A Werewolf in Lewisham - 2, Who Let The Dogs Out?
And, as these three knuckle-scrapers were about to find out, i was a lot tougher than i ought to be for my build. army training helped, too.
Drifting off to shell
His hands slightly grew in size as his knuckles popped and grew, arms thickening a little as the scales spread further up his arm and even strain his shirt as his mass in general was growing.
Madkat Chance, Part 2 [COM/STORY]
Right after stretching and cracking his knuckles, madkat grabbed the heavy vault door with both hands, and making use of his incredible strength, he ripped it straight from the wall.
Astral High - Chapter 30
I noticed seth pop his knuckles and grimace a little. i figured he must be a little jealous of titus, so i kissed him on the cheek as he lightly grabbed my hips and moved me to his left, on the opposite side of him from titus.
Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 3)
He leaned forwards, cracking his knuckles, and there was a fierce energy in his eyes. "there we go. i was getting tired of having to play the mystic sage bullshit." saccularius snapped his fingers in rapid succession, and many things happened.
The Moon and the Star: Chapter One
Gabriel said bowing and then kissing her knuckle lightly. drake had to hold back a growl as he watched his prince kiss her paw, she was his mate.
Chapter 1: It Begins
knuckles had then proposed a fight between the two hedgehogs; a sort of super standoff to see who was the better fighter, and in turn, the better guardian.
1/365 - First Encounter.
I knew my knuckles were also sore, but i found it so difficult pulling away from him. i liked the way i straddled his chest. and pounded his face to mash. they said it took four other seniors to get me off him. i was surprised i didn't get in trouble.
Bloodwhisker: Chapter 1 ~A New beggining~
Tao crackled the knuckles of each paw, before chuckling and joking,"ooooo, i feel all warm and fuzzy inside, now that you're sending me back home...as brief as it may be."
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 22
Nilia continued her thousand yard stare while mateo paced back and forth, banging his knuckles against his forehead. "i just can't get over how stupid you are! the both of you! i mean, what were you thinking!?"
The Same Old Routine
Breathing pridefully on the back of his knuckles, he wipes them on his leather jacket and smiles as he exits the apartment building, heading for the first place to pick up a good meal (or female) around here.
Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 9
The nails on the first two fingers of her right hand were cleanly torn off, her fur tacky with blood all the way down to the knuckles. even worse were the clumps of dirt stuck inside the wounds, fused together with the coagulated blood.