
A few reports had come in from near the wall: it was strangely smooth, white as snow, and cool to the touch. the wall formed a perfect circle, perhaps twenty miles across.

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Chapter 20

As they got closer to the city they could make out the massive statues of the previous kings and queens of the city carved into the walls beyond lift size.

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GE:ZAVOS - Prologue: A Shadow Among the Sands

He was down to his last canteen of water, and was now wondering if he would ever get past this wall, or cliff, or whatever it was. he hadn't noticed it at first, the opening was just as dark as the wall itself.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Eleven

A third wall was rapidly closing in on them, and this one more than one hundred feet tall. justin struggled to breathe just looking at it. they'd barely survived the fall after the last wall!

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 91

It almost looked like the entire wall had shrunk down to the size of a fence, but of course ander knew that was only an illusion. it wasn't the wall that had shrunk, it was the pass that had filled up. there was absolutely no trace of the invading army.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 71

71 dorin's eyes darted from the walls of stone on their flanks to the wall of wood barring the way. hundreds and hundreds of foxes were lining the top, each of them with a bow in hand and a quiver of arrows over their shoulder.

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Kitsune Story Commission for Catprog

You sway forward but catch yourself on the brown stucco wall. as your paw comes down on the broken wall the plaster beneath gives way and you fall through the wall. the outside light shines down on you with the wind whipping about your whiskers and ears.

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SubChp.1 Unexpected Finding

Next to the wall a suit of intact armor fell over, scraping against the wall as it fell over and crashed with a loud clang to the ground. she stood staring at the rusted armor in silence, expecting it to jump up at any moment.

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A troll after my own heart

The sparkling in the walls. it came and went with every step i took, with every movement of my head.

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Chapter V: Hybridpalooza, Part One

Basil said as he looked at the wall and realized something; looking to the side this was end and beginning of the wall. the wall wouldn't let anyone through and it had a force field to back it up.

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3) The Counter-Thief

I glanced back up to the curved wall, seeing the same image on the wall. maybe this was that dragonstone?

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