Furries university Chapter 23: Guardian spirit
Chapter 23: Guardian spirit (October 2nd 2019 A.D. - Sunday 1:30 AM) Kitsune awoke hearing faint foot steps from the living room. Slowly the young fox moved from the bed, being as quiet as possible, making no sound as he moved. Shon lay deep in...
K-495 The Devils Boat (proluge and Chapter 1)
K-495 "The devils boat" Prologue 2006. It was quiet, and still, all that the divers of he Poseidon VIII mini sub could see out side there porthole was the murky depth of the deep ocean. Three miles above them, on the oceans surface, the...
This story is part of a series entitled "Heaven's Son". I strongly urge any readers to read the series to get an understanding of the plot. All the characters and settings are my creations, please don't copy them or use them without asking me....
Part 1: Talking Smack
My first "yiffy" story. "But wait," you may exclaim, "there's no yiffing!" Well, not yet, no. This is the setup, with the next chapter gettin' it on... Which won't be ready 'til after a trip I'm gonna take. In the meantime, enjoy a beatdown and...
The Pokemon War Part 1 remake 2
The Poke'mon War Part 1: The Beginning Story is © Chakat Tailswisher Pokemon © Nintendo \*\*\*\*\* This is the last remake to the intro of Pokemon War. I think that this one is the best yet, so I'm going to continue the story using this...
The Lost One: The Fall
Terry watched the chase from his binoculars, silently hoping Sam would make it in time. As soon as he saw the second dart hit Sam he jumped into action, "Mike, Larry, Ananda! Come with me. We need to intercept! Sam is going down and fast." Mike and...
The Other Dragon World: Chapter 4
The Monster Seraphor's dream was interrupted with a sudden explosion voice happening just in front of the place the inn he slept in. He became aware all of the sudden, and the next moment, he bumped to the orange innkeeper when he opened the door...
A Rare Sight Ch.10 Pt. 1- Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
A Rare Sight Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: Part one "Heh, this will be good," I thought to myself. I looked at my wristwatch; according to the schedule, we should be docked very soon. "3...2...1," I pointed to the ceiling. ...
Shayde's Story Chapter 3
Shayde left the room, taking the empty bowl with him, completely cleaned of stew, and descended the stairs to the common room of the inn, stopping only to leave the bowl by the kitchen, and to re-adjust his katana on his hip, safe in its scabbard. As...
Truth Be Told
The first thing that Yunalesca could feel once the fog of rosemary and holy water was gone from her mind was pain. It was cold and precise, needling her body relentlessly. She opened her eyes and was greeted with a bright, intruding light that nearly...
The Dragons Wrath
Fang left his home with no regrets, his people and family wished him all a safe return and to end the evil spreading throughout the galaxy as he boarded the Great Fox with the others, Fox gave him a tour of the whole ship before allowing Fang to go to...
You Ruined Me
The six Heroes burst through the door into the villain's lair, weapons at the ready. Philip, with his broadsword, shield, and holy magic took point and he shouted forth their challenge. "Come forth you fiend! We have come to stop you!" click, click,...