Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 19

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#50 of Wolves' Legacy Saga

Anenka couldn't believe that he was able to run and gun three hellhounds while trying to run to the other side of the road. They were injured but they were far from being killed. The black furred hellhound managed to regroup with the other pinned comrades near the motor home, which sustained bullet damages and started to smoke. Jo and Thotha desperately trying to make make-shift grenades fused with magic, while Azgal...well, being a wrath demon made him a formidable foe to the hellhounds in close combat. Now soaked in blood, he still tried to kill as many as possible who were dumb enough to rush to the car, which he defended with his spectral-looking shield. Since he only had three fingers with clear anatomical differences with a normal human's Azgal couldn't use guns and resorted to the lightweight weapons from his blood. But, even a formidable warrior had his limits. Azgal had started breathing in an uncontrollable pattern, indicating that he was fatigued.

It was then Azgal didn't see an attacker ambushing him from the forest, which caught him off-guard since he was concentrating on those at the front. He was fortunate Anenka was quick enough to jump and kicked the hellhound square in the face, splattering the blood he coughed everywhere and knocking off some of his teeth. Yet again, the black furred hellhound was ruthless enough to give a follow-up kick after landing, which hit the hellhound's chest and sent him flying with broken ribs. Anenka finished it with a quick sucker punch right when he was level with him, sending him down and breaking another set of bones, immobilizing the would-be attacker.

"That was an extraordinary unarmed combat you've shown, dog. Where have you learned such skills?"

"From a wise teacher," said him short. Anenka decided that using martial arts was the best strategy he could do, since he was a martial artist, not a shooter. He turned to Mizarka and silently nodded. Before she could react, Mizarka threw his glasses to her and his vision suddenly changed from a normal one to the one with thermal imaging akin to a snake, where he could see the heat source of the guns and those wielding them, along with some trees and obstacles that appeared blue in his now thermo-vision.

Anenka had never fought with his true sights since training for stealth combat some years ago. He was the general of his own special ops, specialized not only in unarmed combat, but also assassination. His thermal vision was a very unique deformity that helped him so much in many black ops missions, but the problem was, when he was not using his glasses, he couldn't perceive too many obstacles and couldn't see anything that's superficially cold, which wasn't a problem in a heated situation like what he was in at the moment. He also trained his vision to make a difference between a normal heat wave and the heat wave of any living objects, which made a solid form of a humanoid. He could also see them behind any obstacles, which helped him in dispatching them one by one from behind a tree. With his help, at least his allies could move forward and tried to push on.

Just then, Anenka couldn't react when the same sniper shot him again, this time he didn't have time to dodge and his arm got hit. The bullet went clean through, and this made Anenka unable to move forward.

"(I can't see where that shot came from)," thought Anenka. "(What the hell is that? He didn't even make a heat signature. Something's not right with that sniper)."

Mizarka came beside him and gave him his glasses. When he switched to a normal vision, he couldn't see where the sniper was, nor could he see where the rest of the hellhounds went.

"(Miza, did you see the sniper?)" said Anenka.

"(I can't believe it myself, but you are shot in the middle of the street. From where the bullet passed you, he's right at the end of the road, but, even with my scope I can't see...)"

Another noise came by and Mizarka could hear a whistling sound beside her, just moments before she felt a sting on her left cheek, which drew blood.

"(He's intimidating us, not missing that shot)," said Anenka. "(His accuracy is like Rhynsa, and it's terrifyingly accurate)."

"(Like Rhynsa? I've never seen him shot one)."

"(That's because he's a sniper and they are not very useful in heated combat like this, just like my fighting style. Rhynsa is a half-fuzandre, so his eyes are far more powerful than a normal eagle. Coupled with him able to sense the air due to his fuzandre nature, he's dangerous as fuck. But this guy can also sense the air as good as him, and...he can mask his heat signature)."

"(What kind of demon is that?)"

"(Maybe he's not from the circle we know...)"

"(He's from the fifth circle too)," said Azgal, talking with Hordo to them. "(That's not a power. The fifth circle have advanced technologies that you might think it's out of some twisted science fiction you read in newspapers and books the humans can imagined)."

"(What's his technology, then?)"


