Cats of a Different Color, Chapter 10: Camp
You're bigger than most of us, and we can split your pack between all of us." tala nodded and stood up, packing his supplies away neatly in their carriers so that he could spread them between the packs.
Meanwhile: Chapter 5
By a law which is detrimental to the citizens of the pack?"
Aurora Sitka Ideas
It's possible to take a mate from within the pack and not have to search other packs. aurora's possible mate, australis (i haven't decided yet) is (mostly) from another family line.
History and the Journey
That was where his pack wanted to go. servy sold what he could from the villa, packed the remaining tools and carvings, and ordered a shipping container.
\*\*\* through the woods a pack of wolves were scouting for preys. the one leading this hunt was not the alpha male of the pack, but a high ranking one in the packs hierarchy.
Partners in Crime
"we have to get back to jasper and warn the pack," he said, "before it's too late." lilly was doubtful. she didn't know if they would be able to get back to the pack before nuka and his pack got there.
Lykos - Mat P "Halloween Night"
Their favorite pass time though was picking on both the head beta and the pack omega. they saw it more of hazing in mats case but with the pack omega well it was easy target syndrome to the pair.
The New Wolf Chapter 11
Chester, there are packs designed for cases like elliot's. wouldn't it be better to send him to one of those packs instead? i slammed my fist on the table. "we can help him! he wants to join this pack!
Wolf Tech 1 - The Beta
What sort of fun and trouble to they get up to as they deal with a pack that has many members that are not interested in change and want to continue doing the same thing every day as they bring technology to the pack.
Secrets Ch. 4
I dust one off one and start thumbing through it when chase returns with my pack. "find something interesting?" he asks as he sets my pack on the table. "just some cook books. how come you don't use them?"
Secrets Ch. 33
Celeste rolls her eyes, "sweetheart after all these years do you still understand wolf packs so little? even in the most relaxed packs you still give the alpha the right to welcome or dismiss visitors no matter who brings them."
Chapter Nine: Ptero's Getaway
Ptero, meanwhile, spent a lot of that day dodging his pack. eventually, around nightfall, he'd finally given them the slip in the dark. he rested, for he thought that agatha and her pack couldn't find him.