Love and Pain Series 2: Love returns Chapter 1.
Ace reflexes started to slow and his vision began to blur. koga calmly crossed his arms. ace fell to his knees panting heavily. he had been poisoned. "are you really so weak that you need to rely on poison?" ace said.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Forty Five
I took a reflexive step backwards as the black werewolf soared above me, but she didn't come back down. with a rattling clang, she landed on the old, rusted fire escape of the abandoned building she'd led me to.
Seeing Red (Kreet 18)
Instinct, reflex and training took over before she even consciously knew what she was doing.
Love, Loss, and Spilled Coffee
Scott was pretty sure she felt the same way he did, and the questions were more of a reflex, an automatic response to the dreaded "i don't think we're working anymore" conversation.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 26
The word sent a chill down her spine and she reflexively covered her stomach, feeling cold inside. "you really think it will come to that?" "i know it will." "but you can't be sure. maybe the wall will keep them out. maybe they'll give up."
Agents of C.O.W.- Prologue
Patti bolted upright as her white furred hand flew to cover her eye, though it was more in reflex than in any actual pain. "i've been caught in a hail of bullets before, but this is ridiculous!"
POV vore - you and a little bear
One padded hindpaw kicks out reflexively and hits you hard in the ankle, knocking you off balance. already leaning forward, you fall. there is a flash of pink and ivory white, then a wet thump as everything goes dark.
Feeling better
My reflexes were sloppy and my timings were off. but i didn't feel frustrated. in fact, i haven't felt anything, not sadness, excitement, or anything. i just felt hollow. i remembered all the fun i had with this game.
After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]
The riolu stalled this long just to observe the sableyes' attack pattern, their evasion style and how fast their reflexes are. the riolu grinned as he got the data he needed; the sableye were done for.
Land of the Free and Home of the Slaves: Chapter 3
The ear twitched, but it was more from reflex than pain. the doctor let out a satisfied grunt and started working his way down.
Star Hopper Chapter 13
Stepping back as a reflex he slipped in the blood and fell to the ground, one of the others put down his rifle to help him up but just as he did, ian rose from the bed with colleen in his paws.
JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 4 - Waffles and Superdogs
A smile reflexively grew on the shepherd's face. _no, i don't._ "yes, absolutely". _dammit._ benji cursed his disobedient muzzle. "great!" bolt wagged happily.