Chapter V: Hybridpalooza, Part One

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#5 of Limits at Infinity

Who needs deadlines anyway?

Chapter Five: Hybridpalooza, Part One

"We've done it Basil, we've finally made it. Welcome to Acropolis!" Matthew yelled as he made it over the last sand dune; finally they could look over the sand swept desert and see the white pillars of hope. The town was filled with buildings; some twice as high as Basil and others standing with the pillars.

Matthew laughed and tears of joy came to his face as he walked down the sand dune; mainly tripping down the hill running for the town. Basil laughed and followed Matthew down, gliding down and using his hand for balance. Basil passed Matthew and stood at the first pillar; they encircled the town.

"Should we be careful; do they know about us?" Matthew asked as he stood at the pillar; he put his hand on it and it felt strange. It was maybe some sort of marble like material; white and grainy. Looking over the wall that had plagued their journey continued until it hit another wall. This wall encircled the town and it seemed to be the final obstacle in their journey.

"No, I don't think most citizens know. The empire would be a laughing stock if someone knew that two high class prisoners such as us escaped from the newly built station." Basil said as he took the first step and made a line in the sand. Basil looked at Matthew and smiled as he jumped over the line and took the first step towards the Acropolis. They looked above them and spaceships of massive and tiny size zoomed over their head and towards or away from the city.

"This is already going to be a massive trade station; materials come in from space and they quickly leave; having delivered their material. Caravans and Sand Crawlers pick them up and deliver them to whichever side of the planet they need." Basil said as he looked at the wall and realized something; looking to the side this was end and beginning of the wall. The wall wouldn't let anyone through and it had a force field to back it up.

"This is only place to cross through on the planet; the citizens don't know we're coming but the guards will. We need to be very careful; they might know we have a perception filter and they might search anyone who comes through; we have to be more than careful." Basil said as he walked forward; he didn't know how long he would have until they would pass through the gates. He looked around and wondered if any of the ships could see them. He felt watched and he felt paranoid.

"Well then; if we have to fight our way to Terra Nova then so be it; we're almost at my homeland and I see no reason to stop this madness now." Matthew said as he looked at the walls of Acropolis; they stood tall and mighty; but with luck they might pass through and disappear like a wisp.


Matthew walked up to the wall and looked up. He stood close to Basil, wanting to keep the perception filter on his body. There was no line to get into the city; instead the traffic seemed to be with a second entrance for caravans. So Matthew and Basil easily walked up; the guards taking notice of them and flagging them.

"Howdy folks, haven't seen your kind around these parts; how can we be of service to you?" The guard said as he walked up; shifting the sand around his feet as he reached around his belt and grabbed something. Basil and Matthew stopped and put their hands up. "Oh, don't worry; only a metal detaching rod that the flying people gave to us."

"Interesting; we have no weapons. Only traders scouting for a caravan work; we heard this place was opening up and we saw some opportunity to do some trading." Basil quickly improvised as he walked up to the guards; he took his metallic vest off, the symbols of the empire eroded off after being in the desert for thirty five days or so.

The guard swiped the wand next to Basil and he nodded at the shark; Basil grabbed his vest and put it back on under his longcoat. Matthew walked through without any problems and they entered. They passed through the mortared section and under an arched entrance. Walking on a brick laid road they entered the town.

"Sweat Valhalla." Basil said as he walked into the town; he stood in place and took in the entire town. A massive road was laid down through the middle of the town and lined down the street; sand crawler led caravans and traders walked down the road. Tall buildings built of wood and stone were laid out; traders, tailors, venders, blacksmiths and cookers.

"I've never seen such social organization; too think half of this town extends into my land. We need to build more towns like this; such would befit my people gorgeously." Matthew said as he looked around and tried to shock himself into remembering that this town was built by the USC; he didn't want to know that.

The town seemed to be built in segments of circles; layers of town like an onion separated by arched entrances built into the wall. The massive town was built in an awesome manner; he could figure how long and how wide this circle was. It could be ten miles wide or a mile long.

"Come Citizens, one and all; today President Asher will speak. Come see the leader of Terraona Prime speak to all of us in the center colosseum!" A man said standing on a section of the wall; he shouted out to the crowd and Basil had a face of dread as Matthew looked over.

