The Equalizer, Episode 2

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#2 of The Equalizer

The Equalizer.

Part 2.

Written by Wolfie Steel.

Author's Note: This story is loosely based on the hit 80's Crime Drama of the same name, a show in which a British human is hired by the folks of New York to help when the odds seem stacked against them. I have kept the title and I will be using the name of the main character, Robert McCall, and I will obviously be continuing his work as The Equalizer, but that is where the similarity with the show will end. I do not own the rights to the name Robert McCall, as that belongs to Universal Studios.

Talk about the plane journey from hell, sixteen hours sat in a seat will do weird things to your butt, thankfully however after a few minutes standing in front of my seat waiting for the other passengers to disembark, my footpaws and legs begin to wake up. I steadily start to walk towards the exit door; I exit the plane and walk down the gangway towards the security and customs area.

Once I'm checked through customs I walk to the carousel to wait for my luggage. Finally after a ten minute wait it arrives and I quickly grab it with both paws, as I remove my luggage from the carousel I can hear somebody calling my name, I turn in the direction of the voice and I see a young, well dressed Rottweiler standing behind a barricade and holding a board with my name on it.

What the hell is this, I don't know anyone in the UK, and I sure as hell haven't asked to be greeted at the airport. I don't dwell on my thoughts however and I just walk towards the Rottweiler. As I approach him, he can obviously see my look of confusion and before I get to ask the question he fills in the blanks for me.

"Ah Mr. McCall welcome to Britain, my name is Daniel Trent and I have been asked by Mr. Mikey Kostmier to collect you and your luggage and to basically look after you for a while, just so you can get back on your footpaws and such"

I giggle a little at the mention of Mikey's name and then I make my reply.

"I should've known, there are only three people that knew I was coming to the UK, and out of those three, this is more Mikey's style. So Mr. Trent, I take it that you have been given some sort of itinerary for me?"

The Rottweiler nods his head.

"Yes sir, first on the list is getting you a new apartment"

My eyes go wide as dinner plates as I hear this.

"Mr. Trent, I don't mean to be rude, but I already have a six month lease on a flat"

The Rottweiler shakes his head.

"Trust me Mr. McCall, the place that you had rented was not fit for purpose, even the rats objected to living there. I have taken the liberty of acquiring a new residence for you, it's a brand new flat on the Docklands in London, and before you shout and yell at me saying that you can't afford it, don't worry, it has all been bought and paid for. Now you are probably suffering with a lot of jet lag so I will take you back to my place for the night, then in the morning I'll take you for breakfast and then take you to see your new place"

To say that I was unsure about this arrangement would be an understatement, I mean I don't know this Rottweiler, but I will follow him for two reasons, first, Mikey was the one who set this up, and I trust Kostmier with my life, second, I know that I shouldn't be thinking about this, but the Rottweiler has the cutest butt I have seen in a long time.

As we walk from the airport towards the parking area the Rottweiler speaks up again.

"I was also told of your love for Jaguar cars, and so again I took the liberty of getting you a top of the range X Type, that is kind of my present to you"

My face regains its confused look and Daniel lets out a giggle.

"Well I was told that in the States you had your own security company dealing in helping people out, I was kinda hoping that you were going to continue your work over here and would like a second set of paws to help you"

I think about my response and try to keep it as friendly as possible.

"Look Mr. Trent, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm sure that when you were told of my company, you were also told that I usually work alone?"

The Rottweiler lets out a deep rooted sigh.

"Ok Mr. McCall, I have been caught out, yes I was told of your fondness for flying solo, but I have a confession for you, I'm kind of in between jobs at the moment, and I was also hoping that you and I could...maybe hook up?"

We get to the car and Daniel unlocks the doors with the remote, I let out a sigh as I climb into the passenger seat, Daniel gets into the driver's side and we begin the journey towards his place.

"Look Daniel, I'm not going to lie to you, I do like you I really do, but my line of work is hardly nine to five and can be extremely dangerous, I don't want to put you through that"

No sooner have I said that when Daniel takes his wallet out of his jacket pocket and hands it to me.

"Open the wallet and tell me what you see?"

I open the wallet and nestled inside the front pocket of the wallet is a firearms licence, it seems that there is more to Mr. Trent than meets the eye.

"Daniel, I think that it's time that you told me everything, and I want the truth"

Daniel remains silent until we come into sight of a pub; he then veers off the road and into the parking area.

"Ok Mr. McCall, you want the truth, well here it is, the reason that I am between jobs at the moment is because I was injured in the line of duty, twelve months ago I was working for the British Secret Service, ya know, licence to kill and all that bull shit, well, I was on secondment to the Queen's protection force, well on one of her engagements that required a small walk about, somebody took a pot shot at her, and hit me instead. I was hailed as a hero, but in truth I was just the schmuck who was in the wrong place at the right time, of course, if it happened again, I would protect her with my life, but with the injury I received I was 'Pensioned Off'. I got a nice pay out though, but obviously I can't go back to the Secret Service"

I flick my ears a little as I hear what Daniel has to say, I then turn to face him and I'm wearing the most serious looking face that I can as I make my reply.

"Well Daniel, I guess that means that you are no stranger to dangerous situations, but for me to take on a partner would take a real change in my lifestyle... but I'm also not getting any younger, and I don't want to end my life as a lone Doberman"

Daniel's eyes begin to water.

"Mr. McCall, what are you saying?"

I gently put my right paw on his left knee and continue.

"Please Daniel, enough with the formalities, my name is Robert, and what I am saying is this, if you are willing to stick with me no matter what, then I will take you on as a partner in my company, but I also noted earlier that you said the words hook up, now it might be me living for many years in the Big Apple, but that to me sounds as though you want to be more than just my partner in business"

Daniel smiles weakly, and turns his head away shyly, if he were a white Rottweiler I'm sure that right about now he would be bright red. After a few seconds he turns his face back to me and continues.

"Well Mr. McCa... I mean Robert, I'm aware of the different meanings to words when it comes to dialogue between Britain and New York, however, on this occasion when I said that maybe we could hook up, that was exactly what I meant, not only am I between jobs, but I am also in between mates"

It is now my turn to feel the heat of a blush and I wonder how much Mikey knew about this young Rottweiler, in short was I being set up by Kostmier, oh sure he is capable of doing it, on the outside Mikey is a gruff and unkempt Black Labrador, but underneath it all there beats a heart of pure gold. For now I will reserve my judgement on whether I'm being set up or not, I'm tired from my flight and the promise of some company on my first night in the UK would be most welcome, especially when the provider of that company is a young, fit and good looking Rottweiler.

We arrive at Daniel's place which appears to be a modest two bedroom flat, we get out of the car and he collects my suitcases from the trunk of the car, I put my paws out so that I can pick up my cases only to have them gently tapped by Daniel's paw.

"You are tired and jet lagged from the flight Robert, plus you are my guest and maybe even mate, so it would be rude of me to expect you to carry your suitcases"

With that said, Daniel lifts the two heavy cases as though they are nothing more than a couple of bags of sugar, as he climbs the steps towards his front door, I get a glimpse of his beautiful behind, but as tired as I am, all I can do is think about the fun times ahead of us.