Suddenly, when they were still very busy looking at the position of where the sniper would attack, they got a sensation of danger that made them aware, but it's behind them. They didn't have time to see it before it brandished a sword. Luckily Azgal was aware before the two hellhounds could find out about it and he moved into the way of the sword, holding it with his hand, spraying blood to both Anenka and Mizarka. They weren't even sure if that quick second was only an imagination until later when they saw Azgal on them holding the sword with a formed spectral one over his closing wound, yet he was struggling, something that surprised the three of them.

"What the fuck?"

"Azgal, what happened? You're supposed to be able to hold him, right?"

"I know, Anenka, but he's...too strong!"

"Stop your struggle, royal scums. Your friends are apprehended. Surrender now," said a voice behind them. When Anenka moved to the side, he saw that the rest of his group was held at gunpoint. He then realized that they were also hellhounds behind them that were aiming at them. There, Anenka could see the silhouette of their assassin, but couldn't see anything from him.

As they were gathered to a small square, alongside Azgal (who was thrown by the same unknown assassin), they were aimed at by at least seven hounds circling them. Another hellhound came to them and said, "So, do you think that killing our informants in the lake town goes unnoticed? We have eyes everywhere and your fight in that bar costs us a way to get to your monarchs. But now, tell me, where are the Schelkz monarchs?"

"How should I know? They are with a better group..."

A punch to Anenka's side reminded him not to talk too much or the group would be done for. When the rest of the group stayed silent, he took a liberty to grab on Lilac with him. She was still a Lycan, fierce and didn't want to give up, but her own strength with that of a hellhound was different.

"She once travelled with Ifrit Schelkz," said the hellhound holding her. "She may know the others with him, including the royal guard dog and the demon hunter."

"Then tell us about them, Lycan. Where are they?"

"Get your stinking paws off me, you bloody demons! Because of you Ifrit is dead! Eshdar is dead, and making us into this!"

"You're not going to intimidate me, Lycan. I won't back out even if you're a female," said the hound while holding a knife to her throat. "Now, tell us where the rest of your group is or I'll make you an example."

"I separated with them almost two years ago. I don't know where they are."

"Liar! Albreich Schafner is a dangerous man who possessed a summoning book. Tell us where he is or I'll kill all your friends!"

Anenka realized that Lilac was telling the truth. She never knew that Ifrit was still alive and she would die without knowing him alive. Not only that, if she still insisted on telling a truth they never knew, the group would be massacred and there would be no way to regroup with the rest of them. He gritted his teeth. He knew demons were not to be trusted. He just wished if there would be some kind of a goddamn miracle that came to them.

Just then, when Lilac kept silent and the hellhound said, "Then so be it", he raised his sword high on the air, but the next moment saw him getting stiff at place. Lilac could feel blood trickling down on her back and when she turned up, the hellhound had died with a dagger jutting out from his forehead. She didn't have time to be surprised when she heard a howl coming out from the forest. She knew the howl, but she never expected him to be alive and here.

"Who goes there?! Show yourself!"

Then there was something thrown to them. As they realized it, it was something they should be feared of, yet Jo said, "Close your eyes. It's a flashbang!"

A blinding light came to Anenka and Lilac when they forgot to close their eyes, yet the hellhound managed to recover quickly due to his thermal vision. He could see another Lycan with lean body started to jump on the group and dispatched them one by one, all with a gruesome fashion. Anenka wondered how sharp his sword was when cutting them and how strong he was when ripping open a hellhound's skull. Just then, he remembered about the hidden assailant and shouted, "Look out", yet he managed to see where the attack would come to him and blocked the attack, but just like Azgal, he was overwhelmed by the sheer force, until he smiled and a clicking sound was heard. Under the Lycan's sword was another sword hidden inside it, which pushed the hilt to the Lycan's other hand and made him able to cut the assailant to let go of him. The assassin let out a blood-curling roar before he ran away, shimmering under the light. The next moment, when he turned his back, he realized the gruesome finish the Lycan had done to the ambushers.

As he closed both swords and sheathed it inside the sheath on his back, he turned to Lilac and hugged her, which prompted her to say, "H-hey, what the bloody hell are you doing?!"

