Buddy Fight: Fighting Magic [Chapter 1] Enter New Territory
She asked herself as he pulled out her map that came with her dorm key and papers. according to the map all dorms were located within the eastern district, just across from the main school buildings.
Rhysoning With One's Heart- Chapter 2- The Road to Recovery is Always Harsh
He looked towards the map and removed a red pot and put a black dot in its place. looking closer i noticed that there were about three black dots on the map. "what you saw, was not something that you should have.
Blue Titan Chronicles - Interlude
His jade eyes scanned over the dried map long and hard as he tried to search for the truth for which only the subtle whisper within his mind knew the answer to.
(no title yet)
I looked down at my school map that i uh.. "liberated" from the pocket of a unsuspecting student that i passed by on the way here. grinning cheekily, i pulled it out 'let's see here..'
Invane: WuterBreak
As he went on explaining about it, i took one look upon the map drawn in front of me then spoke immediately afterwards, "its a parking lot map. there is something labeled as an 'x' at the other end of the lot."
Olevion Chpt 3 - Lyra and Saethus
A large map of the realm sprawled over the table in the center. along with the map were copious notes of temple locations across the glimmering coast, a small town to the north circled.
Havana or Hell, part three
When i looked down again, the map too had changed. it was still a hex-map with playing pieces scattered across it, but i couldn't identify what pieces were mine any more. i knew i was searching for something i had lost, but couldn't remember what.
Daemon - Chapter 14 (The Dark Forest)
Malnark said as he approached pulling out the map. "according to the map it should be..." "in that direction." i said pointing. "well... yes. how did you know?" "i sensed demonic taint from there." "so the curi'nakra was most definitely there."
Molo's Slimy Encounter
The city was dark as if no one was living in it, "whoa... that's not on my map..." the yoshi muttered as he pulled a map out his shell and held it out in front of him, in the spot where the city was it only showed a road. "well... this is odd..."
Chatting with his Ex (Ratchet & Clank fic)
"though we don't know for sure that this map will lead to the dimension your dad and angela escaped to. it might just tell us where the lombaxes from rivet's dimension went." "who knows?" rivet shrugged.
Middle of Nowhere
"oh yes, could you fit it on a map?" azul asked her, in a defiant tone. "wait a minute, you don't mind." ellen accepted the challenge. **_and quickly, she returns with a plan, which she spreads on the kitchen's table._** "just here."
Walmart Digi-Blast : undercover and the meeting
"thats the map of the digital world . as you can see we marked four places that we think ophanimon and seraphimon are hiding out in." "why would they be hiding ?"