The Risen Curtain - Chapter 15: The Interview - About Mages
The information of the special report and what it was about spread like fire through dry woods. mammals kept sharing and re-sharing the information on said special report.
Chapter 7
_how in the world did i get into a special forces squad?_ as a veteran of both the florida and georgia campaign, i felt confident that the allied forces are winning.
Under the Shifting Wastelands
Athena checked over her assault rifle as the special rifle finished desentigrating, leaving a pile of broken parts and liquid electronics.
The Bloodless Soldier
We used standard rounds for them, saving the special ammo for its big test.
reshiram flare lust
There was a trainer named dash and a special pokemon that he loved this special pokemon was reshiram, he adored reshiram until one day.... "hey mom can i go to the musical with my loppuny?"
Pet Rebellion
Is there anything you want for your special day? special food maybe? a new toy?" jason shrugged embarrassedly, "i don't need anything special." "you should get something special," ellie pressed.
Growing Up Furry: What it was like for Me Growing Up
To two very special friends of mine i am especially thankful to (no, not those kinds of special friends come on now get your minds out of the gutter ^\_^).
The union
Each other they've got on this special day, tying the knot in a very special way. gay marriage approved in their states, the invited guests smile at the two mates. placing a ring on each others finger, the choir sing along backing a singer.
An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1
Water clan - specializing in adaptability, the water clan is the most well rounded among all the 4 clans, able to combine speed, power, and defense into a balanced style. while they may not specialize in any one field, they are prepared for anything.
Jason's Nightmare - Part 10-2 [Memories of Sarah]
"any special talent you have?" "none that i'm aware of." sarah replied with a wry smile. natalie smiled compassionately at sarah and placed her hand on sarah's shoulder.
Sweet Revenge
Try one that interests you and i'll introduce this effect in a special meal only for you" says lily smiling slightly. " i'll try this chocolate " she said taking a pink chocolate .
Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection #4
"unless your tamer has family members actually working there...i didn't want to tell you about that right away, though; i was saving it for a special occasion." i purred. "thanks, taka." he nuzzled back, purring softly.