorry but I'm not generous and I'm bored.
I raise an arm to them and raise one finger up.
They look at it for a while before the Queen chimes up.
"One finger... he must mean only one will be blessed."
She smirks as if she just won.
"See dear, I told you he would only choose one. I know the legend better than you."
So there's multiple versions of this story.
The king chuckles and shouts something.
The crowd behind them move aside and a big muscular panther walks to where the couple stand.
He's looking at me with a shit-eating grin. I already don't like this guy.
"This is the god we worship ?!"
He laughs at me with his finger pointing at me. I can feel my fist balling up.
Keep calm, I can choose if I want...can't I ?
"Do not be disrespectful, son. It is the utmost honor that we could get this for you."
They're doing this just for this scum ? Compared to the other warriors, he has way less scar.
Actually now I got a closer look, he's not as buff as the other warriors.
The guy from yesterday is better built than him. This guy just has some muscle but he never puts in the work, does he ?
I sigh as he reaches a hand out as if he's expecting me to grab it.
I look at his face to see the same grin.
I look around to find the panther from before.
Oh there he is...he's hiding from me ?
I ignore the hand from the princely and walk toward the crowds of soldiers.
"What ?! You dare igno-"
I glare at him. That startles him, a coward that's what he really is.
Everyone is silent. The Queen however is smirking, the King is looking at the sight emotionless.
Or was he expecting this but was hoping for a different result.
I don't give them any mind and just make my way toward the soldiers.
The crowds move as I walk toward them like a toothpaste falling one the wet floor.
Or an ants army avoiding an obstacle.
It doesn't take me long to find the one I want.
He's the one who only wears a loincloth while the other has some other clothing pieces with them.
I point to him and he jumps in surprise.
Whispers surround the nervous panther, I would rather get someone who actually dares to attack me than a slacker.
I hear a louder and deeper voice chime up from behind me.
"You dare reject me ?! I am the son of-"
I hear a loud slap coming from behind me. It's probably from one of his parents.
"So your uncle's version of the legend is the correct one. I guess he won that bet now."
The father chuckles as I hear the mother chastising the son.
I look back at the soldier...he's not the most muscular but definitely more than the prince.
He has more scars than him for sure. He's much more...socially incapable though.
I hold my hand out to him. He hesitates and looks like he's about to run away.
The other soldiers don't let him and simply push him while cheering him on. He must not get any reward often for that.
They push him a bit too hard though. He practically stumbles onto me and nearly falls onto me.
Luckily he manages to stop himself just in front of me.He scratches the back of his neck, face red.
"Go on, Lyuno ! You deserve it !"
He turns back. Glaring at the other panther who's cheering him on. He seems to be well liked.
"Shut up! I-I don't know."
I can see his tail thrashing behind him. His ear is bright red...
He really doesn't want this ?
It's moving a lot, that tail of his. I grab it, making him jump.
...aww, that's kinda cute. They squeak like cats too.
He turns to look at me and I smile gently, honestly I didn't want to embarrass him anymore.
The soldiers just snicker and laugh but I can hear the same awe in the midst.
I guess I'm not the only one who thinks this is cute. I can see his face is bright red.
He slowly puts his hand onto mine.
"I'm the prince! I should be chosen, not this low rank hunter."
I look over to the obnoxious princely, he steps back. Big word for someone so scared.
The hunter, Lyuno, is hesitating again... do they know each other in some way ?
I hold his hand harder, it's quite firm. That takes him by surprise but he doesn't reject it.
He wants this yet he doesn't want to take it ?
I pull him back closer to the cave entrance while the prince still screams behind me.
"So... your brother's version is the correct one. The one who first met the cave dweller, is the one who will be blessed."
She giggles and slaps her son again. I can hear him squeal behind me.
I chuckle as I can imagine the scene behind me.
The panther holding my hand doesn't pay them any mind but just follows me.
Just before we enter the cave, I stop in front of the entrance and turn around to look at the crowds.
They don't seem to be in a hurry to leave but I don't want them to stay here the entire time.
I look at them, the couple smile while the son has his arm folded, glaring at me.
I point at myself and then to Lyuno. After that I point to the cave then I turn back to them and wave them away.
The queen and king seem to get the message. The Queen smiles but the King rolls his eyes bemusingly.
