Writer's Block

I'll be glad to hear what people think, although i am aware the plot doesn't go anywhere. call it an elaborate metaphor. this piece is an example of how i write as much as anything. i'd like to add that i'm free to proofread, critique or write.

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New Horse: "Separate Ways"

An abrupt departure from the picnic and a twist in the plot. what's caught kimi's attention? an insistent jangling that might have been a music clip suddenly interrupted the conversation, and kimi stopped to answer his phone.

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Other people are there for you: Srsly (Get 5 Beta Readers!)

You'll learn more about your own writing than you could possibly realize by critting and editing other people's works, you'll figure out plenty about how plots sit together by trying to help other people develop theirs, and if someone's lost on some small

Gaid 2 riting gud: Srsly (episod 1)

You are coming up with plots, stories, characters, witty turns of phrase and excellent names for your own benefit. putting prose to pixel is about communicating with your audience.

Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Prologue

Naoia quickly figured out what was going on and whisked james and his mates and frer-sha'an, too, back to dra'ka to rescue erlanna from kh'nar's plot.

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Cover Letter - Sebastian Swift

They will end up all sexfied in some parts, plot filled in others. it will have some m/f towards the start but tends towards m/m or m/m/m/m/m/m or some such by the end :p so yes, here is the first of many letters to come.

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Course Correction (Otherwise Untitled)

The macaw at the ship's controls nodded slowly, in a bit of stunned confusion, but carefully plotted in the course. he hesitated, "that will exceed the acceptable band of course corrections at ftl, sir. confirm order, of thirty minutes per second?"

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Chapter Five: Sharp Beaks Near the Great Valley

Luckily, their plot had been foiled. he came to ducky first. "that thing was creepy. it was. it was." she said. "on the island where we met chomper, one got me. it tried to feed me to its babies." said ducky. ducky had never told them this before.

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 4)

Ooh, major plot twist! when the bus finally gets to my stop, i jump out. i walk to my house, trying to comprehend everything that's happening to me. there only seems to be one explanation, but it defies all normal logic. i must be turning into a wolf.

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"i don't even think they've plotted a destination, they're just running." "_good_." the akita steadied herself, waiting for the last pirates to vanish.

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Small Little Reflection in the Middle of the Night

I'm still trying to work out the story and plot for it, so stay tuned for details, if you wish.


Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Four)

Oh yeah, she gets seen, but its not enough to make the whole plot of the story change. all i did here was abuse the time that he skipped in the original.

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