"like another illusion by mirror force?" lisa asked then the monitor showed the classic black power fur ranger decapitate mirror force.
"looks like mirror force is no longer a player in the game." brian remarked.
Bird, Cat, Dragon, Kangaroo, Lion, Mole, Owl, Robots, Snake, Super Villains, Superheroes, Wolf
"we have news that the americans have already deployed a small coalition force of marines and special forces and they are mounting the rest of their military for a counter attack." he slyly pointed out.
song nodded his head in agreement.
Lynx, Military, North Korea, US Marines, Wolf
Outside the boundaries of republic law, epsilon eridani became a small scale warzone between the security forces of canis interstellar and silverdyne.
Canine, Feline, Military, Sci-Fi
The power fur rangers seemed uninterested in their fans as they waited for mirror force to begin the attack.
mirror force appeared and several other species began to scream and run in terror.
Bird, Cat, Dragon, Kangaroo, Lion, Owl, Robot, Snake, Super Villains, Superheroes, Wolf
By announcing the warrant's issuance to the city, lechester puts the police force directly in the public eye, forcing us to comply with our obligations to serve and protect the city's citizens."
Cheetah, Story, Supernatural, Tiger, fallen