Dark Angel - Chapter 1

.** **he would have to get the mother's signature later. he took one more look at the two very different babies laying side by side.


Meet the Studs: The Tiger who Blinds like the Sun

On the left side of his neck is the signature g-clef mark of those branded as the solfege. he's a nagual, so of course, he's obscenely muscled, powerful, virile, yadda yadda yadda. for future reference, most just grow that way.

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Weapon - Reflection

Then the two women opened it, in tiny hand writing, there were thousands of signatures. "everyone who had their partner come home and a lot of people that will never have theirs come home, but know their children will never have to go there."


Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chapter 2: Making Contact Part 3

"i've got seven heat signatures in the building." his gaze shifts to scan over the rest of the area. "four in the back yard and five in the house next to it. all with some rather heavy equipment."

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Chapter 1- the death of a soldier.

He entered my visual range of my assault suit with my therma scanners on my goggles lighting up his heat signature like a flare in the night.

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The Blanket — 1

He made his signature noises, the awkward grumble, jingling of keys, footsteps that landed flat footed and awkward. his dad was part wolf, and you would've thought that would make him more stealthy. it didn't, ed thought as he heard him quite clearly.


Suncrest - Chapter 13

Flipping it over, he found a signature written in black ink. an address was listed directly above.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 19

But this guy can also sense the air as good as him, and...he can mask his heat signature)." "(what kind of demon is that?)"

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Through the Horizon: Sebastian Part 2

They are firing torpedos at us but the energy signature of the weapons are all wrong for it to be scavengers. bane, i think it's human ships. it could be a group similar to those who attacked the city!"

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Black Magic - Chapter Eight: Escape From The Den Of Betrayal

The crest is clearly stamped just above lady agatha's signature!" norton smirked as he held the letter up for all to see, with the crest emblem stamped above the signature just as alan had said.

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Crusader Part 10

Thermal, sonar, wave detection, distortion emulators, light conversion with star charts, the a.i. is using every scan knows even experimental ones... a smile crosses her face and she finally sees detection signatures towards the core of the entire sector,

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