This is a happy couple if I have seen one. Makes me wonder what Leon and I would be like together.
I ignore the thought and pull the nervous panther inside of the cave.
Walking normally until there's no light at all.
They don't have night vision... inheriting our eyes must be quite unlucky.
I sigh and hold his hand tighter as I guide him to the bunker entrance.
Thankfully he didn't trip or fall on the way. He was mumbling a lot the whole way through.
I walk over to the keypad and let go of his hand.
I type in the code to open the door.
"Your holiness, where are you ?! what's that sound ?"
I need to get a lingual chip in him before I die of cringe.
The door opens and light starts to rush through the door and shine onto us.
I remove my hood and turn to look at...him ?
Oh jeez...he's frozen.
"The-the wall moves ?! What the fuck ?!"
I quickly grab his hand and pull him inside. That startles him for sure because he pulls back and my face crashes into his chest.
Jesus chest it's hard...
He quickly recovers though and grabs me by the shoulder, holding me in front of him.
"I'm sorry, my-"
I hold my hand up in front of his mouth, I really don't want to hear him calling me that.
That does stop him from speaking and his face goes bright red.
This time he obediently follows me without the hand holding.
We walk inside the bunker, him being amazed by everything.
"What kind of material is this ? It's hard and so shiny."
Good to know they haven't discovered metal yet.
I guide him to the medical bay and signal him to stay there.
I go to the supply closet and find a box of lingual chips.
I quickly ran back to the medic bay to find...
Huh...he's sitting quietly on the chair I point at. You would think he is curious about the home of God.
I point to the operating table and he walks up to it before tilting his head in confusion.
I lay my head down to make a lying down motion and he seems to understand it.
Laying down on the table, I run toward the cabinet and grab a sedative but then I realize...
How strong will it have to be ?
"Use the standard sedative for him, creator."
Oron comes out of the ceiling and makes the panther startle but he doesn't move from the table.
He's still lying there but much more nervous and scared
I nod and grab the standard sedative for humans.
Now one whiff of this and a human is ready for operation.
Not the first time I have done this but the first for a non-human.
But...since they're really close to humans anyway, maybe I'll get some fun from this.
I unwittingly let out a sadistic smile while thinking.
Oh shoot, move quickly and maybe he won't run away.
I move the gas over and stand next to him. Smiling warmly standing above him.
I point to my mount.
"Maybe...I don't want to-"
I quickly put the inhaling device on his face but I noticed something...
Ah this is designed for humans, not beastmen.
But luckily it didn't take much of a gas to incapacitated him so he's out like a log.
I sigh.
"Forgot about the snout but still works out."
I shake my head slightly and begin disinfecting myself in the nearby chamber.
And then the lingual chip implant operation begins.
5 hours later...
Ah...I haven't had this much fun since I dissected that weird experiment from North Korea.
Truly nothing beats working on a new and unusual specimen.
I wipe my sweat as I close the cut with a tissue sprayer.
The chip is in. Took a while since I don't know if he has the same brain as humans do.
Usually lingual chip implants only take 1 to 2 hours for a rookie doctor but I'm a pro so it takes me even shorter than that.
The most basic implantation.
"I brought water for you, Creator."
I grab it and put it down in one gulp.
"Hah...thank you, Oron."
I look back at the panther, still unconscious. Honestly, I didn't expect him to stay asleep the whole time.
No matter...
"Oron, bring me some food. "
It complies and I sit down in a nearby chair...exhausted.
It's only 2pm. I'm not gonna go to sleep just yet.
My food arrives, rehydrates beans and tomato soup.
Smells normal enough luckily, hopefully the potatoes will grow soon.
I really need some French fries and mashed potatoes right now.
I start to dig in while thinking back about the operation.
His skull is way tougher than I thought. So it's definitely formed from a slightly different composition of material than our.
I had to ask Oron to whip up a new strand of Bone fiber so I can actually close his skull.
Other than that there's the brain itself.
It's...hard to resist examining every inch to see the reaction or effects it may have on the specimen.
I feel kinda guilty for wanting this...Sophie didn't save me from the back alley doctor for this, did she ?
I chuckle to myself, god she would be furious right now.
"It seems the specimen is regaining consciousness."
I stare at the robot...
