She went, taking a deep breath through her nose. she leaned against him, putting her nose in his fur. "i know there's a big well of tender emotion in there somewhere."
The Tribe Chapter 5
"yes," emily breathed, at the hazard of making the horses jump. "many sorrows."
The Sunset Transition
She breathed with every breath of every living thing, burned with every emotion and thought. she swam in the nile and climbed mountains in tibet. she pushed through the earth and cruised high on thermal pillars of air.
BlackBlood Ch 2
She still clings on the sink and turn sideway, panting out of breath. gibson takes her to the metal table to let her rest,"i think i need to do some testing."no. no testing. i'm okay. i just need to catch my breath."
Invane: Rear Fret
A breath escaped from my lips as my ears flicker in turn. with thoughts pondering about the whereabouts of horizoki, i shook my head and got up onto my feet.
One shoe In the door
Check my chest i don't know if i'm breathing check my pulse tell me if my heart is beating am i dead or alive... on the earth or in the sky, falling down, into the ground or just being a drama king....
To Touch and Know
Aisling let out a weary, impatient breath. it was morning. they'd slept together. spent the night in the same bed. and their respective shifts began in an hour. but they were rabbits.
While We Decompress
"field, just ... just breathe, okay? slowly. breathe. calm down," she instructed, hugging him close. trying to give him her warmth. "i was afraid you were down there," the mouse managed, knees buckling. crying again. she sank with him.
A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 29
She stood away from the table, hands over her face and breathed heavily. she lowered her head and took a few deep breaths. "i'm n-n-n-ervous. an-an-and i stutter more wh-wh-when i'm n-n-ervous."
Death Kiss 5
My breathing becomes shallow and my heart pumps my blood faster as it beats quicker from the fear. i feel his lips part, his warm breath surround my neck and body. i close my eyes wishing for him to do more.
breathe, please, breathe. it's okay. i'm not there, i'm here. but that doesn't always stop. sometimes, i stop. i need to break, need to breathe, sitting and waiting, the summer air washing over me.
A Little Faith
They gasped for breath, struggling to breathe as the tip of the stone sank into their torso. god gazed up at casey with those colorless eyes, "i...i recognize you...casey! the forgetful child, yes?