The Invitation (A gratuitous self insert)
My little pony belongs to hasbro. the awkward earth pony is my doing. the earth pony java tales was sitting at his favourite cafe in canterlot, staring at a blank scroll.
The Passing Of A Hero
((heres the picture that made me think of this)) []( ((im sorry its such a dark little story, i just couldnt pass up the opportunity to post it
My Little Dashie Epilogue
I'm probably a little late to the party on this one, but i was inspired to write a little something to compliment one of the most powerful pieces of fan fiction i've ever read.original story by robcakeran53.
Healing for a Spell
#2 of my little pony twilight makes a mistake with a new spell, winds up in korea with a broken leg and a hurt head.
Equestria Connection 1.0
Will unban you after our little meeting with the princess \<3 message by faithfulservant the end ?
Dragon... shy? 5
Nach einem warmen, vegetarischen Essen, gingen Fluttershy; ein Ponymädchen mit gelben Fell und pinke Frisur und gleichfarbigen Schweif; und Kevin; ein weißgeschuppter Drachenjunge mit blonden, stacheligen Haaren; den Weg durch die Straßen der Stadt...
Wrong Kind of Marks
She knew neither of them would find that idea appealing, and wanted to remain a 'sweet little angel' in the gentle pegasus' eyes.
Having little knowledge of the world and even myself, i did what any nameless vagabond would have done. i wandered. i felt no sense of danger from the many beasts that plagued the world.
battle of the fandoms chapture 5
one day in ponyvile pinky was talking to twilight about rainbow dash and stuff did as she ignore her she try to talk to rainbow dash but make her hit a mountain comment said she tries to tell her about it as ed pops out with a trombone and plays it....
Antecedent 4
#4 of antecedent raindrop grumbled as she adjusted her pack with her good hoof, her wings giving an irritated little flick. she was definitely not used to having walk everywhere.
My First Party - Chapter 1: Memories
"_when i was a little filly and the sun was going doooown~_" she sang, pulling the curtains fully closed for effect. pinkie stared for a moment, before gasping. "d-dashie!" rainbow suddenly zipped next to her.
Changeling Heart: Dinner Night
"since you gave me something i thought i lost forever, i thought i treat you to a little dinner." "this looks more then just a little to me," i answered her walking over and sitting on the other side of the table as she smiled slightly.