Bearnard Z: It seeks revenge (Prologue)
"come on, come on" he said as he ran, his voice sounded cracked, as if he was crying in desperation. they gulped as they reached the heavy metallic door. "they keys! where the fuck are they..."
New year, new life chapter 3
For the first time in many years she wasn't scared of school, in fact she was desperately looking forward to it. "just a little longer till i see spyro again!"
Nature's Call
I'm desperate here, and sometimes a wolf's gotta do what a wolf's gotta do." he took a nice, long lick at one of dation's paws and shuddered with delight. finally, something that wasn't going to fight back. much.
Snake Charm
In a final act of pure desperation, using the last of their money, they smuggled out six of their youths to the americas. amber was one of these children.
Young Loves Demise: Chapter One
I tried one last desperate attempt, not knowing if i was ready yet. 'i'm.' the evil behind the spectacles looked at me with confusion as i bent forward, then agape.
As he slide behind the base of a palm tree, daniel desperately called into his radio for a qrf (quick reaction force).
Lenny Gets a Job: As a Maid in a Mansion
Because of this, lenny flushed one toilet, then ran desperately to the next bathroom, flushing another toilet for its different timbre.
Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 8
Kiana was on the verge of panic, desperate to find a foothold of any kind, but unable to move freely out of fear of dislodging her only lifeline.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 19
"we shouldn't go alone," he protested in desperation, "maybe there's a pokémon who could go with us. i'd feel better if there was a dog-type like me?" at least then, he'd have done what he had to and his half-sister would be safe.
Zara 4
desperately, he tried pushing them away, but they were just so hard to ignore. her chest was soft... no! stop thinking that! now wasn't the time! oh gods, he was getting his tears and snot _all_ over her top.
The Magician's Test
Its muscular legs desperately pulled at the tentacles, trying to dislodge them. "oh no you don't!" logos exclaimed, firing a shadowy bolt of magic at the beast, hitting it in the chest and pushing it back.
Something Fire-Like
Rather, a desperation bred of need. of want. why did he desperately wish to cling to her and not let go? why did he desperately wish to ... do everything with her? for her? because of her? why was he so afraid she would fly away?