That quick ? How fast do they heal ?
I turn around and see the beastman squirm. Struggling to wake up before his eyes are finally open.
He slowly sits up but winces at the pain from his head.
Fast healing but not fast enough.
"Uh...what happened ?"
He looks around confused while rubbing his head.
Hmm...I guess now is a good time to test the chip.
"Good morning."
He jumps up in surprise and nearly falls to the ground face first.
"Wuh?! I can...understand you ?!"
Yeah, it works. This should make things a little more simple.
"I'm sorry, your holiness. I didn't mean to be rude."
He bows down with both knees.
"Please don't call me that...My name is Ayin but call me A."
He looks up at me with a scared face.
"What is...this voice in my head?! What kind of blessing did you give me?!"
He holds his head with a mixture of confusion, fear and joy.
"Ok...calm down first. Here, have some food."
I push my tray of food to him. Half of it is gone but eh.
He grabs it, hesitating but then dive his face first down onto the soup.
Slurping noise ensues and my face is covered with soup droplets.
I grab a towel on the table nearby and wipe my face before seeing him downing the bean.
He seems to like it too. I guess they don't have good food often.
"You done ?"
He looks up with a satisfied face that quickly turns into a face of guilt.
"I'm sorry for being rude your-"
I cut him off.
"Call me A, Lyuno. I'm not a god, you don't need to see me as one. You could have easily killed me yesterday."
I sigh as his face turns from guilt to confusion then back to guilt again.
"But...the legend."
"The legend is probably created by my friends."
I scratch the back of my head before rubbing my temple.
"You're friends with the four great creators ?"
"Well three of them but that's enough I guess."
I observe as he fidget on the operating table. Luckily Oron cleans the blood out before he wakes up.
"I want your help with something."
He looks at me surprised but quickly turns nervous.
"I need to stay with me. Of course you can go back to your tribe anytime but I want you to live with me."
He nods but his face is doubtful.
"I'll give you anything you want while you're here. You will guide me around to your tribe and the others when I ask."
His face is now emotionless, it would really help if he's responding to me.
"Do you understand me ?"
He cups his chin and closes his eyes, thinking about his next words and action.
Didn't take long for him to respond though but he stood up and walked close to me.
He kneels down to make eye contact with me. I instinctively raise an eyebrow.
He looks a little wary but his eyes also show a strong desire and determination.
"I'll help you."
My eyes widen in surprise but quickly respond though I get interrupted before I could say a word.
Both of his hands are on my shoulder holding me tightly. His eyes stare into mine as if they're looking into my soul.
His hot breaths blow onto my face as he breathes but that is when I notice how nice it smells.
"S-Sorry...this is the first time someone this important has asked me for help."
He lets go and bows as he apologizes profusely.
I sometimes get to focus on what just happened before noticing another thing.
He doesn't fact he smells like orange zest.
How do they clean themselves without conditioner and shampoo?!
I try to come up with many possibilities before giving up due to lack of sleep...
I really need sleep.
"This place is...extraordinary though. What is this material ? It's so tough and hard."
I stand up to show him but stumble before falling down onto his arm.
"Your holi- I mean A, are you ok ?"
I look at him, he really smells like orange zest... his fur is so soft.
I need some sleep, the adrenaline from the operation has fallen off now.
"I didn't get much sleep. You can go home and come back tomorrow. I'll just head to bed"
I push myself off of the panther and slowly stumble out of the room.
I don't make it far before he stops me from falling over.
"You're ill."
"No...I'm fine, just need some sleep."
I push myself again but his hand is on my forehead. Is he taking my temperature?
I slap his hand away, his face shows a deep concern for me.
"If it makes you feel any better, Oron check up on me while I sleep."
The AI complies.
"Now go back and get your stuff. Oron will let you in when you arrive at the 'cold wall'"
I chuckle and slowly pass him while waving my hand.
He didn't stop me this time so I managed to get to my room and get to bed.
Sleeping at the hell would I fix this sleep schedule?
I collapse onto the soft bed, feeling the freshly clean mattresses that Oron prepares for me.
It doesn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.
I start to wonder if letting him go back was the right idea while falling to sleep but my mind was too tired to do any useful thinking.
The next day at 8 am...
The sound of the alarm wakes me up from my slumber.