"He knows we're here; he's been following us." Basil said as he grabbed Matthew and pulled him over to the wall. Matthew looked over at Basil putting his hand close to his shoulder and stayed petrified as he tried to manage being between a wall and a set of cold hard abs. "He knows where we are; somehow he's tracked us."

"We haven't been secret about this exactly; they known that we've been coming to here. We've been heading in one direction; following against the wall it's not like we could have been going past this town." Matthew said as he pushed Basil off him and tried to keep thinking rationally again.

"You're right; we need to keep moving. The further that we get away from this town; the less they can track us. Once we're north; they might know we're going to Terra Nova but we can go out in multiple directions. We're losing and we only have one goal; we have to expect this to happen." Basil said as he backed up from Matthew and realized how much of his personal area he was violating.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to... Are you ok?" Basil asked as he and Matthew blushed. They both shivered as they turned away from each other.

"I'm good; how about you. We should probably go to the gate and get out of this town." Matthew said as he distracted himself and turned him and Basil towards the next gate and they walked. Basil's head shook as they walked and his hand shivered and glowed with energy.


"What do you mean, we can't get through!" Matthew said as he stood at the second gate; they hadn't even managed to get through halfway to the town before getting into bureaucratic bullshit. Matthew and Basil stood in front of the middle gate; caravan leaders were being searched and managed. Meanwhile they had to pass through a second gate.

"We are shutting down civilian gates in order to direct attention towards the colosseum; wait an hour or go to the speech by President Asher. After that you can pass through with a fee." The guard said to them and over to the crowd that had gathered behind them. The guards pushed them off and the town folk that had accumulated groaned and walked away.

Matthew looked over to Basil; the shark looked uncomfortable and seemed to becoming more paranoia. Matthew looked at the group going towards what seemed to be an entrance into the smallest circle of the town. Matthew looked at the shark and put his hand on Basil's shoulder.

"He's pushing us towards the Colosseum; he want's something to happen there and he's not going to stop until he gets us into there." Basil said as he shook his body seemed heated and he was sweating; his armor slipping and sliding as he moved. Matthew looked at him, and smiled tilting his head.

"You acting unprofessional; you're supposed to be my personal guard not my emotional guard. If something is going to truly happen than we let it happen; we've dealt with more obvious traps before but we can deal with them and if we have to we fly away." Matthew said as he turned Basil and rubbed him on the back.


"Welcome citizens one and all; today we shall be concerning the war in Terra Nova and why you don't have to be afraid of the northern monsters anymore; take your seats, fill them all in!"

Basil and Matthew looked uncomfortable as they slowly shuffled into the colosseum. They were crushed between people all trying to grab a seat; some food from vendors and pay attention to their surroundings at the same time. Still the Colosseum was another constructed wonder; it was the center circle and the only circle in the town not to be bisected by the wall.

Basil finally found a set of seats and planted themselves down in what looked to be one of the best views for the event; right in the middle, not to tall and not to short that they couldn't see the event. It seemed that the amphitheater was built into the underground and seemed to have room nearly everyone in the town.

Even as the flow of people from both sides of the city stopped there were still an abundance of seats still open. Looking around Matthew tried to find where President Asher would be making his appearance. He looked over to Basil who was trying to sit comfortably against the stone slab seat.

"Ok, I think we might be good no one's taken notice of us and no one tried to stab me so far; keep an eye out for Ingram who knows what that idiot is going to be up to today." Basil said going over the plan to Matthew; not that it was much of plan and more of a series of recreational guidelines. The crowd on the Terra Nova side of town started to clap and in a quick second so did the USC side of town.

"And its show time." Matthew said to himself as he wondered what would happen; he hoped their perception filter would hold up. It wasn't exactly easy to hide a seven foot shark; with a long coat and a sword on his back. The crowds continued to cheer and President Asher walked out of the stadium walls and towards the center of the amphitheater.

He took a bow to the crowd and took a look around, a sly smile forming on his face. Matthew looked at Basil and the shark gave him the look of hopeful reassurance. Matthew took his hand of his seat and continued to clap. President Asher stepped onto a raised stage and took another bow; earning him a few more seconds of clapping from the audience.

"Hello, hello people of Terra Nova." Asher said as he extended his hand towards that end of the city, gaining himself a few more claps from that side. "And hello people of The United Southern Collation." Their side exploded in claps and Asher could only smile.

