Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 6
This sense of paranoia in the dark was getting on his nerves... chris thought as he finally reached the spot that had been shining. looking down, it looked like something was broken and left behind.
A True Ghost Story
Many a parent warned their child to stay away from old man munin out of paranoia, but i had been the first to make a connection with him, moving past the moniker we'd forced onto him.
Per Patientia ch. 3
I'm sure he'll return when paranoia sets in." a short laugh escaped the lizard's lips, then. this produced a comical response from the ferret opposite her. she then noticed her cowl was still drawn across her face.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 32
He'd hate to think luke's paranoia was starting to rub off on him, but even before the boy... _acted out_, james had been getting odd feelings from their giant houseguest, feelings he didn't quite understand.
You Are Not Alone
By the time morning comes, his paranoia has receded quite a bit, and he works up the courage to open the door. how silly it seems to lock himself away because someone was in his house - _his_house! there are knives in the kitchen; he has a cell phone.
Lunaforte Granz Part three Mutation
The nameless fear, the overwhelming paranoia. steil had merely served to fan the flames. pushing rasler to defend his family, what other options did he have but to retaliate? rasler was not a man to let an enemy try the same thing twice.
City Mouse: 3 of 7
But he remembered the paranoia over being sent to the principal. "usually we got sent batches of kids at a time," jennifer explained, holding her hands out in parallel, touching the tabletop as she went on.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 32
He'd hate to think luke's paranoia was starting to rub off on him, but even before the boy... _acted out_, james has been getting odd feelings from their giant houseguest, feelings he didn't quite understand.
death adventures
Out of paranoia i drew scythe and life's staff. then i heard a deep growl. deeper than cerb's. as i looked for the source i saw a pair of yellow eyes and a column of fire flying toward me. life's staff turned into a shield and protected me from it.
Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)
If that wasn't enough, this paranoia and fear of death makes him incredibly insubordinate to his superiors, especially megatron.
A Fatal Game 5 - Masking Reflections
He felt at first the same paranoia one feels when they see a tall black shadow just out of the corner of their eye. then came the deepest fear. the most intimate fear of all. the fear that one was already dead.
He Walks As My Shadow 1 - That Which Stalks The Darkness
At first he believed it was nothing but paranoia in such a gloomy setting, until he heard the flap of wings. his step stiffened, as he turned and drew his blades. "who's there?!" no answer came from the darkened night.