Slowly as I sit up, I feel a sharp pain in my head. I quickly turn off the alarm to see if it will stop.
"God what the hell is this headache... must have been not sleeping enough."
I rub my eyes as I walk to the bathrooms brushing my teeth and taking a shower before starting my day is the way for me.
I open the door to my bathroom to see...the panther drinking from the toilet.
He looks at me for a moment and smiles.
"Good morning, A."
I blink...I guess Oron didn't teach him how to get water yet.
Should I tell him...yeah I should but he looks so happy to see me too.
"Morning...Lyuno. Why are you drinking from there ?"
He looks over at the toilet and returns to look at me with a concerned face.
"This is where you drink water from..."
He smiles.
His face is emotionless. Oh boy, I quickly explained the purpose of the toilet.
His face slowly contorted from surprise to shock then finally to horror.
I quickly head over the sink and turn on the water.
"Here I can wash your mouth if you want."
I open the mirror cabinet and grab a bottle of mouthwash.
The panther looks up at me with a face full of shame and quickly stands up to me.
He's way taller than that I got a good look at him.
About 1.9 meter tall, I think.
Luckily I made the bathroom quite spacious, so there is enough space for both of us.
I hand him the bottle and he looks at it, confused.
"Open the cap and pour the water in your mouth. Don't swallow, just squash it around your mouth for a while then spit it out in the sink."
He struggles to open the bottle...
"Here let me just..."
I grab the bottle and uncap it after I hand it back to him.
He hesitates a bit before pouring the liquid into his mouth.
Just like I instructed him, he just squashed the water around in his mouth before spitting it out in the sink.
After doing that, I can see in the mirror that he's in quite a bit of discomfort. I guess he doesn't like mint and saffron.
I turn the sink on and he quickly drinks the water that comes out of it.
The water we get is just rain water that we purify before putting it into the tank.
Quantum tank can store up to 3 million liters of water. I don't know if the tank is full or not.
He drinks the water for a bit before pulling out with a deep breath of air.
"hah- That's better...what kind of strange magic is this?"
He looks at the faucet with childlike wonder. Go figure they don't know what a faucet is.
"It's not magic. This is just a faucet, it's complicated so I don't think you'll understand it."
I smile, please don't push it. I don't like to revise engineering class.
He seems a little disappointed. Whatever, I'll take this over an overly curious kid.
My years as a professor were not fun, I'll tell you that.
Thank god I met...Leon.
"Are you okay ?"
There's a thing about these chips...they only translate what you don't know.
And those words, I recognize them instantly. Leon always asks me that.
"I'm fine...Can you wait outside ?"
He tilts his head. Oh right, I haven't explained the use of this room for him.
"This is the bathroom, we use this to clean ourselves or when we have number one or number 2."
Looks like he understands the first part but is confused about the second.
"Number one meaning when we need to piss and number two is when we need to shit."
Oh that rhyme too...
And there's the face of realization and blushing...
" exactly are you gonna clean yourself with such a small water source?"
He points to the faucet. I sigh, really needing this shower right now.
"Well no, we use those."
I point to the shower and the bathtub. The bathtub is on one corner of the room and the shower is on the other.
"Oooh...and there's 'faucet' on those too ?"
I guess he kinda understands.
"Yeah, you can say that."
He nods inquisitively as he narrows his eyes.
"There's enough room for both of us in this so I don't get why you would want me to leave."
He points to both the shower and the bathtub. I grimace at this thought...
"I'm sure you clean together all the time but this isn't exactly like your tribe so..."
I walk to the bathroom door and open it. Wait, how did he get into my room and enter my bathroom ?
He drops his shoulder as if he expects me to agree. I do feel a bit bad but I rather have my bathroom time alone.
He begrudgingly walks out of the room and I sigh, relieved.
"With that out of the way...let's actually relax for a bit."
I take a shower with shampoo and conditioner.
"Thank god for the researchers who make these can't expire."
The smell and fragrance of these gels is extremely nice. Floral, fruity...
"Nothing beats a warm shower in the morning."
I rub every inch of my body to clean it. Rustling through my shampoo, a thought starts to come up.
"How do those guys get their nice scent ?"
They don't seem to be bothered walking around nearly naked...
