The Needs of Many v.2
Wolves applying bandages to foxes and foxes giving water to wolven wounded. it seemed a dramatic change of pace seeing as how these two enemies were now helping each other. curious, she takes a walk around the base.
The Dragon Lord - Chapter 2: Revelations
Smiling, draeg slowly moved his claw down the wolven body, applying the same pressure as he moved. krathlor shuddered as his spine sent wave after wave of pleasure rush up and down his spine.
The Fight for Flowers Part 1
This opinion changed immediately now, it seemed that they all had the ability to talk, but maybe she was a little more skilled than the equine's wolven compatriot was.
The wolven male stopped in front of namiko and looked her in the face. "well, explain it. how can you not be what you look like?" "simple," said namiko.
The Mourning After - Chapter 10 (Moving On)
"three days into our trek we found a wolven encampment, along the acanari ridge, there we found four wolves; all of them dead." he paused as he considered his next words, but callidus was quick to ask the question that was on my mind. "dead?"
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 54
The sounds coming out of wardo's face couldn't even be considered wolven anymore. they weren't even the sounds of a dying animal.
Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 1
"the only thing i've heard," clovis continued talking while eating, "is that at that big diplomatic conference last month, a bunch of wolven nobles mistook red for raine and spent the whole thing trying to butter him up.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 53
The sounds coming out of wardo's face couldn't even be considered wolven anymore. they weren't even the sounds of a dying animal.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 148
It all just felt way too slow and laborious for the rapid pace i wanted to bring forward with the advancement of the wolven invasion.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 18
To be 'thrown to the wolves' is a punishment of len, because len is what gets taken from you, and in the old wolven tongue, len means _life_. being thrown to the wolves is nothing more than a drawn out execution. such is the fate that now awaited him.
Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 31
The dragon rumbled, catching sight of the scores of humans, elves, wolven, and even siigonis among the huddled masses below, it would seem his chosen consort had gone about expertly assembling this force.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 63
As any wolven parent and their kids..._ a sharp pang shot through her. not in her hand, but deep down in the pit of her stomach. a queasy, uneasy feeling, like she was about two steps away from vomiting all over her feet.