"You're very excited today; well no reason to delay any further. I think we all know why we are here today. For twenty years this planet has been stuck in a war; a silent war that has burnt it way into the hearts and mind of both sides of this planet." President Asher said as Matthew tried to figure out what game the leader was playing at. He looked around trying to see if there was anyone walking around or anyone staring.

"But today is the day that the war has ended; we have captured Terra Nova and today you are not just Terra Nova and the United Southern Coalition, you are Terraona Alpha. Cuts have run deep through this country; families and friends separated by wall and I have come to speak to you in the only place not separated by a wall." President Asher said as he turned and showed off his point.

"Basil I don't like this, he's up to something." Matthew noted as he looked at guards patrolling through the section of Terra Nova. He looked around and tried to find the guards on his side but found know. Basil looked up and was surprised as the guards put their hands near people.

"Now then, let's hear some friendly words from some of friends over at the traitorous Terra Nova." Suddenly the lights in the colosseum were lowered at the President's command. The guards grabbed the ten or so people that were chosen and dragged them out into the center. Matthew wanted to stand up and do something; he didn't want to see his people executed.

"Now then, shooters take your aim!" President Asher said as he heard the familiar click of a plasma weapon activating and being pointed forward. Being one to show off he walked into the line of fire and choose one particularly horrified looking Terra Novian and even as he was bounded; pulled his face up quite forcefully and made sure the entire audience could hear him.

"Right here, we have the first resistance fighter; how does it feel to know your two brothers are being sent to space right as we speak?" President Asher asked before turning the microphone back on the prisoner. The prisoner cracked a smile.

"Terra Nova has not fallen; King Piecewise has not fallen. He will rise again and your reign of terror will end one day soon; sleep with one eye open because the resistance will be coming for you." The prisoner said as Asher smiled and walked away from the prisoner.

"Okay men, safety off." President Asher said as he walked out of the line of site and into a safe area. He looked through the crowds to see who was reacting to his little show boat; he smiled and raised his hand ready to give his signal to the gunmen. Swinging his hand down; the gun men pulled the trigger and the green flash quickly hit the prisoners.

"Stay down; they're all dead anyway." Basil said as he put his hand onto Matthew's shoulder; holding the wolf down and making sure he wouldn't break their perception field. Matthew took a breath and looking down into the bottom he saw as the Prisoners fell to the ground. And then President Asher turned his head and looked over; smiling at them.

"Oh god, he knows, he knows." Basil said as he suddenly realized what was happening; he backed up out of his seat and looked around; people were leaving as well. Following in the set of people that had there morbid curiosities settled; Basil grabbed Matthew and pulled them up the stairs.

"Basil you're being irrational; he could have called us down or shot upon us. If President Asher wanted us to know how much he knew then we would have been told; Ingram would have flown down from the sky and winked at us; or one of the troopers would have accidentally shot next to us; there would have been no way we wouldn't have known." Matthew said as he pulled him and Basil away from the line of exiting people and to the side. Basil looked at Matthew; he looked confused and angered. Keeping the shark at bay, he dusted off the longcoat and made sure that Basil wouldn't freak out further.

"Ok, we need a fee to get through to Terra Nova; and once we do that we're home free; maybe its two rubles or five spltonks, either way we need to raise some funds. Stop focusing on Asher and instead focus on me, every time that Asher has captured us we have managed to escape without a doubt." Matthew said as he took control of the situation and distracted Basil from something bigger; Basil was right they should have been worried but then they might be distracted.

"You're right." Basil's stomach growled as it to confirm where his mental resources were now going. Basil put his hand on his stomach and felt how empty it felt; he hadn't had a massive meal in at least two months. Looking at Matthew; the wolf smiled and laughed as they turned there focused.

"Ok, let's go find somewhere to eat." Matthew said as they left the colosseum; looking around they followed the crowd out and looked around trying to find some place where they could eat without worrying about guards. They walked out onto the main road.

"Ok, what about this pub; enough people will surely stay in there, so we might blend in and we might be able to find some sort of job." Basil said as he grew accustomed to Matthew's plan. They walked forward, exiting out of the main stream of people and caravans and instead walked to the side of the brick road.

"The Pillars of the Acropolis." Matthew said reading the pub's sign as he looked at the wooden sign hung over the entrance of the building. He looked over at Basil, who shrugged and with that the shark pushed the door open and they entered the pub. Matthew could only follow as he pushed open the doors and entered as well.

