016 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.08
They felt more sober, like morally, not because there's any less alcohol in their body, when it came to tonight. they got a little swept up in the moment but they remembered something they were told by an old friend years ago. she said they were...
Cottonpuff Sweets
Her moral compass is my own, and through all the dreary days of eternity, this vagrant; this vagabond; this nobody, ghost, and wanderer has only one solace, one comfort: in all the realities i visited, hoping to find a cottonpuff of my own, never did i encounter
Battle on the Ice
Powered forward by his brethren's morale, he landed the decisive blow he had intended. the general fell back, the ice around him shattered as he collapsed. but it did not stop the hoard. retreating was not an option, neither was surrendering.
The Lonely Dragon
Slowly walked up the stairs, her rump shaking lightly from one side to another, almost in an entrancing sort of way as rosus had watched, but soon shook his head, deciding it was wrong to peak at a woman when she wasn't looking, yes, he had some class and morales
The Way the Wind Blows
David thompson was a very strong fox of high moral character but even his mind had been frayed by the horrors of war that he had seen through three tours in iraq.
Binary Genetics, Chapter 1
"so much for morality. then what?" keller patiently continued. "zenge had a theory that it was possible to create an underlying set of dna in humans that could be triggered later.
Old Enemies
Its not like we kheldians are solids, our morals are beyond the understandings of solids. even you reading this must realize that.
Character Reference Sheet for Red
However, the same morals and attitude were what made it easy for him to leave the life behind, and to enlist in the air force. smart, despite his appearance suggesting otherwise. good at reading people, and understanding their emotions.
Nina's Character Reference Sheet
Strong sense of justice and moral right and wrong. likes/habits: loves classic cars, and similar classic machines. strong sense of nostalgia for bygone ages, loves collecting 'classic' objects - including her own jukebox.
The Elohim, Myth and Reality
When the "war in heaven" took place, it was caused by humans, who felt that they had some inherent right to dictate their morality to us, and who felt that they had some inherent right to commit genocide against my entire race because of our refusal
046 - The Fool pt.06
Well never underestimate someone as morally bankrupt as a landlord to make room for rent. but thankfully this narrow passageway leads to the basement, without a shadow of a doubt the largest room in the entire place.
A Saturday Night In 1924
"she resents the flaunting of her laws and moral code." his stance took on a self-righteous contour. "you ask me, this whole neighborhood is going down the john. i take it you've heard about the hullabaloo over at the desert rain burlesque?"