Chapter 2-Seize The Day
Are you mad at me?" "now why would i be mad at you? i want you to be happy and live a happy life; it does not matter to me what gender you chasing after. i want to live a better life then i have had so far."
The voice of reason - Ch 8 - Confess...
You got all the right to be mad at us for what we did...' 'i'm not mad at you guys, i'm just.... i don't know...' 'oh...' 'i eh.... it's best that i go now. i got some stuff to think over and let everything sink in...' 'i understand...'
Paraskepite- Epilog
The city officials were more than happy to keep the mad cow disease story as the cover for the truth.
The Teacher
Lego cried out realizing that it was not valen who had gone mad but madness itself.
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 6
"what did you do to get coach mad like that?" "honestly, i can't remember what i did to get a person that mad." to think about getting pounded from a gorilla would not trigger some 'life flashed before my eyes' moment, it would have helped.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 5
His father was mad at him for pointing out his inaction? mad at him for suggesting he actually _do_ something?
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 44
They've all gone mad!" _how quickly you forget that you were one of them just hours ago_, nilia thought, looking down at the base of the fire to see what the hell they were burning.
Maybe he's mad that i confronted him about the crush thing! maybe he's mad that i beat him at his own game in front of so many people! maybe he's mad that i keep confronting him about things! i can't fuckin' _tell_ with this boy!"
Eric Talon: Bodyguard
"are," he said with difficulty, "you mad?" "yes," eric chuckled madly, "i may be. but listen to this."
Experimentations (A Lesson in Beginnings) Prologue
So this is the first part of my multi part series called "experimentations" it will follow the saga of touma and what happens when fate puts him together with a mad fox sciencetist. just the prologue.
Tale of Tails Prologue
The boy couldn't understand why they were mad at him, why were they so mad. there is a lurch as the man suddenly stopped.
They seemed pretty mad, too." he looked at the ground and a tear fell from his eye. "it's ok, jake." she put his arm around him. "they can't stay mad at you forever." the bus had been running later than usual.