As with most respectable pubs, there were no big windows only tiny ones that let in a miniscule amount of light compared to the multiple candles lit around the establishment. Set up around the bar; were the ordinary raised seats but instead of having normal level tables; white seemingly marble pillars held up the wooden tables at a height equal to or higher than the bar.

Basil walked in seemingly unafraid of the place and took a seat at one of the empty pillars. Matthew looked around at everyone and made sure no one looked at them in the strange way that people did, he pulled a seat out from under the table and sat on it.

"You two have the right to die."

A waitress, dressed in the gear of a Primetrooper walked out of the kitchen and took notice of them. She walked over to the table and pulled a menu out, Basil was shocked as he noticed her. Matthew turned over and nearly screamed, surprised to see the Primetrooper waitress.

"To have a wonderful dinner; sorry you two we don't get to do that much everyone here either knows the trick; so when we see two caravan traders around here. You two take your time to order, I like the fish and chips." The waitress said as she walked away from the table and left the two to order.

Basil took a breath of relief and pulled his waistcoat of his body; he put it on the seat and detached his metallic vest and fusion sword. Placing them against the ground they made a ching sound as they clashed with each other. Matthew looked down at the sword and wondered why Basil needed a sword so big.

"So where did you get this sword from?" Matthew asked as he looked down at the Fusion sword and wondered if he could even pick it up. Everything except the hilt seemed to be made out metal and even while some parts were hallow and thin; he still thought it be heavy.

"Well it was designed by a scientist; a good man who picked up a strange signal one day or so he told me. This signal carried the video of this sword being used and its design specs; all and all I saw the sword and knew that it was always built for me." Basil said as he picked up the sword and twirled it around in his hands; he seemed to have no trouble picking up the sword and waving it around. He clicked a button on the sword and the two side panels clicked off. Basil clicked another button and the front and two back pieces slid of; and he placed the thin main blade on the table.

"All of these pieces interlocked, form one fusion sword but together they are strong on their own. Two locking swords, they keep the sword together and engage in sword to sword combat." Basil said as he held them up and closed their hilts.

"And finally, I have one hollow sword to be used as a heavy melee weapon; and two keyed swords possible manifolds and excellent for slicing into titanium armor." Basil said as he slid the hollow sword of the main blade; giving its main shape and form; while clicking on the two keyed sword and then placing the two locking blades and holding the sword together. Matthew smiled.

"Strange; how did you join the empire? Were you discovered with trying to protect the well; did you have a duty to care for it." Matthew said as he found a nerve that he could pinch back on. Basil laughed reliving some nostalgia and shook his head.

"So what's going to be the plan; what are we going to do?" Basil asked Matthew as he reached into his backpack vest's pocket and pulled out the map of Terraona Prime his father had loaned him. Rolling it out on the table; Matthew took a look they were in the center of the map.

"Well start the northern campaign; gather those who want to come with us and take back what is ours." Matthew said as he drew a crease in the paper and went straight from Acropolis and right into the capital. Basil looked at Matthew with a certain face of apprehensiveness. "What do you have a better plan?"

"We're not going to be able to take this entire capital in one attack; we need to find this Resistance. I say we visit towns find information and join the Resistance; they'll have forces and weapons we can use; I highly doubt that I myself can take on about two hundred Elite Primetroopers." Basil said as he traced his finger back forth from multiple documented towns.

"We barely survived for twenty days; and now you want to go back and forth through the desert when we aren't even guaranteed getting supplies from these towns. Even so if the worst happens I might be able to heal you." Matthew argued as he traced the same straight line path up to the capital.

"At most, we have to walk for five hundred more miles through what will be a hotter land; due to the sun being higher in the sky and the prevailing winds coming from the south." Basil said as he used the hopefully superior argument that they could find protection in the towns; from the heat and the sun. "I'm not immortal; we're not immortal and we can't get any free rides."

"Still even such; we find a caravan that is going north and work on it; we'll pass through government forces and be able to find protection from the heat and still have masses of supplies." Matthew argued again as he barraged Basil with his own reasons to follow his path. He didn't know what he was going to do.

