Appreciation - Mythics 3

They were suddenly surrounded by a half-dozen other mythics - a shaggy black minotaur, a centaur built like a clydesdale draft horse, a green-skinned girl with leaf-like hair, a brilliant white unicorn, a massive lion, and what looked like a toddler

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Third Tale

No bigger than a toddler. "what happened!?" chaos shouted. "and now you finally understand the danger you're in." daybreaker continued to speak through the tv. "but... you still have a chance.

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Eggceptional Get Aways: Erakir

Every possible toy erakir could think of for an infant or toddler was present.

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No Frills: Igrotzny Hykok

Freedom & self-determination _toddler_ as a toddler, igrotzny was more or less left to bring himself up.

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Journey Forward

As i reach the girl the guards quicken their pace and calliope sits on the ground like a spoiled toddler and starts crying. "you need to stop and let me rest i am an important person!"

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The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 1)

Tabitha and spencer's parents have not been seen since they were toddlers." said susie. "well, seeing marsha with her crime-committing dad makes tabitha wonder where ours are." said spencer. "by the way, where is boris?" said scott.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 10

He was a toddler, and they did tend to take a lot of naps. though it had been painless, the transformation had still been physically taxing on noel's body, and as adrenaline slowly faded fatigue set in. he felt his eyelids start to close.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 2

Soon he was a child again, and then a toddler, and then he fell back onto his bottom as he was an infant. less than a year old. but something was wrong. he didn't stop getting younger.

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Love For Sale: Chapter 6

"_atma_ took me when i was still a toddler." chero smiled too hard. "this really your first time?" a pink flush under the smile turned serenity into formality. "ooh! look! look over there! that looks cute! let's try it."

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Fallen - Chapter 4 - Changes

Feeling like a toddler who was staring an evil monster in the face, the serial killer tried to scramble backwards, his gaze held tight by julius' glare.


Police Dog, Part 4: 1st Day On The Job

Jack apparently loved kids, and kept knocking over toddlers and elementary school kids and farting in their faces "by accident"; there wasn't much alex could do about that, and when he protested he ended up getting a whopping fart in the face himself.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 4

Juggernauts would crash through armies like a toddler through toy soldiers; bodies fly everywhere until it meets the only stopping for that could match them, atlases. atlases were oddly only women.

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