Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 67

Blood slowly leaked all over his teeth and down his neck. "i'm coming, little valery..." he whispered. "i'm coming to taste you..."

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Four

Say they don't know how the fire started, but they think there may have been a gas leak," the reporter was saying.

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Venturing: Rovotic

There i spotted a white note tapped upon the wall, blood words were written that leaks to the other side of the paper. words that formed sentences.

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A New Age

Sliced off both his wings making him roar in agony, zengs attacks were the most fierce, savage and damaging as he gouged the shadow dragons flesh with the power of smolder, then the spell for the seal was suddenly broken as kairos fell on his back, his blood leaking

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Dawn pt.1

I stared into his face, some blood leaked out his beak and his eyes stared out to...nothing. i didn't hear any grunts or anything. there was a little piece of paper beside him that flew away in a passing breeze.

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Spicy Night

The leaking barrel rolled over and settled beside the garden, oozing glowing green goo into the garden, where it soaked into the ground and was absorbed by the pepperoncinis. the veggies started to glow, themselves, and pulsate as they mutated and grew.

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Blue: Chapter 15

Red checked the bandages to look for any signs that the blood was leaking through the bandage. luckily it wasn't, but she still seemed very weak. red gently lifted her into his arms, handing his gun off to brown. "you okay to shoot?"

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Pop goes Chelsea!

The tanks clambered down and smashed with a loud bang as helium leaked into the air the anteaters cheers and hollers becoming high pitched as she played and danced in the rubber remains of chelsea the fox.

The Nightmare of Nightmares

Jade exclaimed, leaking to hug his dream friend. "it's been so long." "yeah, i know. this place is changing, who or whatever is causing these weird dreams obviously got tired of watching you happily live your old life.

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The Interviews - Alaski Illion

He needs to know what doesn't get leaked. i'm a civilian." the interviewer writes alaski's opinions down. "not just any civilian, your maximillion illion's daughter, a wealthy business owner that has a stake in noire corp.

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Cubi Problem Solving (Part 1)

I've patched her wounds, so she's not leaking anymore, but she lost a lot of astral essence even before you started collecting it.

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 9

Benjamin held his paws over his mouth but the last few words leaked through his hands and reached mansa's ears muffled, 'i mean, you're so fit!' all the rehearsing with adira completely forgotten by the sight of a stretching buffalo.

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