Try to wake the jackalope up asking Excuse me where am I
Gently pull your appendage away saying, "that was weird."
The start of kairu's story *Part 4 *
Suzanne shouted back." well that was a weird dream" like she always said suzie instead of suzanne always had weird dream . one night it would be about water , then it would be a boy she never met before .
Entry 33
#33 of diary of an awkward youth dear diary, so, it's been a month since my last entry, but there is a reason for this, even if it's a weird one.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 16
The hunting started and me and kouya are searching around the forest to find four items; an orchid, a weird shape rock, and an old bamboo stick, and some cherry berries (in japan is called, sakuranbo).
Lonely Oak Chapter 118 - Lady-In-Training
She got really weird... like, really really weird... so we were going to shop for clothes and stuff, but... i also got... um... a lot of these... and some... some matching bottoms, too," she told him.
Path To Stardom
He didn't need to get into those weird articles though, he could just straight out ask len! kai received a notification on twitter, a new message.
Keeps and Kobolds II: Nanobolds
The kitten was one of the only people kickaha had met who could match the foxyote equally in weirdness. both in the sense of attracting weird things like some kind of magnet, and as being the weird thing that happened to other people.
Amber Silverblood Bonus Chapter 4: Easter 2015
"okay, that was weird," i muttered. then again, i was getting _way_ too used to weird.
My Little Wolf: Episode 1: Chapter 1
Lancer could see several odd things in the human den, there was a large black rectangle, odd squares resting on leg-like things, and weird soft looking cubes. 'humans are weird' lancer thought, while looking for something his pack could use.
My New Life Ch10
"where you guys adopted aden, i'm not sure how to say this with out sounding weird or stupid so, would you say they're good furs?" i asked. "you mean would i recommend them?" he asked.
Altearus predecessor
Inhonaru drawn to it by the weird writing on it " what does it mean"?
A changing Encounter: Chapter 1:
But this was weird. i knew for a fact that what i was feeling must have been induced by the drink, because every time i felt it, i felt sick to the stomach... just the drink, right? only, it's not.