Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chapter 2: Making Contact Part 3

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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#2 of Out Of Time

Kaodina arrived a bit behind schedule to her location. The neighborhood that the house was in was in a darkly lit area of town. The house itself was on the darkest lit area of the street. "This isn't a rather obvious trap. You're logic in asking for backup is sound." SoL spoke a soft he walked up behind Kaodina.

"No shit. As if I would ever ask for your help if I didn't need it." Kaodina replied with a soft huff. Her right hand rests on her hip as she starts to stretch out. "Bet you 50 credits that this is going to be easier then that last little dust up."

The cybernetic feline showed a slight grin before sticking his left paw out in a fist. "Your on, birdy!"

Kaodina grins herself and gives his fist a light bump with her right fist. She turned back towards the house. "How many targets?" She ask as she looked over to SoL, who was already in the midst of scanning the house.

"I've got seven heat signatures in the building." His gaze shifts to scan over the rest of the area. "Four in the back yard and five in the house next to it. All with some rather heavy equipment." He looks over to his older sister with a smile. "If you don't mind, I will deal with the backup, and you can do your thing with the rest?"

Kaodina thought the idea over for a moment then nods. "Done deal. Wanna do 'Killer Robot'?"

SoL shook his head. "Statistics are against us with that one here. I love you too much to lose you to a stray bullet or a ricochet."

"That's rich. A machine feeling love." She teased her little brother and playfully punched his left arm, which made a life tinking sound. "Ok, ok. We will do this your way, but hey. Stay safe. You may be bulletproof to these guys, but too much strain can be bad for you." She pats his arm and motions for him to have fun.

SoL smiles before quickly sneaking off into the house to the left of Kaodina's target. Kaodina watched him go before speaking in a low volume in a language not of earth. "Kinmoath Gurthintachk Fligunth." The light around her body shimmered a moment and then she vanished from earthly sight. The only indication of where she was as she snuck to the house to wait for SoL's signal was the steps she made across the wet ground. She was thankful that the storm had passed, even if it was a side effect of her siblings all coming here for their own missions.

She snuck up to the right side of the house and looked around the corner. She raised her left hand to her belt, and ran her fingers from the back towards the front, stopping at each of the little pouches that hung from the leather belt strap. She counted the number of guards her eyes fought sight of and stoped her hand on the third pouch in her hand's path. She reached in and pulled out a few strands of long red hair thin rope and raised them to her lips.

"Jutist flocth ninthe" She whispers into the strands and tossed them out in front of her. The strands expanded and enlarged to reshape into four purple snake creatures. They look up at her as though awaiting orders. She raised a finger to her lips then pointed out each of the guards hidden in the back yard. The creatures nod and turn to rush off to their individual targets. She smiled and stood up to turn towards the door of the house. And this is where things all went south.

She took a moment to look for SoL's signal before making her way to the door. Her brother should have been finished by this point, but no signal came. "Come on SoL. Where are you?" She whispered. She gave it a moment longer before letting out a low whistle, signaling her brother to pick up the pace.

"What the fuck was that?" A voice came from behind her quickly followed by the cocking of a rather graveyard automatic weapon.

She cursed under her breath and slowly turned around. She was starting to miss her wrist panel already. Panal always had a warning system for these sorts of moments. She was happy to still be cloaked however. Seeing as she still need silence to stay cloaked, which means she couldn't use magic. Not that she really needed it for one flunky with a gun. As the armed man waved an A.K. back and forth, she watched. By the time the man lowered the gun, she had full calculated all his movements with the weapon.

She dropped her cloak with a quick swip of her feet through the grass, which made just enough sound to the man to hear. Just as the man turned and raised the weapon, she had continued the motion of her leg, sweeping the man off his feet.

As the man fell, she rolled and brought her heel down against the man's skull at just enough stranglehold so that the man was out cold after hitting the ground. But not before the man had squeezed the trigger and fired off half a clip before he was out. "Damn it. Good luck SoL. Now get outta here." She said to herself, and making a mental note to transfer the 50 credits to her brother when she gets home.

She rushed towards the front door and took a quick peek in, and being forced to duck back as the remaining guards in the house opened fire at the door. "Damn" she cursed and started to think through what she had left on her as she planned out her tactics while they fired. Her target was bound to a chair and screaming for help through a tight gag. She couldn't help but have a sense of déjà vu. Maldavious's contact and Cassandra's contact where both held in a similar trap. That only meant one thing. They where being targeted for something worse then they originally thought.

She ran her fingers across the front of her pouch. She knew how many where in there, so she pulled out a small vile of green liquid. She looks into the vile, making eye contact with a tiny dark green dot in the liquid. "You, my little friend, are my only hope here. SoL is a no show, meaning either he did his task and ran, or, he was captured. But seeing as they don't have backup rushing in, I'm going with the first." She opened the vile and poured it out in front of her.

The lights grew into a small slime creature about the size and shape of a bird. "Do your worst, but only the bad guys."

The creature wiggles and flew off into the room. The gunfire began again as the guards fired upon the bird. As soon as the first one was down, the gel creature absorbed all the liquid out of its body, growing larger. The guard started screaming and reloading their gun. She peeked in to see the shape it would pick to finish the job and frowns when it chose her own. "Fucking suck up." She whispered to herself.

As she turned around, she took the butt end of a gun to the side of her head, knocking her out cold. Her spells simply vanish leaving behind the survivors of her attack to collect themselves.