Digi Kimi Chapter 7: Saving a friends life

Tony left his room, as he was working out he put on the gift ty got him on, once after doing that he put the gift he got for ty into his pocket, and headed out, as tony got out of the building he walked passed the others and they started talking to tony.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)

The gifts can manifest themselves in a number of ways, each of them specific to each individual race. most are transferred through blood, although not all members of that blood line are granted the gift of being a k'tan.


After Armageddon Chapter 2

What matters are the present and the future. by changing the present you change the future. we need to change our present so that we have a peaceful future. not a future of death and destruction. until that day arrives i will not give up."

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Two Worlds: Prologue

What they fail to admit is that some atlanteans got away and that their offspring might have unique gifts as well. gifts they may not understand in time to save themselves.

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"babe, i got you gift!" you say ecstatically. asterion shakes his head.

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The Perfect Gift [Commission - TF, Puppets)

Randall had been wanting to get a gift for his crush; a band member, named shen.

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A Dragon Redeemed, Part 1

I called, i have given her gifts for herself and her mother, let it be know if any try to take or steal their gifts, they will answer to me!"

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Resolutions - Part 3 - March

"and this is for my favorite wolf," i said and handed the blue and green wrapped present to nathan after we released each other. "aw, that's sweet of you i'll put this away with the other gifts. i need to make some more drinks too, so go and mingle."

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 7

Not knowing what else to say, i gestured towards maliha and tayla, who then conjured up silver's gift. she gasped when they brought it over to her.


Life on Centaurio: Chapter 1 (Version 2)

The village has given you this cart, oxen and the content under the canvas as a gift." pausing to wave at the covered wagon, once again talking after the pause," your family also has gifts for you."

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The Frozen Grove

Then you'll head into the frozen grove to find the golden present." "woah..." nathan muttered. "what's in the present?" coughing, the old wolf man looked at the seal. "anything you desire." "hold on," the reindeer cut in.

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Unwanted Chapter 2

Sam hugged jake and handed him a small, neatly wrapped gift. jake stared at it for a bit. "well, go ahead and open it!" she half yelled, waiting on his approval. jake tore open the gift and was shocked at was inside.

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