Murder & Gin
The number on the screen was one that was recognized all too well, one of the local police sergeants i worked with, a jaguar by the name of mccreedy.
The Eyes of the Eternal
Her fur slowly burnt away leaving the naked jaguar like a fiery torch. her skin bubbled and blistered as she slowly collapsed onto the floor.
Ouija’ust Wanted To Have Fun
Dominique is a mostly black wolfess, edward is a short jaguar, tony is a tiger and sara is a swan - the odd one out in the group. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- none of us could have been expected to
It's the one where mia picked up that tall jaguar guy." evie sipped her drink trying to recall the name that eluded her. "oh, you mean rhythm. so, we're heading for a bit of r and r."
Real Love on a Train
Being a well-raised jaguar, i pushed my chair back under the table before i left. i kept careful control of my ears and tail as i moved to the end of the dining car and pushed through doors into what i knew to be the cocktail car.
The Equalizer, Episode 2
"i was also told of your love for jaguar cars, and so again i took the liberty of getting you a top of the range x type, that is kind of my present to you" my face regains its confused look and daniel lets out a giggle.
Luca's Story Ch. 7
A homeless jaguar said he'd seen the boy, but his memory was awful fuzzy without a couple drinks in him. the trio turned down his request for booze money.
Enigma Wars Prologue
Fifth mistress kelly a jaguar. she wore a white enigma outfit wielding a blue light saber. kelly is the demanding one of the masters. sixth mistress mayra a brown panthress. she wore a blue enigma outfit wielding a purple light saber.
Enigma Story prologue
Fifth mistress kelly a jaguar. she wore a white enigma outfit wielding a blue light saber. kelly is the demanding one of the masters. sixth mistress mayra a brown panthress. she wore a blue enigma outfit wielding a purple light saber.
Chapter One of The Story of A Teenage Werepire
It purrs like a jaguar. he pulls out and we start the journey. i ask "if i am not a normal child, then what am i?" he replies "you aren't even human. you are a werepire. a rare combination of a werewolf and a vampire. you are special and unique.
Force Ten
Behind the jaguar reporter, sat a cop waiting to arrest him. but when he told the officer the story, the cop let him go. "i guess if you were dead, that would have been your punishment.
JakeFox 2
Just like frakkin' noah's ark, a boy and girl tiger, lion, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, cougar, serval, caracal, house cat. dingo, jackal, wolf, fox, husky. arctic, temperate, tropical, desert versions.