The New Wolf Chapter 11

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#11 of the new wolf

new month, new chapter of new wolf. I meant to upload this yesterday but it slipped my mind.

sorry for the one day delay

_Is it really okay? I mean it's not too difficult, right?_I started to fidget my fingers in front of the door to the apartment. Chester went outside a minute ago after he got a phone call. I needed to tell him something about me joining the pack.

The door suddenly swung open, Chester nearly ran into me as he entered the apartment. "Oh Elliot, I need to tell you something." He moved passed me. "Something came up and I need to leave now." He walked into the kitchen and scanned the countertops. "Hey, I'm going to write down the address to the camp so you can come-"

"C-Chester, there is something I need to tell you."

Chester stopped for a moment and stared at me, then started to open the drawers. "Uh sure shoot."

"Well um," I started to choke. My arms shook from the nerves getting to me. "I am probably not going to move in right away. I would like to rest a few days before I move to the camp."

"Sure whatever," he said as he continued to go through my drawers.

He reached into a drawer pulling out a pocketbook I use for grocery lists. He opened it up. "Blank page, blank page, here." He fished out a pen from his pocket. "Okay here is the address to the park." He handed me back the pocketbook. "If that is all, I need to go, like, now." He circled around me. Time seemed to slow down as he reached for the door handle.

I have to do it now. "Wait," I yelled out.

"What? Elliot, I really need to go. If it is not impor--"

"Y-y-your number," I forced out.


"Can I have your number as well?" I bend my chest forward into a bow, my arms stretched over my head holding the pocketbook towards Chester. I kept my face downwards to the floor. Oh god, is this how your Mother taught you how to ask for something you asshole? What reason does he have to give--

I felt the pocketbook leave my hand. I turned my head and see that Chester has already started writing in the pocketbook.

Chester closed the pocketbook and handed it back. "Here I've written it underneath the camp's address. Send me a text when you can and I'll put you in my phone." Chester grabbed the door handle. This time I didn't feel anxious or anything when he grabbed it, "Anyway sorry Elliot but I really have to go." As he crossed the threshold he turned to me giving me a warm smile. "Anyway I look forward to seeing you around camp, Elliot." He closed the door behind him.

I stared at the door for a minute, thinking he might reenter the apartment.

I looked down onto the pocketbook. In it was the camp's address and Chester's number. A sudden wave of emotions I could not accurately describe filled me. Happy? Sad? Hopeful? I just didn't get it. It was a maybe I feeling I forgotten I had in the past year, but it felt nice.

My stomach growled. Then I noticed something. A smell. For some reason the smell just stood out. It smelled like pizza. When did pizza smell this nice?


The way back to the camp was long and slow. I fought the urge to just put the pedal to the floor and speed through traffic. While I was worried about being late, making sure I get there at all should be my priority. Besides, if Hector learned I basically ignored traffic laws to make sure I was on time, he'll have no problem taking my car away for however long he likes.

Soon, I got to the camp. The parking lot was scarce and open. I would usually park in my spot but I was in a hurry and just grabbed the closest one available.

The second I got out of the car I went into a mad dash to the counselors' office. Fuck. fuck. Fuck. fuck. Hope I'm not late. Hope I'm not late. Hope I'm not late.

The counselors' office came into my sight. I saw someone leaning on the railing.

Claude glanced away from his phone and noticed me. "So, Chester, you're finally here."

I was breathing so hard. "I...I need...a," I couldn't get anything out. My lungs were on fire.

"It's convenient that we saw each other. There is something I need to tell you." He put his phone back into his pocket. He stood uncomfortably close to me, whatever deodorant he has on waifs into my nose. He was about my height but there was no doubt he was a well-built person. "Now Chester I want you to listen carefully. When the Alpha asks for any opponents to my decision, I want you to back down."

I was not going to be intimidated by this asshole. "No."

Claude just glared at me, his face contorting into a scowl. "Sorry, but you misunderstood something. I am not asking you to stand down, Chester. I am ordering you."

