kairu walked up to her
he was a lot taller
he looked down at her
her eyes widened.
kairu was shocked . suzie knows me ?
suzie was confused
so was kairu at first .
Dream, Hugging, Kairu, Kissing, Love, Magic, School
kairu laughed.
"i was jokeing" some how something focused suzie to go closer to kairu .
suzie kissed kairu .
as she pulled away kairu smiled.
and kissed suzie
suzie blushed.
that's what suzie wanted.
Anime, Hugging, Japanese, Kairu, Kissing, Love, Magic, Mysteriousness, School, Suzie, students
kairu looked around the room . kairu felt hot all over. "kairu"? a voice came as the door opened " are you ok?" ross was standing at the door with a what the f\*\*\* look ?
Dream, Hugging, Kissing, Love, Magic, School