chapter 3
#3 of vois adventure
I awoke the next morning to the feeling of something rubbing against me causing me to jump. " why did you wake me up I was having a good dream?" I look towards the source of the voice and saw that it an umbreon and judging by the sound of her voice the umbreon is definitely female. "Sorry for waking you but why were you laying next to me?". "Well I came here to give you the tour of this place but you looked so peaceful sleeping and I was still a little tired so I decided to sleep while I waited for you to get up. anyway my names Luna what's your name" the umbreon named Luna said. Remembering her name from the talk with leaf yesterday I decided if leaf can trust her then I could to no matter how weird she is. " My name is Voi so your the one who carried me here while I was unconscious. To do that you must be very strong" I said impressed by the thought of how strong she might be. " No silly I didn't carry you all the way here by myself I had my friend the Flare help me get you here" she said with a small giggle. " now that we have the introductions over with I can give you the tour" she said starting to walk away.
First we walked to a cave that was strangely warm but I could smell no smoke or sense any type of heating element. I watched as Luna walked to the entrance of the cave and shouted inside. " Flare come out we have a new friend" I just stared at her after that meeting she thinks were already friends. I sat there waiting for something to come out of the cave when I heard a loud growl and saw a bright orange light coming at me at high speeds. Instincts kicking in immediately I threw up a psychic barrier blocking the force of the attack but not the heat if it wasn't for my fur I would have a blistering tan. I looked where the attack came from and sent out a psy wave attack to stop whatever was attacking me but Luna jumped in front of it negating my attack. " Luna what are you doing I need to stop the enemy from killing us!!" I yelled at her frustrated that she would stop me when I'm trying to help her. She gave me a stare that said knock it off then she turned back to the cave and shouted into it. "Flare if you don't come out right now I'm going to come in and tickle you out and we both know you don't want that" what is wrong with this girl she's going to tickle a fire breathing Pokemon into submission she must be nuts. " Alright I warned you now I'm coming in" all I could do is stand there and watch as she walked into the tunnel all I could think was she's insane there is no way tickling is going to work. After a moment of silence I start to hear laughter coming from deep within the cave as the laughing gets louder I start to see Luna walking back out with a flareon being tickled by her tail. I stood there dumbstruck 'I cant believe she was actually able to subdue a flareon with mere tickling' I thought to myself. I watched her stand over him continuously tickling him with her tail until he begged her to stop. When she backed up he got back up onto all fours and started growling at me. I got into my own fighting position and growled back. We stayed like this for what felt like hours but was really only seconds until Luna threatened the flareon with her tail he backed off but I didn't trust him still. I stared at him watching his every move not paying attention to the umbreon until she came from behind me and started tickling me like she did to him. I don't know why but It was to much for me to handle I kept laughing until I couldn't breathe I begged her to stop. " I will only stop if you two promise to play nice" Luna said with a pouting face. " OK OK just please stop the torture" I now understand how tickling can be such a powerful weapon. She gave me a minute to compromise myself before she pushed me and the flareon together and threatened both of us with her tail. I still didn't trust this guy but anything to not experience that torture again. " Hi my name is Voi what's yours" I said trying to sound as nice as possible. " My name is Flare" the flareon said in a growl. " See we can all be friends come on Voi I have to introduce you to everyone else" Luna said while while walking off.
When we were far enough away I asked Luna " what is that guys problem?". " oh flare he always acts that way to the guys I'm around I think it's silly" she said in that carefree tone of hers. " I would show you the rest of the forest and introduce you to everyone but it's getting late so ill just show you where your staying" I followed her watching as she lead me to a large mountain with 2 caves in front of it. " you get the one on the left the other one is my cave if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me good night" "goodnight" I replied heading into my new home. I laid down on the straw bed in the back and thought this is my new life before falling asleep.