"I was quite clear that my answer is no. Elliot needs help and I am going to see that he gets it. "

Claude shoved me hard.

I lost my footing and tumbled onto the ground. I glared back at him as I picked myself up, "You want to start something Claude?"

"You actually think you can fight me? I am saying it one more time, I want you to back down."

"You keep saying that but I am going to give you the same answer. I am not going to back down and YOU CAN GO TO HELL!"

"Both of you stop it," a voice interjected. We see Ash sticking her head out of the meeting room's window. Her red hoodie covering her head from the sun. While I couldn't see her face underneath its shadows, I could clearly tell that Ash was pissed more than usual. Ash turned back to the meeting room. "Those two are fighting outside." She looked back to us. "The meeting is going to start, so get your butts up here." She then pulled herself back in and slammed down the window.

Claude and I glared at each other for a minute. No words were spoken between us, but we both understood something as we stared at each other. Neither one of us was going to back down and we were both prepared to fight tooth and nail on it.

Claude and I entered the meeting room. All the Betas were in their seats. I took the open corner seat by Hector. Claude took the one across from me and up to the right, sitting between Tayler and Surge.

At the head of the table, The Alpha sat with Doc. "Now then," the Alpha said, "Since everyone is here, I would like to begin. I'll be blunt, the reason for this meeting is due to a possible new wolf joining the pack. Under normal conditions, I wouldn't call you all here. Claude, can you explain the rest?"

"Yes. ma'am." Claude gave a short bow and stood up. "The werewolf in question is named Elliot RIce, a stray that was found last night and brought to camp. Earlier today, he has attacked another Beta without provocation and has admitted to having no ability to control himself as a wolf. He is too dangerous to have in the Pack, and I am suggesting we just hand him over to the Hunters and be done with him."

"The Hunters? Why them?" Ash asked, "Wouldn't it be wiser to send him to another Pack instead of the Hunters?"

"Normally it would, but Elliot is not a simple wolf. Two things came up during this morning meeting that I wasn't able to attend. First, Elliot was changed by a Pack that was marked for execution by the Hunter's. Second, we have no idea what he did over the past year."

"Hey, it's not like I can recall an entire year either," Hector interjected.

"But this isn't about you. This is about a wolf who is a possible threat to the Pack. Which is why I am saying we just hand him over to the Hunters immediately and be done with him."

It took a lot of willpower not to yell at Claude right now. I couldn't risk being shot down before the objections start.

"Umm, excuse me?" We turned our eyes to Ami, who was raising her hand meekly. "Who was the Beta that got attacked?"

"That would be me," Hector answered waving his injured arm, covered by his sleeves of his sweatshirt. "Nothing too bad really."

"Hector," Claude yelled, "You had to get stitches!"

"Look, I am not going to hold it against Elliot."

"Oh please, the only reason you say that is because you want to fuck him!"

"You might not know this but Elliot made it quite clear he is not attracted to me. I can be supportive of people I don't have a chance with, Claude."

"Like you would be saying the same thing if he was ugly."

Hector shot up from his seat, "Wow, do you actually think my standards are that low that--"

Doc's voice rang out, "I don't care who wants to fuck what, we are getting off-topic!"

"Hey can I ask something next?" All our eyes turn to Surge. "How did we find him?"

"I'll explain," Doc cleared his throat. "We were aware of Elliot about five days ago, I think. Elliot donated some of his plasma at one of the places we are connected to. After noticing that he was a werewolf, they contacted us, saying that he failed to notify the overviewer that he was a werewolf and wanted us to do something about it."

"Unfortunately," the Alpha piped up, "We couldn't find his names in the records. He wasn't affiliated with any of the other Pack we contacted either, thus we figured he was a stray."

"We used the info the donation place had and attempted to have Chester try and look into him. See if Elliot was really a werewolf, a carrier, or just a mistake on their end."

I spoke up, "We attempted to go to the address that Elliot provided at the plasma place, but we actually ran into him at a store on the way there."

Claude glared daggers at me. "So did you even talk to him?"

