Drako Tygon- chapter 3
He replied, "i can generate mini black holes in my hands, and i can bend light around me. they call me vortex." i laughed. leah came up to me. i hugged her. she hugged me back, just as strong as i did. i said, "oh, it's been so long!
Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story
The shoulder cannon crackled with dark energy as the anti-matter cannon would soon discharge an unstable black hole to swallow up everything but itself in the hanger bay; wintro pulled the pin from his last grenade and shoved the live explosive down the barrel
Nightfall - 9. Securing Forever
My hope was starting to spiral inward, creating a black hole. i sped up, probably leaving maxwell behind me. it didn't matter. something was more wrong than i'd imagined. then i saw it. a tracker is never without his or her bow.
Light Bane: Chapter 45
Even avila was pleasantly surprised by her own self when she conjured a black hole with a pull so strong that karlibor's light beams were absorbed.
Wind of Change: Chapter 32
They were pioneers of travelling into an unknown sector full of exploding stars and dangers of black holes, dimensional tears, and 'space storms'.
Supernova: Prelude, Arc 2, Chapter 3
As it turns out the remaining one hundred pages were just documents and photographs, leaving the implication that the entire world got trapped in a time bubble or the equivalent of a black hole."
A Day in the Life of a Shark
A sharp snout protruded beyond them, ending in a point which then swept down to a wide mouth which had a reputation for forming broad grins and comprising the entrance to a black hole-like digestion.
The Good Ship and Crew
There's gravitational anomalies from a black hole, sr177. sometimes it punches a hole into hyperspace and everything goes to shit for awhile." "that's when it gets worse? like now?" "yeah, but this is about as bad as i've seen it.
To the Winner Go the Spoils
He was starving and had a black hole of a stomach. "what's this sauce?" he asked, already dipping an onion ring into it. "honey mustard i think." jacob grinned. flirt or not this rottweiler was something else.
Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark
Felt the rhythmic heartbeat of pulsars and black holes - radiation pulses and gravitational waves voicing the history of the cosmos. but where there are joy and affection and sense of wonder, there is so much more regret and sorrow. and there is fear.
The Weight: Chapter 14
At first all he saw was but a giant, black hole in the ground, out of which his friends' pained cries still belched, but when the show above cast light down upon the park, the hole was illuminated and he saw the terrible thing into which they had fallen.
Tears - Under the Surface Chapter 8
The ladder led down into a black hole, and it seemed as if there was no illumination below. "thats amazing. i walked right over top of it without knowing it was there." "ladies first."