Chapter 1: Getting In
"yes my boy, and now you feels so tired, so sleepy, you need to rest, you know you need it, come on boy everything it's ok, you can sleep because you're safe with me, because i'll take care of you, sit in my lap, lay on my chest, keep looking at the pretty
Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 3
In maverick's control room, the medical droid was sitting in the chair looking at the moniters. then it looked at the moniter with them at the entrance, "the uninvited guests."
Redwood Wedding
She picked up a small red stud earring off the table her make-up was on and walked over to sit in one of the chairs placed in the corner of her dressing room. she had opted to change alone.
The Dark Masquerade Part #02
She glared menacingly at the three antelope courtesans who were sitting in various stages of undress. "leave. now." the sight of the furious tigress was all the motivation they needed.
Chapter 10- The Others
Two red leather couches sit in one corner of the room and a mini bar sits on the opposite side. a pool table rests in the back. a pod sized tv and a boom box sit on a big black table in the corner. the walls are peach colored, but not peach scented.
Star Hopper Chapter 8
Colleen watched as she saw herself as a pup laughing, and then another with her sitting in the very chair the king in front of her was sitting in. another came, it showed herself seeking refuge in powerful arms, the arms of a king.
The Human Species Ch. 23 - Distressed Damsel Dragonair
Looking around, he saw the bug pokémon sitting in its corner, giving off the same pained spastic movements as the dragonair. "oh... oh no..."
Natural Instincts
Part of that was the fact that my clothes were currently sitting in a neat folded pile next to me. currently i was dressed in little more than a hospital gown. it was for the best.
A Comprehensive Guide to the planet of Alexandrite
Temple of the normal dragons- the temple sits in the middle of the capital city, and is an old castle where the first generation of head dragons had gathered, and is themed like a renaissance themed castle.
How Many?
We tell others it isn't true while leaving them to sit in anguish. kids will be kids. it's nothing serious. you know it's not true. ignore them and they'll go away. it's only words. just deal with it.
The Good Things
But now, sitting in this lonesome cabin, he couldn't think of anything but her. the way she smiled when they would hug or the way she would tilt her head when he asked if she was alright.
Bowser Junior`s Nightmare!
Bowser sits in the rocking chair. junior in his arms. "i had a bad dream. you died, and mario was going to kill me." bowser pulled his son close to his chest. "shh. it`s ok junior. hey. it`s alright. papa`s right here. nothing will happen to you."