"Still you're forgetting; I still can't take down as many guards as they said they would post at least two hundred or so elite trained guards at the captured capital and these aren't the Primetroopers we've faced before; these are trained in hand to hand combat; and use advanced weaponry." Basil said trying to set the scene for Matthew. "Imagine, Primetroopers but two of them fused together; they're like me and I can only take so many."

"Well then, we; we have to get through the gates. We need to pay a fee; we need money. We barely have any money right now; can we pay for this?" Matthew said as he looked at the menu and saw the prices listed. Matthew looked at Basil; and stood up off the chair.


Walking out of the main road they walked on to a side street; hopefully maybe their problem would solve itself or maybe they would be able to find enough coins to pass through the gate. They found themselves in a centralized area and a concrete area with a fountain. As they walked into the fountain area they looked up as water flowed up into the sky.

"Wow, this is painful; all that water. All the water we could have used on our journey and all of it is here, I wouldn't allowed this." Matthew said as he walked forward and looked at the fountain. "Such beauty; still all this waste of water is so sad."

"We should continue, maybe we can find some coins in the fountain; see if maybe our luck can improve." Basil said keeping on track as he walked forward; he looked down and saw his rigid stone necklace glowing. He pushed it under his collar trying to ignore what that meant; a war could not be starting.

Matthew walked over; children playing as around the fountain. Not wanting to look desperate or overly obvious; he stood over the fountain and took quick glimpses down onto the floor. Getting down; he sat on down a bench near the fountain. Basil followed him and looked to his left and his right making sure no one was looking. Matthew leaned down quickly and grabbed a set of coins out from the area.

Grabbing the coins and counting them he handed them over to Basil and made sure the shark was counting them. It was then that Basil was knocked back tripping over the bench and being pulled back. Before he could react; Matthew was knocked away in a blast of energy.

Landing in the fountain; the wolf shook himself off as he looked. A massive hole was formed in the ground; telling of an energy blast. In the sky; Ingram had his green wings spread as he held Basil in the air. The Komodo Dragon held him by his armor; the shark could be released at any second and Matthew could do nothing to stop him.

"Ok, Ingram we knew it the empire knew we were here; put him down and come and get me; I am your real target!" Matthew yelled to the dragon above him as he tried to taunt him enough to get Basil release and make Ingram turn on him long enough for Basil to turn the battle around. Ingram laughed as he released Basil from his hand and let the shark fall.

Ingram teleported and appeared in front of Matthew. He raised his hands and instead turned his body back; he threw a ball of energy and again Basil was knocked back as he was stuck with another attack. Basil crashed against the building and children ran away, their play time over.

"Ok, now then King your little plan has failed; so you've gotten my attention what would you like to talk about?" Ingram said as he floated down to the ground and stood in front of Matthew. Quickly Ingram was knocked away as Basil flew into him and knocked him threw the fountain. The stone fountain collapsed a pile of rubble; water splashing over Matthew.

"Ok, then Ingram you want to play hard ball because trust me will play a very fun game." Basil said as he cracked his fingers and put his hand into the air. A blue ball of energy formed in his hand and he threw it forward at Ingram. The dragon quickly reacted putting his hands up and blocked the ball.

As he touched it; his hands glowed green and Basil realized that he had fell into Ingram's net again. Putting his hands in front of him and cupping the air in front of him, he prepared a counter attack to his own energy. Ingram released the ball and Basil jumped up; and released his attack.

He flew back through the air; the ball missing him as he purposely crashed into a building. As the building's wall crumbled around him; he pushed his wings apart and flapped up into the air. Basil reached back and put his hand up; the hollow sword and locking sword popped off and into the shark's hand.

Basil leaned forward and twisted his body, placing his swords out and letting them conduct his energy, he formed a blue glowing twister of energy as he spun forward. Ingram smiled as he threw a tiny blot of energy forward and it hit Basil.

The twister stopped as the green overtook it, Basil fought for control of his own energy, throwing out more of his energy and trying to prevent it from being taken by Ingram's. He focused trying to fly forward and see if he could shed the infected energy. With one burst of energy behind him, he flew past the fountain in a burst of speed and the green energy was lost.

Ingram put his hand forward and his fingers glowed green; the shed energy stopped flying around in the air and started to chase Basil as he flew around over the park. Matthew backed up trying to avoid Basil and Ingram's fight as the two fought over the fountain.