"So that's what you tell your brother after he's gone for four years?" said the Lycan, then he made a single sweep to see everyone. He then said, "You've get quite good friends, I think."

"They are trying to save our homeland, Hans, but...where were you for these four years?"

The Lycan then said, "I've found the unknown continent, Lilac, and it's full of extraordinary creatures out from storybooks. But, we'll talk about this later. Hellhound with the glasses, I assume you're the leader of this trope."

"It's not nice calling our group a trope," said Anenka cleaning his glasses. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"My name is Hans Rezmirn. I'm Lilac's older brother who happens to hate demons as much as the rest of my group. Three years in a rough colorful continent and I came home with the demonic invasion. That can make you hate other hellhounds. But...I sometimes give exceptions to some hellhounds."

At least he's neutral, Anenka thought. Hans smiled to them and said, "The problem is, mate, you're not out of danger yet. This is but a small scouting party. There's more of them coming to you from the forest."

"Why didn't you dispatch them?"

"I can't. They are too many for me to fight. You can't stay on the road. We'll go to the lake. Follow me!"

Then they walked into the forest while trying to avoid unnecessary contact with the group Hans was talking about, if he was telling the truth. It wasn't long before they realized that going into the forest was a mistake, since the group Hans was talking about was inside the forest recently. A sudden ambush came by again and they ran as fast as they could with Hans, with him occasionally sniffing the air for direction.

"Those damn bastards! Hey, we need to go to the open!"

Just a while later, they were out of the open to the now-frozen lake where they could see the same lake town where they were attacked. The ice was thick enough for them to run on, but of course, it still had limits on where they would run on.

"What's your fucking strategy? Drown them? We'll drown before them, you idiot!" exclaimed Mizarka.

"Close your maws, woman! I have a trustful friend that can help us out of this mess." Yet he murmured, "So much for surprises."

Hans directed them towards the middle of the lake, where they suddenly stopped when they realized that it had cracked. The group were too clumped together, making Anenka telling them to scatter, yet Hans said, "Are you daft? You can't possibly fight this much of a hellhound with only us!"

"Then what the hell are you trying to do gathering us in the middle of an iced lake?! If we're clumped together we're going to fall into the lake!"

"If you scatter she'll think you're an enemy and you'll still drown!" exclaimed Hans back. Anenka had no idea what he was talking about when Hans shouted, "Azureath, sock'em!"

To the group's horror, there was a silhouette of a giant creature under the lake, which slowly became more and more prominent to the surface. The group though Hans was talking to another of his allies, but they soon realized they were wrong.

The ice broke under the group, but it quickly reformed to a new ice block, while the pursuers were so lucky. The ice started to crack under them and when one fell into the lake, he was quickly pulled down by the shadow under the ice. The ice suddenly broke away under the hellhounds and the group was given a magnificent, yet terrifying force of nature before them.

A dragon emerged from the lake, as black as the night, standing on the surface of the lake which quickly refroze under her. There was a sight of horror when they saw the group of hellhound who were trying to kill them was now trapped under the ice, trying to break free of the wall over them. There was an uncomfortable silence as they see the dragon walking around them while watching the lake's surface and the hellhounds who slowly drowned to death. Lilac couldn't see that much of torture, and Anenka and Mizarka couldn't believe that there was a ruthless and cold dragon like that. As the silence fell, they were more surprised when the dragon moved to them, and all of them couldn't even move. Anenka knew there were dragons in hell, but not a real living dragon on the surface with crazy ice power that can froze you solid. Hans moved closer to it and snuggled her, which caused them to left aghast on what actually transpired.

"H-Hans...? That's...your friend? You have a...dragon friend? My goddess, Hans...I would think I'm dreaming."

"Hans, is this your sister you're talking about?!"

"It talks?!" said Jo in surprise.

"Maybe you need to calm down a little and let me talk through this. There are no dragons in this continent."

Then Hans moved closer to them and said, "Let me introduce you to my trustful ally. Her name is Azureath, a northern ice dragon...wait, are you really from the north?"

"Why do you doubt my heritage to this day, Hans? I thought you..."

"A-Anyway, she's from the north," said Hans with a panicked tone. "Then I'll tell you what I am. I am from the Order of the Dragons and formed the dragon air force. I'm of the front line."