"There were attempts, but once he nearly punched Dillion, we decided to follow him till he transforms was a better option."

Claude slams his fists down onto the table. "So he was violent before you found him?"

"I didn't say that."

"You just said he nearly punched Dillion!"

"That doesn't mean he is a violent person!"

"Nearly knocking someone out is a violent act!"

I got up from my seat, "Elliot didn't even throw a punch!"

"Silence," Doc yelled, "Both of you sit down now!"

Me and Claude glared at each other one last time before we sat down.

The Alpha cleared her throat, "Now then, since Claude offered his opinion on the matter, is there anyone here who is against it?"

I raised my hand, "I am against the idea."

"Chester," Claude growled.

"Elliot needs our help Alpha. We can't just send him away."

"Elliot is a danger to the pack!"

"He is not!"

"Silence," Doc yelled again. All eyes turned to Doc, "You are Betas, you should both behave as such."

The Alpha grabbed Doc's hand, "Oscar, you don't need to lose it too. But since we have two sides now, we will handle this like we always do: by voting. Claude. Chester. You will debate your views and convince the other Betas that you have the right idea. Before we continue, we must decide how we will handle the voting."

"Open Ballot," Claude answered.

The Alpha turned to me, "Do you agree to an open ballot, Chester?"

"Yes," I answered. I need to make sure these people get on my side or Elliot is a goner.

"Fine then. This will be an open ballot debate. The other Betas are free to vote whenever they feel like it, but they cannot join the debate itself. You cannot change your vote once it has been set. All votes are final."

I scanned the room. All the other Betas sat at attention.

"Now then, since Claude had already put his views up first, the floor belongs to Chester now."

"Thanks," I got up from my chair, making sure everyone saw me. "Elliot needs help. He needs it badly. We can't just abandon him. It's the right thing to do."

Claude laughed. " 'The right thing to do', is that all you got?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Chester, he attacked someone, and the victim is sitting right next to you. Do you really think that he is going to want him to join us?"

"Before you continue, "Hector chimed in, "I am on Chester's side here. Want to make that clear."

"What? But he attacked you."

"Claude, I have been attacked a lot of times, especially by the Alpha and other members of this Pack. Elliot attacking me is nothing new and I don't hold it against him." Thanks, Hector.

"Well then," Tayler raised his hand, "I am on Claude's side. I actually saw the attack and agree with him about Elliot."

It is not like I wasn't expecting Tayler to choose Claude over me. I turned to my side of the table, "I actually talked to Elliot here. I know that he wants to join the Pack."

"I talked to him too, Chester."

"That's not what Hector told me. You left the second Elliot mentioned he can't control his transformations and didn't even come back."

"Because I have a job, Chester, something you don't have. After speaking with the Alpha, I left to go do it."

Doc clapped his hands, "You two are getting off-topic."

I turned to Dillion, who sat at the other end of my table, "Dill, you saw Elliot last night and this morning, surely you can't agree with Claude on it."

"Dillion actually has some common sense, Chester, he would agree with me."

Dillion thumped his fingers on the table. He leaned back and closed his eyes. "Yeah, I am going with Chester on this vote."


"Look, I am not saying I completely agree with Chester here. Elliot is an enigma really. I really don't understand why he was turned into a werewolf in the first place. I am concerned why his wolf form is so different though."

I got confused. "Huh, what are you talking about Dillion?"

"Well it's hard to say. I can't put my finger on it but Elliot is different in some way and I am curious as to what it is?"

"So you're telling me you keep him around for some sick sense of curiosity?" Claude yelled.

"Yep," Dillion said as he leaned back into his chair.

A moment of silence filled the room. "So," Claude spoke up, "Who's next?"

"I am voting for Chester," Milla said raising her hand.

Claude didn't look angry this time. He just took a deep breath. "Care to explain the reasoning?"

"I do not need to do so. Elliot and I are...similar. That is all that I am going to say." Milla crossed her arms across her chest. Showing no interest in continuing her line of thought.

Claude pinched the bridge of his nose, "I can't believe it. Milla, I thought you had more sense than that. It's like I am the only one here with brains ."

