Learning Life
No...i want friends, i want to be someone, i want my voice to be heard! i grip on tighter to the hand as it pulls be from the darkness, bringing me into my haven. "hey, what are you doing over the summer?"
Dover: Layer 1: Earth
We want to be perfect, we want to have the answers, we don't want to feel hate, and we don't want to be hated. i guess i should start with earth, since i grew up on this peculiar planet. our earth is round; a circle.
Guardian Blue: Thanks for the Fox - Chapter 2
Do you want to hang out a bit? we can go bowling, i bet finnick would want to join._ judy really did not want nick to have to be alone today. there was a much longer pause before the next message.
Life in Totality
I want," her eyes flickered white and then back to their normal blue. "i don't want... don't want... i don't want to be here anymore... anymore... please, when she wakes... take me with you. but don't go... i want... i want to feel my brother's hand."
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 13- Winter's Gallows
"you never did tell me what you wanted for your birthday," he said. "i wanted to get you something this time." klaus sighed. "i would think you know what i want by now," he said disappointedly. "i just want to be happy, with you!"
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 27- Perpetual WInds
Lukan did not want that to be the case, but he also did not want to find out, for he no longer desired to even see the otter ever again for as long as he lived.
Coming Out + Epilogue
I've always wanted grandkids, i've always wanted a daughter-in-law to dote upon. but this is about you, and what you need is more important that what i want." she pushed her son back, and he stared at her hesitantly.
Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)
"do you think i wanted to attack him? do you think i wanted to drive away what is going to be beside me for as long as i will remember? i have lived more than you know." "i know that you have had a life before coming here.
Born This Way: Chapter 11.5
I wanted answers, i wanted a real plan, i wanted to know more, but it seemed like this was going to happen far more slowly than i had ever planned.
Family Days 27
In fact i encouraged it; i wanted him to be comfortable. to be honest i loved him before he probably even wanted to think of me as his father," "and then...one day that all changed.
Seeing Things
What i want should be the goal of what i should do and if i want to experience things with him i should try to achieve it. what i really want, which i haven't got yet, is to see the clear and fair stars at night with him.
The voice of reason - Ch 8 - Confess...
But ceylan didn't want to loose terry, and i think terry didn't want to break up with her as well. he'll turn around. i'm sure he will... for the rest of the evening, i talked to ceylan about what happened with terry.