
The number of factors determining a successful, perfectly aimed shot number in the millions from the faintest refraction of light to the draft of the air vents beneath the target.

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This is the first three pages of the rough draft of my novel hope you like (got suggestions/comments: comment below and let me know what you think) the title is refering to something more commonly know known as a valkerie (norse mythology) ----

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To Chase a Rabbit: Tragic Ending

_ with a small fire ignited in his soul, he begins to draft a plan for city improvement to submit to his boss, who sent him on this short trip to the so called "bad part of town."

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Looking up at the stars i shivered as a minivan drove by creating a bigger draft then the usual car. putting my hands in my jacket pockets i continued walking down capper street.

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A Writing Study: Somebody That I Used to Know

This is the first and only draft. tree-kitty's story can be found at https://www.sofurry.com/view/1436880 my hands were stuffed into my coat pockets, an unlit cigarette dangling with deliberate precariousness from my lips.

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Chapter one Part one

Lotsa paperwads thrown in the trash after drafting this over and over. i may even change it later on.. 3/3/2013- and i did. read over it and made a few changes.. i think it flows a bit better now.

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Spring Fever world building

However during the post war period, the largely anthro population of hathia became even more anthro dominated as many of the human residents who had been drafted settled in the mainland with other humans.


Bloodline, Part 1

"drafted?" "enlisted." he turned toward me leaning back on his kitchen counter. "that alone should tell you something. he was fast, quiet, and vicious on the battlefield.

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Cupcakes Re-done (Rough Draft)

#1 of stories this is a rough draft of my version of "cupcakes", the famous my little pony fanfiction. all credit goes to the original writer of the original "cupcakes" (i can't seem to remember his name though).

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Bonnie's and Clyde's Last Strike - Draft

#2 of play writing draft of a 10 minute play for play writing class.

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CyberPIgeon X Script (Rough Draft)

CyberPigeonX Part 1 Sec-Server Control Room. 10:53 PM; March 16, 2017. "Cyber-Shields... Operational. Structural Integrity... Structural Integrity... Failed, sir. Integrity is slowly decaying. We cannot hold a positive charge." Doctor Marshall...
