A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 4

Toothless growled back at astrid, irritated that the blonde didn't catch what he meant. he walked back at hiccup, and nudged him. "this _is_hiccup!" he growled at her.

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It Started With Toast- Chapter 15

Creep just growls and kicked it back at us. "i'm not wearing that!" both me and ash looked at each other and grinned. "pile on!"


Alex, Snow and Tyrin replace Harry, Dumbledore and Voldemort in this epic scene taken from the movie and changed to be furry :D

Snowdog choked in the flame circle, growling as he waved his wand around, making the flame swirl round him more controllably. growling, voldemort made a wad movement as if he was swatting an annoying fly.

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A Thief's Adventure

A deep, guttural growl rumbled the earth as the beast rose warily to his feet, nose sticking to the air in hopes of catching a scent.

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chapter 3

When she backed up he got back up onto all fours and started growling at me. i got into my own fighting position and growled back.

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The Warrior's Dove Ch: 7

Hearing her growl, she got off. listening to my mind ramble on, like some lunatic tied into the chance of humanity, i tried to force memories to me.

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The Wailing Moors

Clove stomps his hoofs on the ground and shakes his sharpened horns as eros growls and bares his fangs. the miasma coalesces into the figure of nyx. she descends and touches arlatha softly on her head.

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Welcome to Valhalla: The Children of Earth ; Chapter 1

And that was only the part he could see. \ and all of them dripped thick, dark red blood.\ the snarls and growls died into gargling noises, the yips became all the more louder.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 38

Gerva said with a low growl. "you're still outnumbered." blueberry looked towards vervain and gerva with a growl. "what? i can take on you two no problem."

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White Wolf

Not haven eaten in the last two days my stomach growls and my eyes grow huge. jay laughs and bones smirks. "someone seems hungry," jay nudges me with more laughter.

The Origin of Max : Chapter One : The Beginning

"round two." he growled with a demonic voice before lunging at him full speed seaming like a blur.

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Invane: Rear Fret

I heard huzizu commented with a mutter growl as our eyes turned to him, "someone find a long stick." "i could paw myself you-" haziyo grinned with a hard red brush emerging upon his cheeks which i growled at him. "not that kind of 'long stick' idiot!"

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