Know To Understand Chapter 14: New Bridge to Build.
As i started to traverse the dark woods i remained vigilant for anything that moved. suddenly i could feel my tail freeze and become heavy. my feet soon followed suit.
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 10 - "Burdens"
"the vigils are reprimanding willem--corona--for what he did, jerry. anthony told our council leader here about what happened in toronto, and he agreed that the lion's actions were against the hero code of conduct.
Time of War Chpt 5
He looked at his scar again, his constant reminder to always be on guard, vigilant, and never loose another soldier to the enemy. "i'll send you to hell, all three of you even if i have to drag you down my self."
Burning Mouse and the I.C.E. Snake
The towers surveyed the mass of data being funnelled through, vigilant on their duties. simon did his best not to stare at them, and not stare at the ground. there was nothing he could do now as the line of red inspection lights grew closer and closer.
Deltarune: A Lonely Prince
Many times he falters in his vigil but he remembers most assuredly that there is hope. there is a reason to get up every day and so, he bides his time and lives. a more nsfw story awaits later this week.
Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 7
In fact there were times on his vigilance that he actually dialed the helmet even more, to spend hours at a time in a sort of mental fog, though his crew is aware of such and have more than the capability and permission to dial his helmet all the way back
Paraskepite- Chapter Twelve
But i merely want to warn you future doctors and nurses that we must remain ever vigilant and never simply rest on our laurels. a new strain of staphylococcus may appear and we need to be ready to combat it.
Paraskepite- Chapter Nine
The dog remained vigilant as he circled and it reminded him of sharks. he had not seen a soul that he could call out to to find some help. he saw a couple of cars but they never stopped or showed any sign that they knew he was trapped.
1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter X
She also began to sense another presence, watching the fragile sphere of life, with a less benevolent purpose to its vigilance. as she continued to watch the earth turn, she felt this other presence draw closer.
An Assassin's Tale Chapter 1: A Return Home
It had only a single door, so it was easy to keep track of who entered and left as long as i remained vigilant. around midday, i took a seat on a nearby bench to rest and warm myself under the sun.
Gotham Yule
Right now he chooses to do nothing as he keeps vigil but he is not alone in taking interest in tonight's festivities as the joker and his family decide to have a night out after his son tells daddy about the creature that distracted wolf child away from chasing
The Library: Part 2
Looking down and sitting as close to the bed as possible, jessica, the snow white blond-haired rabbit, was standing vigilant guard over the feline.