Tales of the Insatiable Curiosity: Cast Off

No matter how many times i've seen it, the architectural engineering of the university never fails to amaze me.

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The Artful Dodger: Starry Night

The searing beam of light lanced out and hit the patrol ship right in the starboard engine. _somnium_'s shields glowed as chunks of the _mamba_ were drilled clean through and sent flying at them. the engine blew apart, rocking both ships.

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life with a dragon chapter seven

The truck is still rocking back and forth as i fight to get the engine running. the engine roars to life and black smoke starts spewing from the smoke stacks in the bed.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 26-The Rally-Part 2-2

I revved the engine, the rpm shooting to 7000 and then quickly dropping off. the light went yellow. i revved the engine again. the light went through two more yellow stages and then clicked to green. i popped the clutch and put the pedal to the floor.

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Battleship Battle Part 3

Twenty minutes later thron went down to engineering and found chief engineer drew wiese unconscious at a turbine. thron gathered his remaining strength and limped the hefy bear drew up to a hatch.

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A Really Splendid Fun Day

It's, thomas the tank engine. a special show i still watch to this very day, and i keep it close to my heart.

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losing hope/first steps ch13.

, that was fast," i hollar i push in the clutch and shift into third the engine roars loudly. i feel the 348 horses rattling beneath me and the 389 cubic inch engine pumping power to the rear wheels "aw,come on girl you can do better then this!

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Star Hopper chapter five

The large engines were clearly seen from the side, it looked like the engines were four times the size that the ship could take.

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Once in the car, clive and sherman were let go and they tumbled to a stop just short of the engine. the creature shrank as it phased its massive body through the engine door, leaving the two boys to reorient themselves on their own. "brunhilda!"

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Episode 2B: Second

engineering! start rebooting generator three! i have enough in my hands at the moment." "aye," one of the engineers replied. "flash cooling in progress. shield generator three will be back up in 45 seconds." the station shook again.

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The Long Haul - Chapter 1

From concept to realization, this project had taken the work of three generations of scientists, physicists, and engineers to produce. nearly two hundred years of work was finally ready to be taken on it's first foray into the vacuum of space.

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The Transfer Part II

First missed, but the other scored a direct hit on the port engine, destroying it, and traveled through the starboard engine." replied the elite at the screen. "plasma? but who else has plasma weapons?"

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