Insulting the other Betas is not going to get you votes Claude.

Kamile raised her hand. "Well, then may I speak next?"

"Sure, just vote already."

I couldn't help but feel happy with how defeated Claude sounded right now.

"My vote is for Claude."

What? I stood up in my seat, "Kamile did you just hear what you just said?"

Kamile looked back at me with a pained look. "I did. And like Milla said, I don't want to go into detail about why. Just know I stand with Claude for now."

"Thanks, Kamile," Claude gave a slight bow towards Kamile.

"Umm," All eyes turned to Ami. "I'm sorry but I have to vote for Claude too."

"What the hell, Ami?"

Ami raised her hands to defend herself, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just thought, with the 'Meeting with the Wolves' a few months away. I just thought we won't make it in time. And the Alpha won't be around to--"

"And that's your reason?!"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Hector grabbed me by the shirt sleeve and pulled me down. "Chester, you need to keep calm."

"But Ami--"

"Has made her decision. Making her cry is not going to help. She does have a point about the 'Meeting with the Wolves' though. If Elliot does join right now, we are going to have a much more limited time to get him ready for the event."

"But couldn't he just skip this year?"

"He can but we can't. We are going to be busy during the event and we can't keep an eye on him during it."

"Well, we'll figure something out for him then. We can't let that be the reason to not help him."

"Um, Chester," Serge spoke up next, "Maybe this is something you haven't thought about but can we even help him?"

I straighten myself up, "What do you mean Serge?"

Serge started to poke that pompadour of his. "I mean he is a unique case here. I mean, he is a werewolf that changes at the drop of a hat and is probably close to being Feral for good."

"You take that back!"

"Chester, I am being objective here. We are simply not equipped to handle a case like Elliot. He needs help."

"And we can provide it here!"

"No, we cannot. Chester, there are Packs designed for cases like Elliot's. Wouldn't it be better to send him to one of those Packs instead?

I slammed my fist on the table. "We can help him! He wants to join this Pack! Even if we tell him about other Packs, he won't go to them! Can't you see that?"

Serge got up from his seat, his pompadour doing a jiggling motion. "Chester, you are not hearing me--"

"You're not hearing me! You don't know Elliot!"

"And neither do you, Chester," Claude yelled, "He hasn't been here for an entire day and suddenly you act like you've known him your entire life."

"That's not true!"

"What isn't true? You know him or the fact you are confident of being his mouthpiece for his decision?"

"You didn't see him at all! You didn't see the look of hope in his eyes when we offered to let him join the pack! He's been isolating himself for who knows how long, drawing in despair, too scared to kill himself, and you feel nothing to that?"

"Oh please, now you are making shit up! Did he tell you that? Did he look you in the eyes and said he wants to die to your face? Do you think he would have told you all that just in one day? Face it, Chester, we can't help him!"

"Yes, we can!" I was seeing red. If it wasn't for this table i would have went over there and clobbered him.

"You want to be like that fine! You want the other Betas to vote for you, fine." Claude held up his hand and extended his index finger. "Give me one thing, one thing that Elliot wouldn't get at any other Pack but here and I'll even consider dropping the issue right here!"

"WE have a way to reverse the werewolf process!"


I sat in front of the oven. The smell of cooked pizza dough filled my nose. I really can't believe I went out and got a second pizza. I mean, sure it's is good, but I drove twenty minutes to get it.

I locked my eyes on the pizza. I mean, what did they put in this pizza that makes me want to eat more of it. I didn't have to force it down or anything like with most of the food I had eaten recently. It made me feel whole. Oh god, I feel like I am romanticizing pizza.

I pull out my phone, hoping to distract myself before thoughts of fucking the yeast fills my mind. I opened my text messages and pulled out Chester's log. I sent him some test text messages to see if I got the number right. No response. It looked like he didn't even get a chance to look at them yet. I really shouldn't be surprised really, considering how far away camp is.

I turned my head. "Now that I think about it, I do need to look up that camp."