- Celesteon, the Apprentice of Light - Prologue Part 1
I ran another test and confirmed that three of her four pups also contracted the virus. she immediately broke down into tears saying she was a horrible mother, wailing uncontrollably."
1:28 Promise
"i've got a contract, and i need to see it through." "hets," jenna replied folding her arms, her head shaking in disapproval, "you're going after hets tonight." she sighed in exasperation. "why, alias?" "i had to!"
Love is Color Blind Chapter 10: Outplayed
Robin then brought the contract papers over to her, pointing at a line. "here, why don't you read this section to the class for us?"
Foronya gasped in sudden pain as another contraction shot through her. she steadied herself, following her mate's orders and breathing hard at a steady pace. "that's it," said askari. "come on, push!"
World of Aurum: Manual
There's also a chance that already contracted spirits will nullify their contract with a caster if they lose respect for them.
Daemon - Chapter 20 (Shaman)
"you will write into that contract that you will never again attempt to reclaim this land using this clause ever again!" "that..." "and if that clause is not included in the contract..." i continued, not allowing him to speak.
Snake Eye - The Key To The Mystery
We have contracts-" "you had a contract here. just because it's not on paper doesn't mean it's not a contract. he worked for you at a set rate of compensation which you abided by.
Lich and the Moron
Wait, nevermind, it's in the contract..." he wrote his true name in his own blood, "there, done and done. now all that's left is the awkward ceremony and a mind boggling honeymoon.
True Colors
My contract was initiated based on these murders you know. where have your men investigated?" richards gave him the general rundown, "alright, is there a basement in this building?"
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1
It was the one part of this contract which zulu-three had found questionable, the concept of working with civilian personell, but it had been remedied in a round about way when the wolf was informed that he could select his own overseer.
The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Twelve: Informer
"he is a contract killer." "yes. he is a contract killer and a galaxy police informant." talloon looked completely shocked. the person that he called his friend was a galaxy police informant. questions started to form in talloon's head.
The Pride - Chapter 7
The contract goes on to describe the agreed living conditions for the fur." "the-ir f-family s-sold them?" "in essence yes." malakye was disgusted. selling their own children into slavery. "w-why are y-you tell-ing me t-this?"