"And as you know from him, I'm Azureath, a dragon of the north, and served as his mount to his obligations as a dragon rider."

After talking a little and introducing one another, they returned to where they left the motor home. It was in a serious damage, but it still could move until the next town, where it subsequently broke down and needed repair. Luckily, they were now in Arbal, and it was only time to wait before they could reunite with the other group that used a longer route.

At night, when the group resorted to stay in an inn, Lilac went out from the inn alone to meet with Hans, who camped outside of the town in a plain on far from the town. It was a full moon, so Lilac could transform into a feral wolf and ran to where Hans camped with his dragon. Just as she wanted to reach the plains, she found Hans snuggling the dragon, yet it was not of a normal circumstances, but of something that was more passionate that friendship, which Lilac could sense. She just said to herself, "This family is so bloody taboo in many ways."

But then, Hans sniffed the air, blushed and said, "Just come out from the bushes, Lilac, I can smell you."

Her bigger-than-normal wolf body then went out of the bushes. Hans blushed and scratched the back of his head, something that Lilac knew he was trying to hide something. Lilac then said, "What's her to you, Hans? You know both of you are of different breed and different size."

"Well, I...saved her during her imprisonment in Isola, and we grew close since then. But..."

"As you can see, both of us actually develop a romantic feeling," said Azureath, continuing Hans's explanation, yet she was also embarrassed. "I don't know what he was thinking at that time, but...he actually said that he's in love with me."

"We are inseparable as we have quite a great bond after I saved her, but...Azureath...gives me more of a fantasy comes true than a simple mount."

"Wait...so you commit a bestiality?" said Lilac.

"Uhm...it's complicated.... But...she wasn't this big when we...uh..."

"What's in it for you, little wolf? It's not your concern of our love life."

"Hans...maybe it's not the best way to say this now, but...you're not the only one."

"What?! You mean, you..."

"But I didn't elope with a dragon this big! There's this kind hellhound that I met some years back. His innocent personality made me feel comfortable when you were gone. He came to me after trying to run away from his pursuers, and we grew close. Yet, I wasn't able to express my feelings because I feared he wouldn't love me because of my transformation. A chance transformation actually made him fall in love with me and...we uh...made love that night and, uh...he corrupted me."

"Corrupt you?!"

"No, don't get the wrong idea, Hans! He didn't know about it, either. I thought that hellhounds are the primal ancestors to us Lycans and maybe, just MAYBE, having a sex with a hellhound won't be bad. Because of him, the dormant gene inside me awoke and I became a true werewolf that was a byproduct between a human and a wolf. That's why my body was different from you, Hans. I'm...a hornless hellhound now."

There was a silence between them, before Hans said, "Then, why are you still able to be in this form? I thought you say you're part-hellhound now."

"I'm not born part-hellhound, so the lycanthropy curse is still in effect, though I couldn't transform at will. The next morning, even if I sleep with this form, I will be forced to turn back into my normal form."

Another silence followed, then Lilac couldn't hold it and started to say, "It's not like I want to be like this, Hans! Ifrit is so damned important to my life when you're gone! I wanted someone I can be close to, but I've become too close to him and I'm still madly in love in him. But now he's gone and I can't do anything! He's the only one that's so nice to me, despite of his race! I know it's even more forbidden to have a sex with a demon, but what can I say? I'm a bloody wolf and he's too good to not mate to!"

Lilac then went silent, whimpering in place while Hans stood there in silence, with Azureath lost in words. Just then, Lilac turned her body back, which prompted Hans to say, "Wait!"

"I know you won't understand. We both loved a different creature, and we're not going to be reunited in the Wild Hunt because of this. I'm sorry, Hans...."

Hans then moved to Lilac and rubbed her head, calming her down and comforting her. Azureath made a snort before sleeping, while Hans said, "No, I'm sorry for making this hard for you. Your boyfriend...I'm so sorry to hear his fate, but...now I'm here, let's face the long path together. We took on our paths differently, and we have done different things, but whatever happened, Lilac, we will support each other again, as siblings."

Lilac made a small howl in her comfort. She was growling in the pleasurable stimuli that her brother gave to her wolf body, before she went to slept, still thinking about Ifrit and their love together.