Honor In Blood Chapter 3
He shouldn't be here with monkey who was steadily getting drunk, and mantis who was drinking more spirits then he should have the stomach room for. "cheer up, crane!" monkey said putting his arm around his kung fu brother.
Once Upon a Time: chapter one
Lord dwaine was so drunk he wouldn't remember that he had given me the key if i stuck it back in his pocket. so acting like nothing was wrong i took hold of lord dwain's paw and i led him to bed.
The Wings of Fire Pee On An Electric Fence Challenge
But then she realized a major problem, she had drunk too much between the last round and this herself, and now she couldn't stop.
Stasis: Ch 1 (Hollow Knight Fanfic)
Herrah would've been angry if she wasn't so drunk. she watched the white lady enter late, glowing and ethereal as always.
His Only Happy Ending
"matt i didn't... you were drunk and you just..." "shut up! shut the fuck up! i'm not a fucking queer! if we didn't have history i'd pound you into the ground right now! don't you come near me again!"
Two Nights Out
The question had been part of the reason he had left kiah, it was part of the reason fay hadn't left his side, even when he was half-drunk, it was the reason that the wolf's writing had gone awry.
The Promotion
You been given that promotion that you have been working hard for and this young stallion chose to be the nice guy and take your sorry, drunk flank home?" she gave shining a knowing look that left both stallions' jaws hanging.
Between Winters, Part VI
"he's probably drunk or asleep, but that only makes out work easier". silent windfall aimed an arrow at the sentry. he inhaled deeply, held his breath for a moment then let the arrow fly.
The Half Pin, Chapter 1: The Melody
The loud hoop-and-holler of drunk furs fell silent at the mercy of the song. the clinking of glass and jug gave way to hammer and string. every key snatched away the buzz and chatter of tipsy talk. it drowned out everything.
Dynasty: Origins, Act 06: Road to Jaden
"being drunk doesn't mean i don't feel anything, you know." "a soldier like you got hurt by a little flick?" she laughed. "must be the beer because i didn't think you were that wimpy."
Short and Sweet Dream Story
The half drunk opossum spoke up. "we should go in to town and have ourselves a real fun time!" the rest of the group hollered and agreed, and before the coon knew it he was following them out of the half broken door.
Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 31 of 37
She settled back into the distant stoicism, "we knew something went wrong when aaron came back to the club alone and got shit-faced drunk. he blacked out and we had to bring him back here." she patted the couch she was sitting on.