Honestly, I do like looking at the guy but I would rather have him fully covered.
Chisel abs, nice refined biceps and thick thighs...
"Sigh~Now I have this problem...I'm too old for this."
Ignoring the glaring problem below me, I dry myself with a towel nearby.
Walking toward the sink with the towel on my waist, looking into the mirror.
A bearded, tired...sad old Asian man appears in the mirror.
A miserable failure of a man that is me.
The one who has been saved many times, who everyone praised and looked up to.
"A worthless 49 years old..."
I sigh, then brush my teeth... all this so-called talent all because Sophie decided to pity me.
Spitting out the foam with water, I groan as another day awaits me...
I turn realizing I didn't grab another spare clothes.
I put the towel in the laundry basket for Oron.
I walk out the bathroom back into my room.
"Ok...let's see what to-"
I walk into my room to see the panther...sitting on my bed.
"So...that's what god looks like with nothing on."
I can see him smile awkwardly and scratch his head.
This seems to be normal for them.
"I thought I told you to wait outside."
I groan and he flinches, is he really scared of me ?
"I am ! You told me to wait outside of the bathroom..."
Ugh...I hate that he's right. I did. I should have worded it better.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
I sigh and just ignore his staring eyes as I walk toward the closet.
He sure is fascinated about what I look like.
"By the way, Staring is quite rude."
He quickly averts his eyes when I say that. Looking at the bookshelf instead.
Though his eyes are darting between me and it a lot from what I see.
I roll my eyes and put on the first set of clothes I grab.
Doesn't take long til I'm fully clothed, he seems a little bothered by it.
"Ok, I'm done."
I look at that embarrassed panther, he's trying not to look at me at the moment.
"Come on, we don't have much-"
I look down and notice a quite noticeable erection from his loincloth...
"I'll go prepare some food. Just ask Oron where the dining area is when you're done dealing with that."
I casually walk out of the room to the kitchen. On the way, I think about what to have for breakfast.
Well more like an early lunch, bacon and eggs never hurt anyone.
"Oron, get me some eggs and bacon from the time storage."
It confirms my order and when I get to the kitchen, the ingredients are there.
"I forgot to ask for some butter, could you get that for me also ?"
It complies again and the counter opens up to a box of butter.
Nothing beats machines in the field of transportation.
Time to cook me some eggs and bacon. This should be easy.
Butter goes in, waiting for it to melt then bacon, after some of the fat melts a bit.
Crack in the eggs and...
"Sunny side up, he'll probably eat anything if he thinks beans without anything to go along with it is good."
Flip the bacon until it's a nice golden brown. The eggs are a quick sunny side up. Two eggs and 2 strips of bacon for each of us.
"I shouldn't be proud of this since it's a pretty dish...I also could use a cup of coffee right now."
I really shouldn't drink any coffee though, they're not good for me.
As I set the plates in the dining room next to the kitchen. I can hear a familiar voice call out in satisfaction.
"Woah...that smells amazing."
I turn to the dining room entrance to see panther walk in with his hand scratching his neck.
"Sit there opposite of me."
I point to the chair and he measly walks to it and takes a seat.
I see him fidget in front of me,clearly embarrassed and nervous...either from the last interaction in my bedroom or something else.
I pick up my fork and knife. I look at him and he tries to copy me.
I start to cut my bacon and I see he tries to copy me but fails.
"Lyuno, you can eat with your hand."
His ears perk up in joy but his face is something different than joy.
"I don't care how you eat, just eat. It's good to...that's an order."
He hesitates a bit before picking up the slice of bacon and putting it in his mouth.
The panther chews for a bit. From the look of his face, I can tell he's enjoying it a lot.
He's practically drooling while chewing...
I quietly take a bite of my bacon. Texture wise... it's on point, crispy and tender.
Flavor, a little too greasy. I should cut down the butter and add some lemon to it.
I look back up to him...he's already finished.
"Ah...your food is amazing. What are these things ?"
I bite into my eggs, the yolk is perfectly cooked, running and creamy.
Eggs are easy to cook anyway. I chew a bit before swallowing my meal completely.
"Eggs and Meat."
He nods, he waits the entire time for me to answer ? How loyal.
Well I'll need that kind of loyalty if I'm gonna trust him with anything.
I do wonder.