Ingram jumped up and fired a barrage of green energy bullets at the swilling blue twister seemingly orbiting around the fountain. Basil turned at Ingram and stopped the twister, putting all his energy forward and crossing his sword. He struck Ingram and knocked the Dragon Komodo away, his body crashing into the ground and making an impressionable crack in the ground.

"OK, now then let's move into end game." Ingram said as he stood up and cleared the rubble from his body. He looked over to Matthew and quickly Basil reacted, placing himself in-between the wolf and the dragon. Smiling Basil knew that Ingram was planning something. However, he was surprised when Ingram only walked forward.

"Come with me, together we can explore the Mutli-universe neither of you can comprehend the amount of universes. And together all of us can go through every universe and setup your own kingdom under no threats." Ingram said as he extended his hand and looked around. Ingram walked forward forming an energy blast in his other hand.

"You really think we believe you can travel to other universes, trust me Matthew everything he says is mumbo jumbo. There is only one universe, he only needed a reason to explain why he appeared." Basil said as he landed, switching out his lock blades for the keyed and hollowed blades. Basil sliced them together; spares forming as he passed the hollow one through each key.

"I believe you, why would there be other universes?" Matthew asked as he backed up and found there was a wall between him and running away. He stayed assured that Basil would be able to stop Ingram from getting to him. Matthew looked at Basil and the shark smiled at him as he stood confidently in front of him with his swords displayed.

"Now come on, put down the swords. Little shark boy doesn't understand his energy powers and wants to play swords with the big boys." Ingram said taunting Basil as the shark retained his composure. Ingram looked around and fired the energy blast; Basil put his swords up hoping to block them but instead Ingram fired it towards the other end of the fountain.

Crashing into the fountain walls, the water leaked out and spilled over the concrete ground as Ingram distracted Basil. He flew forward, engulfed in energy as he head-butted into Basil. Basil let go of the hollow blade and Ingram picked it up.

"Now then; Basil you should stay on guard!" Ingram said as he held up the stolen sword. Basil and Ingram slashed at each other as the swords clashed with each other. Matthew moved to the side hoping to avoid the battle happening in front of him. He looked around and walked forward trying not to get in the way.

Ingram noticed and with a quick pulse of energy, he blasted Basil away. While Basil recovered, Ingram flew over in front of Matthew and this time pulled out a rigid necklace from under his armor. Matthew stood still hoping that their might be a way to escape from Ingram.

"This necklace it's not like Basil's it's the original, his is just a replication. Two of them can pull two universes together, or when they are both in the same universe they can combine individuals in to a more powerful person." Ingram said as he extended his hand once more; Matthew wondered if he had a reason to trust him.

Basil knocked him down into the ground, crashing him into a building. Raising his hand, he formed an energy blast and Matthew got the idea. Basil wanted Ingram dead.

"Basil; just stop it!" Matthew yelled out, as he grabbed Basil and turned the shark around. The energy blast spread out into the air as Basil was turned and the shark looked surprised at what Matthew was doing. Basil looked shocked and angered as he looked at Matthew.

Basil suddenly yelled out, screaming out in pain; blood splashed onto Matthew's face. Looking forward, Matthew looked horrified as a massive blade plunged itself into Basil's stomach. The shark shook as he grabbed the blade and pushed it out of himself. The blade fell to the ground and Matthew screened in horror as he saw the hole in Basil's torso.

"You know I always imagine this happening a different way." Ingram said as he looked at the hole in Basil's chest. He cringed a little and Basil fell to the ground, his shirt collar started to glow. Matthew bent down and reached into the shark's collar, he pulled out the rigid stone and it was glowing.

"Now then let's get him off this plant; void open!" Ingram said as he pointed his hands on the ground and suddenly a massive space hole opened in the ground. Basil fell into it. Matthew looked in horror and jumped intending to follow Basil and help him.

"You monster! You killed him, you killed him" Matthew yelled as he knelt down and touched the collapsed hole.

"Trust me King; Basil will be fine you'll just never see them again." Ingram said as he looked down and knew what would be happening right about now.


Basil groaned as he landed on the surface of another planet. Looking up into the sky, dull clouds shadowed out the sun and the entire world was so dark. He looked around. Looking down at his chest, his necklace was glowing. He grabbed it and tried to hold it together.

"No must remained fused."

His entire body glowed and he split into two. His body spilt, two beings of energy separating and returning to their original forms.