"...I have to ask, why did you get turned on by me ?"
I raise an eyebrow and look at him. His face is a deep red and he's trying to look somewhere else.
"Does your tribe accept that kind of attraction?"
I push on, this seems to make him a little more uncomfortable.
I wonder how far I can push him.
He let out a sigh.
"They're fine with it, we don't care about gender in a relationship."
He doesn't look at me while telling me that. Odd...
"While it is accepted, some folk still look down upon it."
I can see his tail lazily move around behind him. His ears have a hue of red in them.
Suddenly he waves his paw around dismissively as if he's trying to deny something.
"Of course if you're uncomfortable with that idea, I'll inform the tribe leader and have it banned right away."
Ooh, he really wants to appease me.
"No, I'm fine with it. In nature, same sex pairing is common practice for animal anyway."
I should have made tea... I'll just drink for now I guess.
"Oron, bring us some water, please."
The robot quickly opens the middle of the table to a jug of water and two glasses.
Before I can take the jug and glass, Oron pours the water himself.
Filling each cup and passing it to us. I wonder if Lyuno can hold a glass of water and drink it.
"Lyuno, did you go back to your tribe yesterday?"
I say as I take a sip of the glass. Seems like he doesn't have any trouble drinking from a cup then.
He swallows the water down before answering my question.
"No, I want to stay here. I figure I'll take you with me too today."
He looks at me with an excited look. He stayed for the entire night? That's...nice of him.
"Where would you sleep last night if you didn't go back ? I haven't set up a place for you to sleep yet."
"I sleep on the floor, it's a little colder than I'm used to but nothing I can't deal with."
That's...concerning. We do have extra bedrooms beside the main five.
He must sleep on the ground a lot if he's used to the cold floor.
"I'll assign you a bedroom before we go anywhere. Follow me."
The next few days pass by quickly, I try my best to teach Lyuno about modern technology and myself. While Lyuno try to adapt to everything I show him while also teaching me about each tribes and the political side of the tribes.
Each tribe has their own language but there are four main languages corresponding to the four big tribes. Lyuno calls them by their species name though, like for Polish - Panther Tongue.
He informed me only the wealthy and worthy are allowed to learn more than one tongue.
This irritates me a little but is not surprising to me.
"Hey A...what are you intending to do next ?"
He asks while looking at a piece of material I gave him. It was a document about the discovery of gene spinning. It also covers the basics of this technology.
I ponder the question. In truth I did not know what I was gonna do now. Originally, I intended to revive our kind and repopulate us back to our former glory.
But after examining his DNA and comparing it to mine, it was nigh impossible to create a new human with his gene. It has changed too much from its original source.
"...I do not know, Lyuno. I wanted to bring human back but it is impossible now."
I look down at my hands, staring at it, feeling nothing.
Lyuno doesn't seem to be bothered by this or at least he's very good at hiding it.
"Whatever I do will change everything that happens here. My friends have already set a path for me though. Even if they are gone now."
I smile and he does as well for a brief moment before responding.
"Well whatever it is...I'll follow you."
"Whatever you do, I'll always follow and support you."
My chest tightened and my knees gave out. No...he's gone.
"A! Are you ok ?!"
He was at my side, helping me up as I heaved my lungs for air. Damn Panic attack...
Nothing is going on, everything is fine.
"Master A is having a panic attack, it would be wise if you stay with him until it passes."
Oron screens extend from the roof, stating the situation to Lyuno.
My breathing began to stabilize and I was able to stand on my own again. I looked at Lyuno but what I saw was Leon.
" You even look like him..."
I move away from Lyuno, giving him some distance from me. He looks at me, confusion written on his face.
"Like who?"
I look down avoiding the panther's gaze.
"...Leon, your tribe creator. He is-was my lover."
I can feel my tears fall down. Reliving those memories for a few seconds before I felt a warm, soft arm embrace me. Lyuno hugs me tightly.
" must be hard for you."
I shake my head and return the hug.
"It's not your fault. We never really dated or married. We knew we loved each other but due to circumstance we put it off until we could get together."
He shakes his head and hugs me tighter, the gesture fills me with warmth. Warmth I yearn for whenever Leon and I are together.
I push him away, breaking the hug.
"We should get going... it's about time we visit your tribe."